Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 851: How many people can treat me?

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

The Glory Wizarding Alliance had informed them in advance that the more people there were, the more the attack would be spread evenly, and the lower the intensity of the attack they received, and they could still fight against it.

Of course, the main force in this battle is not themselves, but the major families, as well as the super killer brought by the Glory Wizards Alliance and the Imperial Mage Corps. They are not the main force.

The most important thing is that this time Dorai, a pervert with a seventh-level wizard tower, if everyone's backhand is useless in the end, it may be Dorai's wizard tower that determines the final record.

Before leaving, the big men had warned that if they couldn't take this space this time, it would be difficult next time.

Because this monster is unconscious, but the subconscious has discovered their invasion and began to wake up. This heavy loss is a lesson. It was not so difficult last time.

The people from the three major academies basically thought so, and looked at the major forces one after another.

In the Imperial Mage Corps, Danazzi saw Da Vinci beside him fell silent. After taking a look at the image, he took the initiative to take over the conversation and said, "Then just wait patiently, there are still some people in our Imperial Mage Corps. not coming."

Fitz also came out at this time and said, "Some people from our wizarding academy haven't come yet, and Rachel and Markus are coming soon."

These are the other two geniuses of the wizarding academy generation. They are similar to Fitz in the limelight, and similar to Da Vinci and Danazzi.

They are all geniuses of the nobles, but at this time they represent the Wizarding Academy.

Augustine and Mavic stood aside at this time, nodding indifferently, that kind of monster's attack had already given them enough impressions, and no one dared to say that they could resist the opponent's attack.

It's too weird, it's hard to guard against, it's simply not the power of ordinary people.

Seeing this, Dole put away the mental image and stood aside.

There was a rare silence in the passage, and some people gathered together, made small voices, gathered together to discuss, and grieved.

No one was making too much noise, and it seemed that they were all immersed in a certain emotion.

At this moment, a person walked out of the wizarding academy, looked indignantly in the direction of Dole, and said coldly, "Kid from the northern kingdom, since you can penetrate walls, why don't you contribute this technology, we have lost at least One-third of the people, you have some responsibility."

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and they all looked at the man.

Which **** is this?

Dole closed his eyes at this time, and was dissecting the last faceless body, which had completely separated its skin, exposing the underlying tissue.

He just opened his eyes, glanced at the man, then closed his eyes again, ignoring him lazily. He will not give the tower of Babel's technology to anyone. Even the Glory Wizards Alliance provides the core technology in a different way. The other magic circles on the Tower of Babel are not involved. It is possible to give it to the other party, based on his own conscience, or By someone else's mouth?


I know who you are?

With this skill, he might as well study the faceless monster more.

When the man saw that Duo Lai didn't speak, his sad and angry expression suddenly turned into anger and unwillingness to be insulted. When he raised his hand, it was a wind blade that was extremely sharp and shot directly at Duo Lai.

The speed of the wind blade was extremely fast, and it soon arrived in front of Dole.

Dorai didn't move, Daphne next to her moved, she waved her finger, and quickly formed a spell model, a needle-shaped witchcraft with extreme precision appeared on the path of the wind blade.

The two witchcraft collided in the air, the needle-shaped witchcraft hit the wind blade, and a small explosion sounded at the location where it touched, and the entire wind blade began to disintegrate from that small explosion.

"Enough is enough, it's not enough to be ashamed, and I can't do it myself, why should others contribute technology."

This wizard also has a small reputation and is a small alchemist. It is not difficult to see that part of him is grief and indignation, and part of it is bad intentions. He directly points out the identity of the Northern Kingdom of Dole, which is simply embarrassing for those in the Kingdom of Glory. .

Seeing Daphne stand up, the man's expression changed slightly. After hearing the other party's words, he said angrily, "Can't we buy it? If we can walk through the underground here, how many people will die less? We have more than 3,000 people. Come in, now look at how many people are left, are there two thousand people?"

Daphne sneered at the corner of her mouth, "How many people have something to do with Dole?"

At this moment, another person stood up and said, "I agree with what Kang Suo said, we are going to buy Dorai's technology."

At this time, another genius, he stood up and supported Kang Suo.

"Yes, that is, hand over the technology." Another person stood up and shouted.

A group of people stood in the middle and shouted.

Augustine in the distance saw this, and looked at Mavic next to him, and thought this matter was interesting.

A group of people stood in the middle and threatened.

Daphne felt a little feverish on her face and felt a little humiliated. She knew that these people were interested in Dorai's ability and wanted to take it for themselves. Anyway, this place is currently outside the law.

But they didn't know that Dorai could kill them all with one hand, but she knew Dorai's horror.

The three of them standing together can barely beat a team of hairless monsters, and one person has to resist the special attack of the hairless monster wizard, and Dorai can handle it all by himself. This is the best way. Terrifying, and there is also the kind of faceless monster, Dorai can hang and beat each other, while the elite of the Augustine family is completely wiped out in the face of the faceless monster.

These people are really clueless.

Fitz and Sheldon glanced at these people, and were silent in their hearts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Usually these nobles are used to being arrogant in the academy, and they want to grab whatever they see, they think Dorai is easy to bully ?

But don't worry about it, let's take a look at the situation, maybe you can get something cheap.

Dorai is an outsider, and no one speaks for him at this time, except Daphne.

At this time, two people were about to walk ten meters in front of Dole, as if they were about to step forward and ask him by grabbing his clothes.

Dorai stood up slowly at this time. He glanced at Yunuo and Ashe, and at Daphne, his eyes asked.

Daphne nodded.

Dole didn't want to cause trouble, but it didn't mean he was afraid of trouble. He looked at the person who was approaching, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he finally said slowly, "The cost of my technology is not high, I can buy it for 30 million yuan, or 3,000 yuan. The magic crystal of Wantong is enough, the empty robbery pearl is one hundred thousand, and I can hand over three hundred."

Hearing this, the passage became quiet.

The empty robbery beads, one hundred thousand, sounds like it is not low, but they know that if this thing is given to the Glory Wizarding Alliance, it is a priceless treasure. One hundred thousand gold coins is too little.

The leader said angrily at this time, "Thirty million gold coins is too high for you to see yourself. Don't you know where this place is?"

He looked around, everyone was looking at Dole.

The passage was incomparably quiet, and hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at Dorai, as if to see what he would do.

Dorai looked at the man and smiled lightly. These people must have no money. If they can come here, how could they possibly carry the money with them? It is better to stay at home. He said playfully, "30 million gold coins, if we can get it, we will trade it, if we can't get it, shut up. Don't think that you can treat me like you have many people. Qi, I'm warning you, the most Stay away from me."

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