Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 503: Shimen

   "Boss ghost, who do you want to stop?"

One of the figures was furious, and then with a wave, a ball of pure energy instantly smashed into one of the little snakes. The energy exploded at the moment of contact, instantly destroying the little snake. With a wave of his sleeve, his body shape seemed to flash. Burst towards the door.

And the old man called the ghost shark had already come to the door at this time. He landed on the ground, moved with his feet, and rushed out four or five small snakes. These small snakes were more tyrannical than before. As soon as he appeared, the surrounding The temperature soared suddenly, and the anger rose.

   "Then I will be faster than you." After the old man of Guiyu released the fire snake, he ignored the back and rushed directly into it and disappeared.

   The fire snake was released from the door, and immediately disrupted the position of the people behind. After a while, a group of people rushed in cursingly.

   Duola followed the crowd and rushed in.

   As soon as he entered the hall, Duolai's eyes lit up, an extremely bright light hit his face, and he couldn't see anything.

   Duolai's face changed, and his figure turned into a stream of water and disappeared in place.

   Just after he left, the bright light hit the ground, and there was a sudden explosion with great power.

Duola didn’t know who made it. The aura inside is more complicated, and the line of sight is chaotic. Everyone is running inside. It’s not easy to tell, but judging from the aura of magic, it should be the witchcraft of the light system. People.

   He held back his anger, glanced in all directions, then turned into a romantic and disappeared at the door.

   At this time, he saw that all the wizard formations in the hall were working normally. Except for the passage, there were waves of powerful energy fluctuations in other places.

In the main hall, at this moment, I can see that it is divided into several floors. Each floor has rooms of different sizes. Some doors are open and some doors are closed. At this time, those people are inside. With a fierce attack on the door of the closed room, waves of witchcraft of different high and low levels were generated in every corner of the hall. The highest level was as high as level 6, and the lowest level was also level 4.

   After hiding his position, he did not destroy the palace like those people. Instead, he observed carefully, the eye of the storm opened, and he carefully scanned the surrounding wizard formations.

   The structure of the palace cannot be changed, but I can’t see any tricks in it. The wizard formation is the key. As long as these wizard formations can be cleared, the place is important, and it is not clear that the place is not important.

   He knew that he could think of doing this, so others would definitely think of doing it too. Before he found Ash and Baal, he could only take care of himself.

Witchcraft has many excellent methods to detect the flow of energy in all directions. The simplest is the Wizard’s Eye, which can see the magic flow around it, magic elements, etc., which cannot be seen by ordinary vision, but the Wizard’s Eye, after all It's just ordinary witchcraft, and it doesn't go deep into the bottom of the world.

The Eye of the Storm observes the world with the eye of the elements. It is divided into three levels. After being strong, you can even see the fourth level of the world, the rule level. However, it is clear that Duo Lai cannot observe, even He just learned the Eye of the Storm not long ago.

   The eye of the storm opened, matched her mental power, plus the eye of the wizard, and released the three methods together, only to see the general situation around her.

   This palace is really different. Outside all walls, there is a shielded energy cover. This alone is enough for everyone to drink a pot, and most people can't see through it.

   With all his three methods, he can detect the flow of magical power under the wall. He can detect the magical formation and the magic pattern used, and he can't see it at all.

   But just being able to sense the flow of energy, Duo Lai is already very happy, at least he knows that the energy flow in that room is strong, and the energy flow in that room is weak.

   While observing, he changed positions while trying not to conflict with other people, starting from the first floor and slowly coming to the fourth floor.

There are five floors in total here. Where is the highest level? At this time, there are several powerful masters who are unbridledly unleashing their powerful powers. They attacked the room at the door. Several auras were very powerful. Duola felt it from above. It was even comparable to a powerful wizard like Allen.

   Duolai didn't want to be boring, so he took the second place and came to the fifth floor.

On the fifth floor, there are also three people sitting at the door of the room, fighting hard, one is using wind witchcraft, the wind elements are like filaments, the energy is compressed to the extreme, and the stone wall of the gate is madly cut back and forth. It was with flames, the flames that had turned into white rays hit the gate, and the energy levels were very high.

   But Dolai observed the energy movement under the wall, there was not much magic circle inside, there should be nothing good.

   The magic circle on the stone wall was very powerful. For a while, including the sixth floor, basically no one opened the door.

   At this moment, in the second floor below, there was a burst of cheers, and someone opened them.

   "Haha, the door is open, baby I'm here."

   Everyone became nervous and stepped up their offensives and attacked the gates, but fortunately, these gates hardly had any counter-attack formations, allowing them to attack.

   But then, a funny scene appeared. After the man entered, he quickly came out and cursed loudly.

   "Shit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is nothing, it's empty inside."

   But as soon as his voice fell, another room was opened. After the man rushed in, he immediately cheered.

   "I have made a fortune, and I have materials."

   "I got rich."

   The people around suddenly became even more silent, but they became nervous in their hearts.

   It seems that some of these rooms have things in them, and some rooms have nothing. It depends on luck. Some people suddenly look strange, and look at other people around them with a little unkind look.

   The fifth floor where Duolai was located was also, and several of them looked at him with a hint of killing intent.


Standing at the door, Duo Lai did not rush to attack, but carefully observed the door. The Eye of the Storm quietly unfolded, and all other detection methods were taken out. There was also a small mirror in his hand, on the small mirror. The light flashed, shining on the stone wall toward the gate.

   He wants to use the most labor-saving way to break the door switch.

   He soon discovered that in the middle and lower positions of the door, near the wall, around the door, the magic circle on the first-level wall formed a lock shape here, connecting all the energy.

   He couldn't see the magic circle, only the flow of magic, and suddenly thought that this might be the place to put the key.

   After thinking about it, he decided to attack here.

Putting the mirror down, he just thought for a moment. In the sea of ​​consciousness, the storm element slowly turned, and the force was released from his body, forming a circle of wind currents around him, and these wind currents revolved around him, and soon formed a line. Dao's white, cyan wind blade, the wind blade revolves around him, accelerating circularly, changing from slow to faster, and then accelerating, forming a small whirlwind around him.


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