Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 857: apathy

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

It is estimated that after walking out from here, there will be many people who want to hit his wizard tower's attention.

Yunuo was full of worries about Dorai in his heart, such as the Alexander family, the Witch God family, and the Glory Royal Family. As long as he got the news, it is estimated that he would immediately stare at Dorai.

However, seeing that Dole didn't seem to care, Yunuo didn't say much.

After chatting for a while, the four of them quieted down and returned to their state.

Although the area in the center has been cleared by them, it will take some time to reach the proper location. Taking advantage of this time, everyone should quickly recover, especially Dorai and Ashe. It took a lot of mental energy for the two of them to do experiments. , it is urgent to restore.

In the passage, after the people walked, it also dimmed, and a few people did not release the light technique. The surrounding light was dim and quiet, and only breathing could be heard.

I don't know how long it took, Daphne suddenly raised her head and said, "Okay, they are all well, we are ready to do it."

The three of Dole opened their eyes and looked into the depths of the passage. Together, the four raised their mental power to the highest level.

The final decisive battle has begun, and it is estimated that the battle can be ended in one wave. Dorai thought of this and looked at Yunuo next to him.

"What is the trump card of the Edward family?"

At the final stage, Dole also wanted to know what their thoughts were.

Yunuo didn't expect Dorai to ask this, and then said, "Our family has prepared a total of two means, one is me, the other is my cousin, and the two of us each brought a scroll made by an eighth-level wizard, and I brought The one is Deep Blue Ice, and the one my cousin brought is the Ice Dragon Waterfall, both of which are level 8."

Duo Lai was a little surprised, and directly prepared the eighth-level means. It seems that he is really preparing for a wave?

Ashe was also a little surprised. Level 8, there are really level 8 means, what else do they need?

That monster's mental power will have an impact on older people, and only young people like them can release it. The question is, can it be released?

She wondered, "After the attack starts for a while, the monster will release that kind of attack, can there be a chance to release the scroll?"

Before Yunuo spoke, Daphne next to him looked at Dorai with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "So, this time it's a decision to fight, we make an appointment, then throw the attack out together, turn around and run."

Then she said earnestly, "I was going to tell you later, but now that I ask, I just said, whether we can survive depends on your wizard tower."

When Dole heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Damn, he just said it now, obviously he was going to use him as a shield, and his whole body suddenly became bad.

Eighth-level witchcraft, although it is only released in the form of scrolls, can also exert the most basic power of eighth-level witchcraft, and even the most basic eighth-level can destroy a city and destroy a country.

Once this thing is released, the impact will not be too big, and if so many people release it together, I am afraid it can blow up half the world.

When he thought about the hardness of this world, he questioned again whether these scrolls could be used or not.

He thought for a while, and said, "The rules of the two worlds are different, and the power of the eighth-level scroll here may not be the same. I'll watch it for a while, we'll take our own shots, if we can't, run quickly."

Daphne breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Dorai's words.

In fact, many people are cannon fodder. She knew it when she set off, but she didn't want to say it. Now that she is out, if Dorai doesn't go, she can't help it.

She thought about it and said, "Then it's up to you."

Ashe was also stunned at this time, the final result was actually like this, they were cannon fodder at all.

There is still a little distance from the entrance. At this time, Dorai can already feel a slight fluctuation of mental power, extending from the inside to the outside. This mental power fluctuation is not strong, even a little weak, and can still feel it. Some subtle information fluctuations into the unconscious.

That kind of fluctuation is full of weird will, and there is extremely complicated information in it, which makes it difficult to tell what it is.

Complicated, chaotic, yet full of mystery and depth, this is the manifestation of the other party's sleeping mental strength and will to him.

He was silent in his heart, and he didn't move much. He walked straight forward. This time, he did not rashly release his spiritual power to test. Once he tried, there was only one result, that is, he suffered a strange attack of that kind of spiritual power.

The thing about connecting with other people is that Daphne and Yuno are going on, and Dorai doesn't have anyone's contact information.

After a while, he was about to release more than a dozen Thunder Calling Techniques and ran away. Anyway, the big head was no longer on his side.

They quickly advanced to a place less than twenty meters away from the entrance. The distance was dark and nothing could be seen.

The four looked at each other, took a deep breath, and continued to walk ten meters forward.

nine meters.

eight meters.

Take another deep breath.

Seven meters, six meters.

five meters.

Four meters.

At this time, I can already see the depth and darkness in the passage, as well as the endless tentacles. As long as they don't release their mental power, Dorai and the others are still very safe.

three meters.

two meters.

Everyone stood still. At this time, a dark black hole appeared in the eyes of everyone. At the entrance of the cave, a dark, tongue-like thing was placed at the entrance of the cave~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it continued to roll in waves. As if alive, at the other end of the tongue, extending into the central area, all the way to the large ball in the middle.

Seeing this thing, Dorai couldn't help sighing, the creation in the world is really strange, the will of a creature that has been dead for an unknown time can turn into such a strange thing.

At this moment, he felt that a strong spiritual will was born from the surrounding spiritual power, extending into his consciousness.

This spiritual will is not obvious, even very weak, but Dole gave birth to a feeling of time flies, youth no longer, a feeling that the years have passed, and the youth is no longer alive.

Although this emotion was very weak, it really affected him. At this time, his memory must have returned to the past autonomously, and the previous things were turned out from the ocean of memory.

When a person is old, he likes to think wildly, and when he is old, he likes to think back to the past. When a person is old, his concept of life will become weak, and he suddenly feels as if he has lived for a long time.

Dole paid great attention to his mental strength, and when he started to think about the past, he felt something was wrong.

When I feel that I have lived for a long time, I suddenly remember that I am only twenty-eight years old, and I have lived so long.

A trace of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and this emotion was too strange. This was the unwilling breath of the dead creature, and it was too terrible.

He turned his head and glanced at the other three, but saw a layer of twilight appearing on their faces out of thin air.

It was an aura that could only be seen on a dying person, but it appeared on the three of them.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, a regular thunder and lightning flashed out of thin air, and a rumbling sound appeared in his will.

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