Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 525: Ready for shock

   He didn't expect that he came in and circled, but finally evolved into this result. Anyway, the eight empires will take the lead, it doesn't matter.

   But at this time, the human inferiority is experienced.

As soon as Dolay returned to the Wizard Tower, there was a news that the eight empires united and formed a power to gather everyone to participate in the attack on the Inner Demon. Someone ordered Dolay to take the Wizard Tower to participate immediately. Those who will be driven away or strangled.

   The command is very strong.

After    Duolai heard the news, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Is this to gather all his strength? Or are you going to find some cannon fodder?

In the hall on the twelfth floor, Ashe was already out of the gate, sitting on a chair, her aura was slightly more condensed than before, and her icy aura was doubled. Seeing Duo Lai came back, she didn’t get promoted. With a sad expression on his face, "What should I do? This is obviously to prepare us to be cannon fodder!"

   Duolai didn't answer directly, but looked at Ashe carefully, up and down, left, right, left and right, until she blushed a little at Ashe, then stopped.

Then he touched his chin and commented, "The height has grown a little bit taller, and the hair has turned a little blue, but it is still within the normal range. The breath has not increased much, but the essence has doubled, and the ice breath has increased." Tight. Then, he stretched out his hand, took Ashe's hand, felt it, and said, "The skin is smoother."

   Aixi's face turned redder, and she threw away his hand and gave him a blank look. "I'm telling you to be serious. If we don't make it this time, we will both be finished. It doesn't matter whether we improve or not."

   Duola said with a smile, "I'm also talking about being serious, your improvement is our greatest joy, and those outside things are nothing."

   Ai Xi's eyes widened, "Why is it not a problem?"

   Dole shrugged and said, "First put away the wizard tower, and then follow it to see what's going on. If the situation is not right, we will slip away. With Lord Barr here, who can stop us."

   Ashe also considered Lord Barr, but the opponent has super-large strategic weapons, the super power of the giant ship, can Lord Barr lead them away?

   She is full of endless doubts.

Duo Lai smiled at her and said, "Don't worry, the solution is more than difficult. There is only one demon, and the others are demon. According to the current judgment, that thing should be entangled with the old man upwind. It can't get out. Only level four or five demon heads are dispatched, and the highest level will not exceed level 6. As long as it does not exceed level 6, there is nothing to do in the wizard tower."

   The Tower of Babel is known as the Tower of the Sky. Although it has only six levels, its concealment effect is excellent.

   Hearing Duolai's words, Ashe's nervous heart gradually settled down a lot. When she thought of Duolai's flimsy appearance, she couldn't help but blush again.

   Since the last time I gave him a hug, this guy has always had an inch.

   But when I think of the touch between the two of them, it seems pretty good.

   She became shy.

   Duolai didn't expect how many Xiao Jiujiu was in Aish's heart. He turned his head and glanced outside, his gaze penetrated the wizard tower and saw the scene in the mountains.

In the mountains at this time, there are several huge wheels floating in the sky, along with dozens of wizard towers. I don’t know what we have discovered. Somewhere in the mountain, where a few small wizard towers are located. Using witchcraft to bombard the mountain, it seems that something is being excavated.

  He immediately thought that this is a world, naturally there are various metal mines, magic crystal mines and the like. Originally, they came here to get some natural treasures.

   Metal mine is something that all forces want, no matter whether it is human or monster. The difference lies in how much they desire, the human race can desire more powerfully, and the monsters desire less.

   At this time, on the other side of the mountain, the army of monsters is also gathering. The two seem to have discussed everything, restrain each other and maintain a normal confrontation, but the relationship is not much better.

   In the sky farther around, the monsters seem to feel that they can't get any benefits, wandering in the distance, monitoring, and blocking people from farther places.

   This world is very big, very big, but at this time all the creatures are gathered in two places at this time, one is the residence of the old man upwind, surrounded by the heart demon, and the other place is here.

   After thinking about it for a long time, after Dolly and Ashe put away the wizard tower, they came out of the wizard tower, and they were alone, floating at the very edge of the crowd. The combination of the two immediately caused the surrounding mercenaries and forces to attract them.

   But Duolai and Ashe ignored it. The reason he came out is only that he is only a part of human beings.

   After they appeared, the people from Laiguo and Winguo looked at each other, and they didn't deliberately aim at it, but some people watched here.

   They know that the rest are from the Eight Nations of the Sea, and only these two are foreign wizards, and they are so knowledgeable that they should not be underestimated.

   But in this kind of super large-scale battle with more than a thousand digits and tens of thousands of people, the power that two five levels can produce is too small and too small.

   After the two arrived, they didn't cause many disturbances, but in the end it was Ash's appearance that aroused the coveting of many people.

It’s so beautiful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a breath of ice and snow, arrogant and indifferent, just like a goddess of ice and snow, and Duo Lai next to him is a bit inferior. Although he is not a real handsome guy, it can only be regarded as long and eye-catching, but not Not an eye-catching look.

   The combination of these two people, coupled with the breath on them, made the people around them constantly look at.

   After repeatedly rejecting dozens of forces' solicitations, Duolai simply refined a large wooden bird out on the spot, and then the two of them sat on it, always floating in the sky with their own strength.

   In this way, about a day later, a sixth-level wizard suddenly appeared and informed them that they would lead the wizards in this area to the center of the world.

   Duolai did not hesitate, and looked at Ai Xi, urging the wooden bird to fly forward.

   The sixth-level wizard, Dolai, seemed to have seen him. He seemed to be a winner of the country. He was not too strong. He called everyone together, and then seriously explained the seriousness of the matter.

  How powerful is the mind demon, how to defend, how to stick to the heart, how to protect one's own will, and so on.

The surrounding wizards and mercenaries are listening very seriously. The recent events have attracted enough attention, causing large-scale casualties of humans and monsters. The deaths are so heavy that they are just a heart demon. This is enough to shock people. NS.

   So after the person came to explain the situation, everyone looked solemn and listened to the lecture seriously, and no one missed it.

   Finally, the man talked about the tactics of various countries.

   They are going to use strategic alchemy equipment to bombard long-rangely, weaken the energy of the inner demon, and then engage in close combat. Everyone's task is to attack the demon and survive the demon's sniper.


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