Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 858: 1 wave

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

The thunder and lightning crossed the sky, and the deafening sound appeared. The power that made people feel the years was rapidly reduced. Dole suddenly woke up, but he could still feel that the years had passed and the time was gone.

Dole couldn't take care of himself at this time, and if he stayed for a few more minutes, the three of them might feel that they were dying of old age.

He turned his head and was about to drink, but saw the three of them woke up at the same time, with cold sweat on their foreheads.

They also realized it.

Dole looked at the three of them, and the four of them were sweating coldly together, which was too scary.

After Daphne struggled, she immediately said, "It's terrible, I want to contact other people, don't be tricked, we are still young and lacking in experience, we can easily break free, if a person who is almost a hundred years old comes over , Memories alone can overwhelm people."

She was rolling back and forth in her memory just now, and she almost got lost in it. Fortunately, her final experience was really low, and she spent a lot of time cultivating, so she lacked social experience. Otherwise, it would be really easy to get lost.

At this time, she closed her eyes, the turbidity in her eyes became clear, and then she opened it again.

This kind of power is so powerful that she has to suppress the alien spirit with all her strength.

So did the other two.

Dorai looked at the three of them and nodded. In his world, the thunder was constantly rolling, constantly suppressing that kind of alien spiritual power.

So did they, what about the others?

Daphne raised her head at this time and said, "This is also the case for others. It is very difficult for them to resist, and they need to quickly take action together."

Dole said, "Okay, what about the time?"

"Half a minute later, everyone agrees to release the ultimate move together." Daphne's eyes began to appear cloudy again, and then closed her eyes again irritably.

Yunuo is a little older, and her memory is quite complicated. After she opened her eyes with difficulty, countless pictures appeared in her eyes. Those were memories and pictures that she could not forget after being beaten. That experience will never be forgotten in her life. .

This memory rolls back and forth in the body, appearing back and forth, no matter how to get rid of it.

She raised her head at this time, her eyes began to slowly become cloudy, and she said with difficulty, "It's better as soon as possible, I'm going to be unable to hold on anymore."

Daphne nodded and said, "There are ten seconds left."

The four of them looked at the middle together at this time, all kinds of memories flashed in their eyes, and everything deep in their hearts was excavated.

It's a bad feeling.

I don't know how long this monster has survived. It's just obsession. This kind of spiritual energy can actually make everyone fall into the frenzy of memory, feel the years, the aging, and the idea of ​​suicide. It's just too terrifying.

Five seconds.

Dorai originally prepared the Void Thunder Net, but now it seems that everyone has prepared eight-level means, so he also needs to prepare a big move.

But at this time, they didn't dare to use it, and they were ready to take action together, because once they used their mental power, they would be attacked by that kind of attack.

Therefore, it is necessary to agree to shoot together and share the pressure together.

Four seconds.

Dole thought about it a lot, and his memory kept rolling. Fortunately, he was still young and had no memory. The most difficult memory was the memory of the most difficult childhood in the mine, but it was nothing.

three seconds.

two seconds.

one second.

Daphne opened her turbid eyes, shouted loudly, and started to move. She almost immediately took out a scroll that exuded a grand and sacred aura.

At the moment when she used her mental power, a different kind of mental power suddenly slammed into her spiritual world. Weng's sound, a shock that was twice as big as the monster he had encountered before, shook his brain.

At the same time, Ashe and Dorai also each issued their strongest means.

What Ashe released was the Sword of Profound Frost, a huge ice crystal sword about 100 meters long, cutting forward.

After the magic was thrown out, Ashe hugged her head and ran back.

The same is true for Dorai, after the wizard tower directly shot a ray of light, and then went back without looking back.

What Yunuo threw out was an alchemy tool and left without looking back.

In the dark underground cavity, there were countless potholes around, more than 300 witchcraft erupted in an instant, and dozens of magical rays of light of level 7 and 8 above, the next moment, enough to shake the heaven and earth The loud noise exploded. .

Fire, frost, thunder, earthquake, lava, meteorite, skyfire, etc. were all thrown to the middle area.

In the darkness, the black pothole was instantly illuminated by various lights.

It was a large black ball, like a black ball with countless tentacles around it. The moment the attack appeared, the ball seemed to wake up. Then, he suddenly shrank, and the tentacles around him quickly retracted.

But it was useless, a huge explosion, flames and lightning, melted all the tentacles around, burned, exploded, and then spread to the center point.

Boom boom boom.

As if an eighteenth magnitude earthquake had occurred, it continued to explode from the central area.

Boom boom boom.

The world shook, the earthquake trembled, and the ground that could not be beaten sent out strong vibrations at this time. In the passage, cracks spread from the walls and expanded rapidly.

At this moment, everyone felt an extremely strange mental force erupting from behind them, expanding wildly around, and then everyone ran faster.

In the passage, a huge wave of shock rushed towards the four of Dole frantically from behind, at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Dorai's mind was buzzing constantly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole consciousness was fighting against this buzzing, and he couldn't make an effective response at all. He only had time to open the defense of the wizard's tower and withstand the first wave of attacks. .

The impact wave caught up to them, and then directly drowned the four.


The impact giant wave rushed out a distance of more than a thousand meters in one breath, and directly slammed Dole into the strong inside, unable to move at all.


Dorai felt that his eyes, ears, nose and mouth were all covered with blood, and there was still that buzzing in his head.


He himself is like this, and others are probably even more unbearable.

Dorai forced himself to open his eyes and looked to the side, only to find that he didn't see anyone else at all.

After being rushed to where he was going, he hurriedly sent a message, but found that the rules of heaven and earth seemed to have changed at this time, and the message could not be sent out at all.

But in the next moment, he felt that the buzzing was a little weaker, the main consciousness began to return again, and the whole person felt much better.

In the passage, the huge impact force continued to attack, the strong force hit the defense of the wizard tower, and he wanted to vomit blood.

Too powerful, is this the explosion of eighth-level power? too terrifying.

He has a wizard tower, and Ashe has defenses, so what about the other two?

The force continued to impact for more than a minute, and Dole lay on the wall for more than a minute before slowly stopping.

At this time, the humming was already weak, and it seemed that it was about to disappear.

Dorai was able to move, got a bottle of potion, and quickly drank it. Dorai began to expand his mental power and searched around.

As soon as her mental power was released, she found Ashe in the distance. She was also slammed into the wall by the impact, but it was nothing major, and she was also looking around at this time.

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