Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 859: break out

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

Seeing this, Dole was relieved, took a breath of sadness, and then looked in other directions.

Soon Yu Nuo and Daphne were discovered.

Yu Nuo had already passed out after hitting the wall, and Daphne was wearing a white mask, as if nothing happened.

Duo Lai's mouth twitched, he was really a big dog, and he really had a lot of defensive equipment on him.

The impact force was getting weaker and weaker, and Dorai was able to move in it. He quickly moved to Ashe's side and put him in the wizard's tower.

Then quickly came to Yu Nuo's side and included her in the wizard's tower.

When he finally came to Daphne, the guy looked at Dorai with a bit of cynicism and incredulity, "You can get hurt too."

Dole's mouth twitched, "I was careless just now, and I didn't pay attention. When it hit the wall, it shook. The monster should be dead."

Although Daphne was fine, her face was still a little pale. He shook his head and said, "I don't know, do you want to go take a look?"

Dole nodded, he took a deep breath, and his blood continued to stimulate and churned, repairing the bruised part.

"I'll go take a look, don't go." Dole pushed aside the defensive light of the wizard tower, and rushed inside against the shock wave that had not yet dissipated.

Daphne wanted to stop her, but suddenly her face turned pale and a mouthful of blood spit out.

"Be careful, don't forget me when you have the spoils."

So Dole ran faster.

The shock wave is still impacting, but it is much smaller, and the wind speed is slightly faster than Dole's hurricane. Staring at the impact, he quickly came to the hole and barely glanced at it.

At this time, the central area was completely occupied by various violent energies, and various undetectable energies of the seventh, eighth, and even ninth levels remained raging inside.

As for the monster in the middle, I couldn't feel it at all.

Dorai breathed a sigh of relief, probably dead.

Even if it is an extraterrestrial creature, a super monster that can compete with gods, but the problem is that it is already dead, and it is only survived by obsession. With so many levels of seventh, eighth, and ninth smashing down in one go, even if he didn't die, it would be enough.

Duo Lai couldn't see clearly, at this time, he was cruel and released his mental power.

After the mental power was released, Dorai felt that the various violent energies around him were raging, and the energies of various abilities were impacting, canceling, or exploding with each other.

This conflict between energies has come to an end and is gradually dissipating.

He didn't feel the impact of that kind of mental power, the sea of ​​​​consciousness was not attacked, and he breathed a sigh of relief. The monster should be dead, and there is no mental power around.

At this time, the various energies of the black hole in the middle were gradually subsiding, and Dole sensed that there seemed to be something more in the surrounding world.

It seems that there are some more rules, or there are some things that are not available in this world. It is not clear.

Dorai immediately thought that those level 7, level 8 or even level 9 scrolls are not products of this world, but the energy of a foreign world. Exploding in this world, the collision of different rules of the two worlds will indeed produce some wonderful things. Changes may lead to changes in the rules of this world.

Dorai released his mental power and continued to extend it while avoiding the attack of various energies.

The space inside is very huge. The long models are 5 to 6 kilometers long. Even a few light spells can only illuminate an area. Dole saw that the **** ball in the middle was gone.

It does appear to be dead.

His gaze continued downward, exploring further depths.

He carefully sensed the surroundings, and the only one who can come to the entrance of the cave to check it is himself. He has to check it quickly to see what is left.

It didn't take long for Dole to see something good.

On the surrounding walls, there are many empty robbery beads.

In addition to the empty robbery beads, he also saw a lot of unknown black objects on the surrounding walls, sticking to the walls like mud.

It seems to be the remnants of something, and it seems to be the tissue left behind after something dies, but without exception, these things have a high energy level.

Dole's heart moved, and he immediately shot into the hole to collect the empty robbery beads, and by the way, see if this black substance can be collected.

While collecting the empty robbery beads, he took the black substance and found that he could collect it, and he was happy. This thing has a very high energy level and is a good material for research.

While collecting, he carefully checked the location of these empty robbery beads, and the degree of damage to the surrounding walls, and he was a little scared.

Although this world is not complete, it is just the stomach space left by a creature after death, but the energy level in it is very high, and the high level is frightening. The walls are even more indestructible, and the sixth-level seniors use all their strength to destroy a little bit of soil on the walls.

But now, all kinds of energies explode, the walls around the vast void are full of scorch marks, all kinds of cracks appear, and even the sturdy and indestructible air robbery beads collected have large and small cracks.

This attack power is no longer there.

Dorai seized the time to collect, and at the same time divided a part of his memory and recorded the location of those empty tribulation beads. He always felt that there was a large formation here, but he was not sure.

He's fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and has to fight to get more karma beads before everyone else wakes up.

Augustine was also very uncomfortable at this time. Not only was he attacked by that weird force, but his whole brain almost turned into a paste. More importantly, the shock wave blew him away and slammed into the wall, causing him to be seriously injured. .

The first thing he did when he woke up was to look around. At this time, he saw that most of the people were lying on the ground and wailing, and some of them were dead.

His heart sank, and at the same time he thought of something, and quickly looked at the front of the passage.

At this time, the raging force on the opposite side had already gone down. Although there was still a turbulent flow of energy in the passage, it was not so serious. When he was cruel, he jumped up immediately, and flew inside regardless of the serious injury to his body.

There must be good things in it. Even if there are no good things, it is good to collect some of the monster's residue. The energy level of the monster is very high. It will not be collected at this time.

He thought so, and it was estimated that others thought the same, and hurried forward.

He has used all his strength.

This time the loss is so heavy, if the monster died, it would be a hundred. If it didn't die, they would be busy working in vain, at least have a look.

Thinking of this, he ran faster.

At this moment, in the middle of the entrance of the cave, a light spell flashed away near the entrance of the cave.

Augustine was shocked, he had become like this, and someone else was walking in front of him, he was in a hurry and stepped forward.

Soon, he came to the entrance of the cave.

At this time, the entrance of the cave was blackened, and various forces such as frost, flame, and lava remained. The originally indestructible entrance of the cave was like ordinary soil being hit by something. Blocks even fall off.

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