Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 498: small world

Dole was still wondering why these people didn't use the wizard tower to fly in the air, but soon thought that there are too many storms in the sea. If you use the wizard tower to fly in the sky, you are prone to strong winds and lightning strikes. It is better to fall on the sea. It moves like a boat.

   Duola stood on the surface of the water, surrounded by thin transparent blisters, which seemed to be transparent.

   He watched the big ships drive into the sea without any movement, but looked in other directions.

   In the sea at this time, there were dozens of huge huge wheels, but these huge wheels, flying in one direction, felt like going to war, and there was a tense atmosphere in the air.

Dole observed the direction of these ships, and mental energy slowly emerged from his body, forming a small vortex in the sky. If you look closely at the elements of these vortices, they are indeed small crystals. These crystals If you look closely, it looks like an eye.

   The Eye of the Storm.

   After the eyes were formed, Dolly had a source of vision.

The world seems to be divided into three parts at this time, one is the material part, which is what Dolay can see with the naked eye, the second part is the element part, and the composition of the elements in the air can be seen clearly, and the third part , It is the spiritual part. Dolai can obviously see the magical flow of the spiritual power formed by the wizards on the great wheel in the distance, and the spiritual fluctuations of the creatures under the sea.

This is the special feature of the eye of the storm. Another nickname of the eye of the storm is called the little real eye, which means that under the observation of the eye of the storm, everything is invisible, and the effect of the real eye is only inferior. A law follows.

The eye of the storm was formed. Dolay observed it, and he saw a place different from the surroundings in the extreme distance, where there was a colorful light curtain, it seemed that he was squeezing out from another world and was approaching this world. .

   The ruins are actually in a small independent world.

   But the distance was too far, Duola couldn't see clearly, he slowly retracted the eye of the storm.

   At this time, two figures flashed around him, Ash, wearing a blue wizard robe, appeared on the left, and Baal, who was transformed into a humanoid man, appeared on the right.

   Barr glanced around, looking in the distance, his gaze was a little surprised, "It's actually in a small space, this eighth-level wizard is quite powerful."

   Ai Xi blinked her eyes, she wanted to ask, what is a small space?

With a solemn gaze, Duo Lai nodded slightly, and said, "Is it an eighth-level wizard, he touched the edge of the law, it is not difficult to understand a little space rule, but he doesn't know whether it is a small natural space or he built it himself. He built it himself, so it’s terrifying. It’s not something ordinary people can get inside."

  Barr turned his head, his eyes were really surprised, can Dolai see it too?

Dole did not explain, but bowed his head and said, "Should we pass now, or wait for them to go in? This ruin is not easy, who knows what is inside, if it is a biological wizard, how many will go in and how many will have to die? indivual."

Barr thought for a while, and said, "It is estimated that there have been people waiting in that place. Before we passed, there were already people who went in. It is actually the same to go in early and go in late. The biggest difficulty now lies in what kind of space is inside. Uncertain, small space, rules are missing or damaged, I don’t know which rules will be missing?"

Dolai looked at the blue waves on the sea, frowned, and said, "If this is the case, then you can only take one step at a time. Anyway, there are many people and follow others. We pretend that we can’t let people guess it. US."

   Ai hoped Duolai, his expression a little nervous, as if it was the first time I saw him.

   Duola glanced at Ashe, and said in his heart, this is the one who has never been out. As a member of a large family, under normal circumstances, in addition to the necessary disguise, under normal circumstances, they should be upright and never sneaky. This violates the identity of a human noble.

   He frowned and said, "Don't ask more, just do it."

   Ai Xi said oh, not talking, standing on the side obediently.

   Barr saw this and he smiled. These two people, their status determines their horizons, but if they can be together, they will definitely grow into the top talents of the human race in the future. With Duolai's heart, they will definitely be a kingly talent in the future.

  Aish grew up in a nobleman, and she must have more education in the royal way, but compared with Dolay, there is still some deficiency. The two people cooperate, one is outside, the other is inside, and it is not a problem to rule a territory.

   This thought was just a thought in his heart. It looked forward and said, "Then let's go, no one should think that the three of us are the two of you. The breath-reducing equipment is refined, so quickly put it on."

   Ai Xi's face changed a bit and it looked bad. What Baer said was a dog-chain-like thing, and it was like a dog on a leash. It was produced by Duo Lai, but the styling was a bad taste of Lord Baer.

   Unwillingly, she pulled a big gold chain out of her pocket, put it around her neck, and then tucked it into her clothes so that no one could see it.

   Duolai smiled embarrassedly, he just practiced casually to try the effect.

Hanging a big golden chain around his neck, Dole hides his effect, and then his body shape keeps changing, his face becomes a middle-aged person, his face is square, his body is serious, and he looks meticulous, which is easy to associate. To an otaku who sits in the laboratory all year round.

   And Ashe changed slightly at this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's just that she got older, with a vicissitudes of life on her face, and she can still see the young girl's youthfulness.

   Barr waved his hand vigorously at this time, like a middle-aged and second-year young man.

Set off.

   The three of them dived into the sea immediately, wrapped in the breath of Duo Lai, and blended into the endless ocean.


   Above the sea, one hundred thousand hectares of blue waves are surging, and at a glance, there is endless blue in the sea. Under the sun, there is a fine light. There is only a breeze on the sea, and the face of the person blowing on it is slightly cool.

   The azure blue waves undulated, and several huge ships were advancing steadily like Mount Tai.

   After aware of the location, Duo Lai did not follow the giant wheel, but went directly in a circle and went from the side.

   These huge wheels look majestic, and the energy response on them is huge enough, but they are slower.

  As soon as they entered the sea, various beasts arose. They stood on the huge wheel to prevent being attacked by various beasts. Even so, from time to time, some wizards threw witchcraft under the sea to repel each beast.

   In the sea, after all, it is the territory of Warcraft.

   The three of Dolai are different. They are small in size and have a hidden aura.

   The team is short and sturdy, which has this advantage.

   About half a day passed, it looked very close, but it was actually very far, and finally approached the ruins.

As Barr said, there are indeed people everywhere here. There are more than a dozen organizations on the sea, on the sea, and under the sea. This relic has been spotted for a long time, and it is not surprising that Duolay, except for winning. In addition to the people of the country, there are people from other empires, from the Lai country, from the Peng country, and everything, all with masters.


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