Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 523: Sky Thunder Will

  Destroy? What is destruction, destruction is destruction?

   Obviously, it’s not like this. Destruction is one of the great laws, the supreme law, and one of the several powerful laws that make up the world, and destruction is only one of the rules under the law of destruction.

   Duolai has read related books and doesn't know much, but he understands that this kind of thing is not currently in his grasp, but as long as his mind can simulate this process.

   He stretched out his hand a little, and a thunder light jumped out of his hand and hit a phantom composed of rays of light. The phantom suddenly shattered, like little stars, split into dozens of small rays, and quickly dissipated.

   Duolai was not satisfied.

   He aroused the magic circle, re-formed the void, then adjusted his mentality, and after a long time of brewing, he shot out a beam of lightning again.

   The void shattered again, this time it was directly penetrated, and the void was not shattered.

   Duola thoughtfully.

Thunder and lightning, with the most powerful penetrating power, destructive power, with powerful attributes such as burning, penetrating, destruction, etc., the thunder and lightning condensed by one's mental power does not carry all of them, but prefers a certain kind. It depends on the moment of thinking when condensing witchcraft, and what is built on the witchcraft model, so the effect of each lightning is different.

  If you want to achieve the effect you want, it is estimated that you need many practice, adjust the witchcraft model, and adjust the mental power at that moment.

   Duola thought of this, so he practiced tirelessly.

   At this moment, a thin layer of ice suddenly appeared on the wall of the laboratory, and the creaking sound of ice condensing, alarmed Dolai.

   He glanced at the ice cube, and his heart moved.

With a trembling of his wrist, a beam of lightning hits the ice layer, flashing by one thousandth of a second, and the ice layer instantly splits, exposing the wooden structure below. At the same time, even the idea of ​​the water molecule layer under the wooden structure is attached. It was also instantly shattered by the lightning, and the wood was no longer frozen.

   Duolai saw this, and his heart moved, and his thoughts fell on Ashe.

   Using lightning to expel the ice made by Ashe is equivalent to expelling the true meaning of ice formed by the power of her bloodline. This is also a blow to her.

   In the laboratory, Ashe shook her whole body, and then a peculiar mental attribute radiated from her body, a thought of not admitting defeat slowly rose, and even cooler thoughts came out of the room.

   Duolai saw this, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. This young lady, she must be very stubborn.

   He thought for a while, and gently moved the magic circle to seal the entire laboratory.

   Although the Wizard Tower is empty, there is himself and Baal at the top, and Dolai doesn't want to be affected by her.

   Cold Ice Dao is not his Dao, his Dao is pure thunder path, wind path, water path condensed into the power of storm, cold ice is not suitable for his path.

  The power of the storm is the most extreme wind, the most extreme water, the most extreme thunder in nature, and the thunder light in a natural storm is the real sky thunder.

   Rumbled, a light of thunder flashed across Duola's sea of ​​consciousness, and the thunder's meaning seemed to be more refined.

   After figuring out what path he was going to take, his mental power seemed to be purer.

   The storm is still a storm, the speed has not increased, the scale has not expanded, but the storm full of meaning is more intense.

   I don't know how long it has passed, Duo Lai opened his eyes, and the thunder pattern in his eyes flashed and disappeared. He glanced at the next door with mental energy.

   Ashe was still slowly improving her bloodline abilities, and she had nothing to do with her, so her figure suddenly disappeared from where she was.

   When it comes to the improvement of spiritual will, the magic is the biggest expert. He thinks that if he wants to stand out in this regard, it is most appropriate to grab a few monsters and come back.


   Outside the mountain range, the black air wandered quietly in the sky. They couldn't see the figure, they could only get it through mental induction.

   People who come from all directions, all of them will be troubled by the demons. The strong will drive away and eliminate these demons, but those who are barely strong will become the food of the demons.

  With the mountain as the center, within a radius of more than 100 kilometers, various bones can be seen everywhere, and the situation is tragic.

   At the same time, in addition to human bones, the bones of beasts are also everywhere. They are more unbearable than humans. Except for a few powerful beasts that have formed the anti-magic alliance, the low-powered are almost dead.

   The entire mountain range has now become two major parts, the Human Race Alliance headed by the Eight Kingdoms, and the Sea Race Alliance headed by the Sea Clan Royal Family.

   hasn't come out for more than ten days, Duolai did not expect such a big change outside.

   The two families are not far apart, but they are not very close. They are wary of each other, and wary of each other's demons.

   Duolai stood on the periphery of the two houses, just looked around, converging his figure and mental strength to ignore it.

   He has seen his goal, the devil.

   The demon's speed is very fast, and their pure mental power makes them free from physical constraints. The speed is almost twice as fast as that of elites of the same level. As long as they are caught up, there is almost no other way than confrontation.

Duolai followed the ground and appeared from a distance. Just standing still, four or five little devils heard his spiritual power suddenly drop from the sky, sending out a terrifying spiritual power, and rushing quickly. Come.

Fear is a kind of witchcraft, and it is also the instinct of the demon. Duolai’s mental power is impacted by these witchcraft, and a hint of fear suddenly grows in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as fear is born in his heart, then fear will be there. Slowly zoom in and become the demon's nourishment.

   Duolai's heart moved, a kind of destruction aura of sky thunder was slightly released.

   The fear of witchcraft quickly disappeared, Dolai raised his head and looked towards the sky, with the power of induction full of power, the weak sky thunder thoughts that he had just understood slowly emerged, and then he suddenly drew the light of thunder.

   In the sky, suddenly thunder lights flashed and passed away.


   Those black auras were rubbed by the thunderous aura, and they dissipated in an instant, and no longer existed.

   This is just a little demon of level three or four, it is not important at all. Duolai released thunder, and just tested the intensity, did not expect the effect to be so obvious?

   He was shocked for a moment.

   Seeing the clear sky, all the demon heads just disappeared, he was a little stunned, the sky thunder will hurt the demon head so badly?

   He thought for a while, but he didn't know why, then his body suddenly disappeared into the air, and he walked to the next place.

   Around the mountains, there are many such little monsters, and he has the opportunity to experiment.

The lightning witchcraft is fast to activate, but the witchcraft model is difficult to condense. When condensing thunder and lightning, the first thing that suffers is your mental power, but when the spiritual power is strong enough to condense the lightning, the power will change. Unpredictable.

   Among the many empires in the Western Ring Continent, the wizards with the talents of the Thunder Element were almost unmatched in the later stages.

   But here comes the problem. Few Thunder Wizards can reach the late stage, because it is difficult for the Thunder Element to be promoted.

   Dolai was looking for the demon while thinking about this issue. He didn't care. Anyway, the lightning of the storm element was not the main attribute, and he didn't care much about whether it hindered promotion.


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