Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 860: soil

"Witcher: Elemental Lord(

Where did Augustine come from to see these, he released ten light spells in one breath, shooting into the dark cave.

There are still several light spells in the cave. A figure is suspended in the air, and a figure is busy in it. The place where he is is on the wall, and he seems to be collecting something.

When Augustine saw this, he hurriedly looked at the wall. It didn't matter what he looked at, but after reading it, his eyes were split.

Various large and small air robbery beads stand on the wall, and at this time, some of them have disappeared.

"Damn it, Dorai, stop it." He yelled at Dorai angrily, then flew inside with lightning speed, and began to collect it as well.

Dole heard the voice, but just glanced back and stopped paying attention.

Do you have the ability to ask Lao Tzu to stop?

The two silently charged, and while charging, they approached deliberately.

Dole knew what Augustine thought and didn't care about it. As long as he dared to do something, he would immediately let him know how powerful he was.

Augustine also has a trump card, which is his own means of life-saving. While approaching Dorai, he took out the trump card.

No matter what he said, he couldn't let the other party get the first place, but he knew that the reward for the first place was very rich. He didn't say anything when he was added to the official position, mainly because of various resources. Lai, then everything is yours.

Just when the two were about to approach, Augustine endured his injury, suddenly found an alchemy equipment, and walked towards Dorai.

Although Dorai has been observing the positions of the empty robbery beads around him, his mental power is extremely large, and it is easy to separate out a little bit and pay attention to Augustine's side.

Seeing Augustine take out something and throwing it at him, he turned around immediately, raised his hand and waved, and countless air spear techniques were fully covered and shot forward, including Augustine's position.

Those air spears switched positions in mid-air, and part of them shot at the flying thing fiercely, and part of them bypassed and shot at Augustine. Now that the shot has been taken, then everyone will simply have a fight.

The corner of Augustine's mouth twitched, his mental power was spinning, and the thing suddenly revolved in mid-air at an extremely fast speed, moving and avoiding Dole's thing.

He wants to get close, just to throw things. After throwing things, he is ready to run away. That thing is powerful, comparable to level 7. If the distance is too close, it is easy to accidentally injure himself.

However, he overestimated his control ability. Those air spears were extremely fast, and before they could go around, several air spears had already hit the ball.

The sphere exploded in mid-air, and an extremely strong force slammed into the four directions, the lightning element, the earth element, the fire element, and I didn't know what to charge in all directions. Dispersed, the huge energy continued to move forward, chasing the two away.

Dole's complexion changed, the density of the white energy mask around his body became thicker, and energy rose up one after another, and at the same time he stepped back.

On the other side, Augustine, who had been prepared for a long time, ran faster at this time, and disappeared in a swish.

Dorai cursed secretly, and was surrounded by the force of the impact.


A huge sound echoed in the surrounding world, and the sound wave oscillated. Augustine was in mid-air and was hit by the infinite sound wave, and his face changed wildly.

Fuck, forget about it, it's a closed environment.

His ears suddenly bleed, and his head buzzed.

This is almost the same effect as the monster attacking him, but the inner part of the spiritual world is replaced by the outer part.

Ahhhh, Augustine screamed.

On the other side, Dole slammed into the wall with a loud bang. Half of his body was smashed into the wall, and the white light on his body dimmed. However, he didn't have anything to do, he just looked a little embarrassed.

A scream came, and Dole snorted coldly, idiot.

He flew forward, raised his hand and waved, in mid-air, a purple lightning appeared out of nowhere, and slammed towards Augustine who was screaming in the distance.

The thunder burst, and the dazzling brilliance changed the face of Augustine who was still in pain. The special power contained in the thunder and lightning made his eyes split. This guy actually touched the rules of thunder and lightning.

He didn't care about the pain, he hurriedly took out a scroll, tore it apart suddenly, and wrapped him with a khaki power.

The next moment, lightning struck him.


Augustine flew out as a whole, and the surrounding khaki power competed with the thunder and lightning, making an unpleasant sound.

His head was buzzing, and he was attacked by Dorai again, and the whole person looked miserable.

Dorai stretched out his hand and propped himself on the walls on both sides, trying to pull himself out.

When his hand touched the wall, he suddenly found that the hard wall seemed to be soft and sticky.

He was stunned for a moment, then looked at the wall, only to see that the black things that he had collected had now collapsed and stuck to the wall. It was because of this that the wall became soft.

Seeing this, Dorai's face glowed. It is very rare to collect these soils. Even if he can pass through the wall, the collected soil is not enough, because even under the light of the wizard's tower practice~www.wuxiaspot. com~ It is easy to collect bones, but difficult to collect soil.

The texture of these soils is very peculiar, and only a little bit can be scraped off the bones. There is nothing else to do. Now that the soil layer has become soft, what should he do immediately.

Augustine, forget it, let you go first, it’s important to collect soil, these soils may be the soil of creation, and it is always good to collect more of the substances in the extraterritorial world before the formation of the world.

I ignored Augustine and took the time to clean up the black matter and soil.

While Dorai was busy, Daphne finally came to the entrance of the cave. Seeing the force inside, he heard a huge explosion just now. He thought something was wrong here, so he rushed over there alone.

When I came to the entrance of the cave, I saw Augustine floating on the side in pain, while Dole was struggling to dig the soil.

"Dig soil? Can this soil be dug?"

Her eyes are also shining. This soil is a good thing. She once heard the elders say that if you can bring a pound of soil back, it is better than anything, even better than the creatures here. As for Augustine's pain? He's not dead.

Dole's hilarious digging here naturally also felt Daphne.

There is a lot of space inside, and he can't dig it all by himself. At this time, he just tries to dig as much as possible.

The soft soil layer is actually not thick, and it can only be digged two or three centimeters thick if it is eroded by that kind of black stuff. Even so, after a while, he has saved several tons.

But soon, Dole released the awakened Ashe and Yunuo, and the four collected them together. At this time, others slowly joined in, including Augustine, who had killed himself. Against Dole.

As for the empty robbery beads on the wall, Duo Lai can't control that much, the soil is the key.

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