Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 501: biology

   "The monsters of my human race dare to get involved." An anger sounded from the void, and a cold light shot out from a huge wheel. The monster in the middle shot into the air, suddenly stiffened, and suddenly exploded into pieces.

   Those large forces finally started to move.

The monster was killed, and the monsters on all sides suddenly became angry. Under the sea, powerful magic abilities exploded. For a while, the surrounding heaven and earth began to mess up, as if it had opened the horn of attack. On the sea, the waves were turbulent. The spells of the water system came surging in the direction of the colorful rays of light.

In the sky, violent winds, huge waves, and water droplets came like a scene of a doomsday storm. They seemed to have been organized. Hundreds and thousands of ways came together, as if the sea suddenly exploded and natural disasters came. The world is terrible.

   And at this time, in the direction of Human Race, everyone rushed towards the light gate, for fear that they would slow down and be overtaken by various magic behind them.

At this time, those large forces have not yet fully entered. Several forces suddenly burst out with a strong magical light, covering their entire forces. At the same time, several red, cyan, and white energies erupted from the camp. Coming out, the mighty waves, raindrops, and gusts of wind.

   On the originally calm sea, turbulent torrents burst out from all directions, and then quickly approached, as if two giant dragons leaped from the sea and rushed to the opposite side.

Witchcraft comparable to level 8 and above crashed into the sea. Various rapids and broken ice shot out on the sea, making a shocking sound. The sea blasted and fell, making a rumbling sound, passing to in all directions.

   At the same time, the monster race in the sea pounced from all directions.

   Duolai and Ashe, as well as Baal had already climbed to the sky at this time, and the surface of the sea was too dangerous at this time. Baer's figure flashed, and he led the two of them to the gate in the sky, very fast.

   The streamer they turned into shattered all the way, I don't know how many witchcraft, and directly sank into the gate.

   They are just a small episode, no one noticed at all.


A white light flashed in front of him, and what appeared in front of him was already another world, with a piece of ground under his feet, surrounded by green grass, which looked like a forest. At this moment, his heart was slightly startled, because around him, There is no other person at all, only himself?

   Random portal?

   This is amazing. This eighth-level wizard, I am afraid that it is not only eighth. It is very good to be able to make this kind of random teleportation formation for each living body.

  He wasn't worried, because he could sense the equipment made for Baal and Ashe. At this time, he looked around and began to sense.

His location is completely in the forest. The ground under his feet is wet and cold. There are tall trees on all sides. The sunlight above his head can't get in at all. The forest is a little gloomy. dark.

   At this time, he was a little strange, because he couldn't sense other people at all.

   There is a problem in this world.

   He thought for a while, the surrounding magic lines surging, forming waves of water ripples, and then the whole person quickly disappeared.

Dolai slowly ascended to the sky and noticed the other characteristics of this world. He found that, except for not being able to sense other people, the rules of the world are basically the same as those of the outside world. There are all major elements such as earth, fire, wind and water, and gravity is also at a normal level. , The surrounding plants are lush, obviously a normal world.

   Coming out of the woods, Duo Lai quietly sensed the surroundings, and did not find too many other lives, not even some small insects.

Not many When he flew into the sky, he found that there were a lot of sky creatures, the smallest palm-sized birds, huge eagles, eagles, and some more powerful creatures of larger size, slowly and leisurely. Flying in the sky.

   Do the owners here like birds, but even if they like birds, they should at least create a perfect biological chain for them, otherwise these birds will starve to death sooner or later.

However, as Duolai flew higher and higher, he soon discovered that many trees here are mutated. On the top of the tree crown, there are many huge bud-like things that release a lot of fragrance, which seems to be OK. Something to eat.

   Duola looked at it for a moment. He took a closer look at the trees below. They were just ordinary trees. How did this come out, good guy, is this eighth-level wizard a biological wizard?

As he flew higher and higher and looked at the ground wider and wider, he realized that his position was on the edge of a huge forest. There was a hill on the left and a forest on the right. The woods were very large and the hills were not there. Small, undulating, extending into the distant mountains.

   The sky is full of birds, and these birds are not harmonious. They are occasionally fighting. The big one eats the small one, and the small one eats the smaller. There is a fierce competition between each other.

   But these creatures seem to be powerful, but they rely on the flesh to fight. They rarely use witchcraft or grudges?

   This world is a bit weird.

Dole tested it, he can absorb the elements in the air normally, there is no problem of not being able to absorb it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then the problem comes, these creatures can't use energy, what is the reason, is it a natural condition? ?

   There are hills and mountains on the right, and plains on the left, but no buildings are seen. Duola estimated that he was not flying high enough, so he continued to fly up.

   Soon, his height surpassed the height of the mountains in the distance, and he saw the scene farther away.

   On the other side of the mountain, there is a huge city, but it looks a bit dilapidated.

   He was energetic, his figure flashed, and he flew away.

   While flying, he watched the surroundings, shot from time to time, grabbed some birds, and locked them in the wizard tower. He was going to study these things and see what happened.

   The creatures he grabbed were very radiant. At a distance of more than a hundred kilometers, he grabbed almost a hundred creatures and put them in the detention room on the first floor.

However, he quickly discovered that although these creatures cannot use energy, their own strength is not very strong, but their own matrix is ​​indeed very powerful. Ordinary creatures can reach the level of three with only their flesh, skin, bones, The intensity contained in the blood is very high.

   After taking a general observation, Duo Lai has determined that this upwind wizard should be turned into a biological wizard in the later stage. This world is probably not as simple as imagined.

   Leaping over the mountain, Duolai didn't find any powerful creatures. The highest level was just a fourth-level skylark. With a wave of his hand, he could sift the opponent into a sieve.

After spending less than an hour, he was already standing on the top of the mountain, and the city in the distance was in sight. At this time, he found that besides himself, several people had already rushed towards the city. At the same time, he also saw Many monsters are hunting birds and beasts everywhere, and seem to like the blood food here.

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