Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 524: test

   It is now clear why the lightning magic is difficult to advance. This thing is too powerful. It hurts others, but it is also very difficult to control. If you can't control it, how can you talk about promotion?

   Duolai's spiritual power is very powerful, so it is easy to control, especially after a few days of comprehending the will of the sky thunder, it is easier to control.

   Soon, he found the next wave of monsters.

Now this position has come to a very marginal position. A lot of monsters have come from a distance. The strength is not strong, but the number is very large. There are hundreds of small fish and shrimps, and in the other half of the mountain range, Close to the same number of demon heads, smelling from a distance.

   They flew in the sky, like black mists, gathering and scattered, and Xiao was uncertain.

The leading beast is only level five, and his mental power is not strong enough. He is cautious all the way, but when the demon comes, he still doesn't notice it. When he notices it, a strong desire has been born in his heart, that is to eat other beasts. Desire to advance yourself.

Monsters can swallow each other to increase their strength, and the enhancement of strength is driven by instinct. Therefore, when this idea was born in his mind, he immediately opened his blood basin, and bit the neck of the neighboring Monster with one bite. The green liquid was sprayed to the sky.

   This seemed to be a beginning, and then, other monsters followed suit, attacking each other, fighting each other, and fighting in the most primitive way.

   Standing in the distance, Duo Lai sighed in his heart. The Beast’s wisdom was low, and it was even harder to resist this kind of mental attack. It was even more difficult for the opponent to get hit without even noticing it.


   Duolai didn't even think about saving it. He waited until this wave of beasts were all killed, and finally a few survived. They quickly dried up, and the corpse fell to the ground.

   And the black air in the air slowly gathered, as if it was stronger than before.

   At this moment, Duo Lai suddenly appeared, the power of induction communicated in all directions, and the spiritual force was drawn, and the witchcraft model was condensed in an instant. In the sky, a burst of air friction instantly formed a faint light of thunder.

The demon heads sensed that someone was hiding in the surroundings when Dolai’s mental power was released. When the surrounding thunder and lightning were all around, they reacted, but at this time, the sense of destruction in the air had enveloped them. There was no time to react. The demon of level 4 and below screamed instantly and disappeared in smoke. After that, the demon of level 5 and above desperately resisted thunder. Even so, a lot of white smoke came out of them.

   The thunder and lightning fell on the black smoke, the black air dissipated, and the screams penetrated the space, as if directly from the bottom of my heart, endlessly.

In Dorai’s world, like purgatory, what appeared was a battlefield, filled with gunpowder, blood and flesh flying, you kill me, I kill you, screams, screams, crying, angry sounds, coming from all directions, stimulating His mind has caused him to constantly produce a kind of weak psychology.

   The demon tried to use this method to give him a breath of compassion and let them go.

   Duola looked at the picture passed by the demon with great interest, and secretly said in his heart, this demon is probably the thought of someone who has been on the battlefield.

   Seeing this kind of scene, what Duolai thought for the first time was not pity, but numbness.

   He seemed to be watching a drama. After watching this scene, he was not at all ambiguous. The thunder light mixed with a little thunder will constantly flickered in the sky, and the black air continued to dissipate.

   Those fourth-level and fifth-level demon heads have long been wiped out, and only a few stronger fifth-level demon heads are left.

   If Dolai had to spend a little effort to clean up these monsters before this, now it would be almost easy to clean them up.

At this moment, one of the demon heads suddenly exploded, and the dark auras condensed and turned into black lightsabers, protruding from the left and right of the thunder light, the dark aura and the thunder light intersected, sending out a fierce sizzle. The sound is more intense than directly burning the devil energy.

Lightning is controlled by Dorai, mixed with his spiritual power, which is equivalent to directly colliding with the dark aura, and suddenly feels an incomparable dark aura coming from above. This aura is dark magic. This demon should have been there before he was alive. A dark wizard.

   Duolai just sneered, the thunder light in the sky again furniture, the black breath just struggled for a moment, then disappeared quickly, and the whole demon was gone.

   Ashes fly out in smoke.

   Seeing this, the other monsters struggled more intensely.

Seeing this, Dolay felt that the time was ripe, and the spiritual power turned into spikes, pierced directly from the thunder light, directly into the body of the demon, and suddenly another scream came along with the spiritual power to resist this. This kind of mental strength Duo Lai is already familiar with the road.

   Not long after, there were three more black crystals in his hand, and there were three level five demon heads inside.

   The previous color was restored in the sky, as if nothing had happened. If it weren't for the huge bodies of many monsters on the ground, this place would be the same as before.

   Duolai didn't feel sentimental, so he turned around and left.

  He came out to test magic, to test witchcraft, and to see how the magic model was mixed with the will of the sky thunder to the devil's deterrence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the test, it was time to leave.

   I have to say, I just felt a little weak will of the sky thunder, and the blow to these monsters was also very big.


   Warcraft, demon heads, humans, fight around the mountains every day. People are constantly dying, and demon heads are constantly dying. The demon heads are constantly growing or being wiped out. The mountains around the mountains have become the mixing plant of life.

   At this time, the huge ships of eight countries have arrived and are surrounding together. At the same time, there are also various maritime forces, distributed in all directions. This time after the ruins are opened, it can be said that all directions have gathered.

   At this time, all the forces knew the truth about the space. Some people wanted to save the old man who had the upper hand and get his inheritance, while some people wanted to go out. This is a **** on earth.

The appearance of    demon makes some of them feel desperate, especially when people continue to die during this period of time, they even feel collapsed.

   Those monks are all low-powered monks. They were thinking about fishing in troubled waters, but they didn't expect that this place was actually a dead end.

   Some people have come to the edge of the world, and they can’t get out even after exhausting their methods. Some people can’t get out of the space teleportation array built by them. It can be said that they have no good way to save the old man who has the advantage.

   The eight forces unite to form a fleet, and only one slogan is missing, to attack the demon,

   At this time, the number of demon harassing around has also increased. Obviously, the desire demon doesn't want these people to unite.

   Both sides are wit and courageous, intrigue and deceive.

   But in Dolai's view, it doesn't matter which side it is constantly, now there is only one last possibility left, and that is a desperate fight.


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