Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 850: embarrassed

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Augustine shed tears even though he was usually strong. These were once the elites of the family and the future of the family.

While putting everyone's corpses into body bags, he silently looked at the appearance of those corpses on the ground.

This is the fifth brother of the second uncle's family, this is the seventh brother of the third uncle's family, this is. . .

Augustine hated the world for the first time, why did he come here to explore.

Soon time passed slowly. When he finished the last one, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Dorai. Dorai was still standing there, and the light on his body was on and off, as if he was doing something.

Augustine stood up slowly, with an uncomfortable expression, advice, hatred, and other complicated expressions. He stood in front of Dole and said slowly, "Let's go back, thank you."

Dole raised his head blankly at this time, and then his eyes quickly converged, as if he had come out of a certain state. He glanced at Augustine and said slowly, "You owe me a favor."

Augustine said nothing, just nodded.

The yellow light on Dole's body spread out again, and the two walked into the wall again.

This time, they didn't waste much time, and walked directly to the destination. As they walked, Augustine observed, trying to see the true face of the world, while Dorai walked straight through without even looking.

Augustine looked at Dorai's back, his face was very uncomfortable. The other party knew the truth of this world more than ten days ago, but he was like a fool who didn't know anything. It was really the gap of information and the means. gap!

I just don't know how the other party's research is going, and how much do they understand the truth of this world?

His mind was heavy.

After a while, the two walked out of the passage. When the iconic yellow light suddenly appeared, the people in the passage silently paid attention.

After Dorai came out, he found that there were more people in the passage. These people were naturally embarrassed, but it was obvious that the team was not chaotic and was very neat. complete.

This is from the Wizarding Academy and the Warrior Academy. Not all of them came, but only a few. It is estimated that there are many teams in other directions.

When Augustine and Dorai came out of the wall, there was a commotion in the Wizarding Academy and the War God Academy, and they all showed incredible colors.

They know this wall, they can't move it at all, and even with all their strength, they can only destroy a little bit of the earth. The two of them were able to come through the wall.

It's unbelievable, especially those wizards who practice earth element, their eyes widened and shocked.

Fitz in the team was extremely shocked. It turned out that the other party was walking through the ground like this, and he was able to pass through the wall?

When they set off, the academy repeatedly emphasized that they could not walk in the soil. They always believed that this was the case, and the fact was that they could not walk in the soil no matter what method they used, but the other party could. How could this be possible?

Sheldon, the genius of Ares Academy, was also shocked at this time. Is this the ability of a super genius?

The two looked at Dole and Augustine in disbelief, but it was clear that the yellow light was coming from Dole.

Unbelievable, some people even exclaimed, "Doray, how did you do it? This is impossible?"

I heard someone say that someone can go through the wall, I thought it was bragging, and now it is really unbelievable.

Duo Lai ignored these people at all. It took more than half a month to come here. These people are really speechless.

However, upon seeing their tragic state and the greatly reduced number of people, Dorai couldn't say anything to despise them.

Augustine quietly returned to his own team, looking at the diminished clansman with a sad expression on his face. He glanced at the other teams in the passage, and was silent in his heart.

These teams that have come are somewhat tragic, with fewer personnel and injuries. Some of those who are known as geniuses in the imperial capital have still not come, and they don’t know what happened. They died. Still in the back.

Just when the crowd was rioting, a large team slowly walked out from the other side of the passage.

It is the team of the Imperial Mage Corps.

The team of the Imperial Mage Corps is also the team representing the royal family of the Empire, led by Da Vinci and Danaiqi.

The two were also a little embarrassed, and even the magic robes were a little damaged, and they were vigilant as they walked.

When they saw the lively scene in the passage, the two immediately relaxed.

These people came early.

He glanced at it, the light in his eyes flickered, and he soon saw the person who worried them, Daphne, as if she had not been through a battle, standing proudly beside Yu Nuo and Ashe, the three women seemed like three flowers There are a lot of beautiful words, and they are eager to open up.

It's alright, the two of them looked at each other and relaxed.

It can be said that the team suffered heavy losses this time. At least half of the people were lost in the battle. The monsters and hairless monsters that suddenly jumped out caused them a lot of trouble and lost a lot of personnel.

The people inside the aisle and the people outside the aisle looked at each other silently, and consciously formed several teams, which were extremely silent with each other.

This world news can be sent at will~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So many situations have been known. After Da Vinci and Danazzi came in, they looked at Dole for the first time. This person, on the first day It's here, really fast.

Da Vinci and Danazzi said a few words in the team, then left the team and came to the middle position.

The two looked around for a week, and Da Vinci was the first to speak, "Dorai, Augustine, you two arrived first, what is the situation now, let's continue to wait for someone, or launch an attack directly, it is said that that kind of monster will somehow affect people's emotions. , we had better do it together."

Fitz and Sheldon were already standing together at this time, and there were several academic geniuses together. At this time, they heard Da Vinci's words and looked at the two.

Duo Lai was talking to the two women, but when he heard this, he turned his head and said, "Wait for everyone to come, I have seen that monster, spread all over the central area, just touch it a little, and I am struck by that strange kind of monster. attacked and had to retreat."

"It's different from those hairless monster leaders outside who can only attack one person. That monster can target many people, and it's more powerful. If we have a lot of people, we may be able to resist it. If it's a few people, I suggest first. Don't go in and die."

As soon as he raised his hand, a mental image appeared in front of him, showing the situation at the end of the passage.

In the huge black hole, a dark unknown thing occupied the entire passage, with tentacles extending to the passage openings of the surrounding walls, keeping his body from falling.

Seeing the dense passages and the dense tentacles, everyone was suddenly silent.

It was similar to the information and information sent when he came in. It was also in this form. That kind of weird attack was very powerful, and it was simply not something that ordinary people could resist.

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