Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 502: City hall

   Duolai didn't care about these things. He looked in other directions and carefully sensed everything around him. He always feels that this world is not simple, it seems that there are more things that their world does not have, that's why this situation is caused.

   And the city can be seen here, indicating that there were people in the past, but now the city is ruined, obviously the people here are no longer there, only the empty city is left.

   If an old man with the upper hand has inheritance, then the huge city is most likely. If there is no inheritance, there may be something he is interested in in that city.

   Duola thought for a while, and flew into the city in a straight line.

   While he was flying, he looked around to see if he could find Lord Baal and Ashe. The world is too weird, Lord Baal, forget about it, he was afraid that Ashe would suffer.

   But it doesn't matter anymore.

At this moment, a skylark slammed into it from a distance. Behind him, a sea clan flew from far in the sky on a huge wave. It was a ferocious crab, very big. only. He spit out a series of bubbles, encircling the skylark from all directions.

The size of the skylark is not small, the wingspan is as large as five meters, this size is also very large in their world, it can be said that 100% will become a beast, but in this world, it is only a powerful body. , Nothing more.

Seeing this, Duola came out of his invisibility, and with a wave of his hand, a huge transparent wind blade flew out in front of him, just in front of the skylark, splitting the skylark in half, and the huge blade swept across it. Together with the crab behind it is also divided into two halves.

   Skylark did not expect that, the Crab did not even think that someone would be here. After being divided into two halves, the Crab, as a beast, remained immortal with strong vitality, and wanted to struggle to unite himself.

   Duo Lai stretched out his hand at this time and waved his magic hand, spanning a distance of several hundred meters, grabbed the two corpses together, and threw them into the wizard tower.

   The carapace of this kind of crab is made into armor, but it can sell a lot of money. He is short of money now.

   Duolai had just killed a crab here, and soon he felt the malice passed from all directions, but at this time, he had already speeded up and flew into the city.

He had already thought that coming into this world is random, so there must be someone who has been passed around here, whether it is a monster or a human race, now basically all of them need to be vigilant, and they cannot be lost just because they are of the same race. The heart of precaution.

   entered the invisible state again, and Duola fell into shape and flew towards the city gate.

  Why landed at the gate of the city, because he had already discovered that no matter which side, monsters, humans, or creatures of this world, there is no creature above the city, there must be weirdness on it.

   So, he quickly landed at the gate of the city.

At this time, the gate of the city was a bit lively. In Dulai’s perception, huge or weak blood was hidden in the surrounding woods. There was no movement, but they stared at the gate of the city without exception, whoever they were watching. Go in first.

   Is there danger in the city? Doray glanced at his mental strength for a while, not feeling any danger, and then quietly touched the city gate.

  His speed is not slow, on the contrary, it takes less than ten seconds to land, check, and enter.

   Just when he came to the door, a ray of light suddenly shot out on the city gate, hitting his invisible place.

   This speed is very fast, so Dolly can't react, he was shot for an instant, and then the invisible body was directly shot out and revealed.

   He was exposed.

   At the same time, he panicked, fearing that the light would have any other effects, and hurriedly opened various defenses and walked spirally at the door.

   But at this time, there was no more movement on the head of the city, it seemed that it was just to break his invisibility, and there was no more situation afterwards.

   Duolai felt relieved when he saw this, and he was shocked. In fact, he didn't feel the maliciousness of the white light, otherwise he would have slipped away. The white light should be a form of witchcraft.

   Seeing that he was okay, he rushed towards the city with a stride.

   At this time, outside the city gate, among the hidden crowd, many people looked at each other?

   There was a demon who wanted to go in just now, wasn't he killed by the white light? There is no scum left, why is it okay for that human race to go in?

   They suddenly thought that the ruins here belonged to the human race. Obviously, that white light was only for demons.

   Thinking of this, a group of people suddenly walked out from behind the tree and ran towards the gate.

But the monsters hiding in all directions became angry, sending out their most powerful forces, attacking the city gate, and for a time, they blew up dozens of giant wolves, water knives, ice arrows, and various mimics of fierce giants. The beast rushed towards the human race at the door.

   "What we can't get, don't even think of your human race. Kill these weak human races."


   Magic fluctuations, vindictive fluctuations erupted instantly, and the city gate suddenly became chaotic.

   A part of the witchcraft hit the wall, and there was only a little splash on the wall, without any scars.


   Duola felt the situation behind him, and shook his head slightly, ignoring them, but turning around in the city freely.

This Terran city is very different from the Terran cities outside. Although the city has been destroyed, some of the various buildings and halls have completely collapsed, and there is only one ruin left on the spot, and part of it is full of years of wind and frost, but from the building In terms of style, he did not belong to any city he had ever seen.

   The middle avenue ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The small roads around it are now covered with plants of various colors, moss is crawling in every shadow, and a variety of rotten smells are coming from all directions.

Although the street is very dilapidated, it is clean and tidy. It is not messy. Obviously, the people in it walked by themselves, and he took away everything that could be taken before leaving. He swept it mentally. , There is almost nothing valuable in it.

   This is a dead city, Duola is somewhat depressed.

   On the streets, on both sides, in the corners of the corners, at this time, one by one powerful vitality broke out of the ground, forming various obstacles on the road, and trees covering the sky, giving the city some gloomy atmosphere.

   Duolai walked very fast inside, because he noticed that someone had come in at the door, and the speed was not slow.

   He turned into a romantic flow and headed towards the center of the city. I saw from the outside just now that there is a slightly glorious hall in the center of the city. I don't know if there is anything worth seeing.

   After passing through the dilapidated city, he quickly came to the hall in the middle. At the same time, several figures also came around the hall, watching the situation inside vigilantly.

The main hall is huge, it occupies almost a quarter of the city. From the outside, you can only see the ventilation holes, but you can’t see the inside. When scanning away with mental power, it is blocked by a layer of power. Obviously, it can't be probed. If you want to get the contents inside, you must go in.

   While Duolai was thinking, a figure had already rushed towards the door of the gate, without any hindrance, the figure entered directly.

   Seeing this, the others knew that the gate was not dangerous, and they were rushing towards the gate. At the same time, a figure issued three or four fire snake-like witchcraft, rushing in all directions to block other people from entering.


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