Wizard of the Pirate World

Chapter 204 The Arrogant Supernova

Sabaody Archipelago.

Under the eager anticipation of the Marines, Karen finally stepped on the dark red flame, came from the distant sky, and landed in front of them.

"Your Excellency Karen.

Seeing Karen hooking up, all Marines saluted Karen excitedly.

"How is the situation now?"

Karen nodded to all the Marines and asked with a smile.

"Back to Lord Karen, the main disturbance here are the nine Marine supernovae. 2

A Colonel Marine stood up immediately, Karen said in a salute.

"So that's the case, ten?"

When Karen heard this, he couldn't help but nodded. In the original book, the original supernova should be eleven, but now that Luo has joined his command, naturally there are only nine.

"Can their current location be determined?»

Karen asked again to Colonel Marine, who was headed by him.

"What is now certain is that Basil Hawkins, with a bounty of 240,000,000,000 Bailey, is in,

Hearing the report of the Colonel Marine, Karen nodded slightly.

"Since that's the case, I'll go to Hawkins first. If there is news about the location of other pirates, you can use the phone to contact me at any time."

After speaking, Karen walked slowly towards the direction just followed by Marine.

Soon, Karen appeared in a street.

At this time, the streets were already chaotic, and Karen wearing Vice Admiral was extremely conspicuous, making everyone notice that Karen's figure stagnated subconsciously.

"Great, not Marine Admiral.

Some people were relieved when they saw the popularity of Vice Admiral on Karen. Although Marine Vice Admiral was terrible, compared to Marine Admiral, there was still a huge gap between the sky and the earth.

"Idiot, look carefully at who he is~.

As soon as this person's words landed, the companion next to him began to roar wildly.

"He,, he is, the strongest in the world, Bloodwing Karen."

As soon as these words came out, the whole street suddenly became silent, and the needles falling could be heard.

The next moment, the whole street fell into an even crazier situation, almost everyone started to run for their lives, and now they would rather come to Marine Admiral than to see Karen, the god of killing.

"The pirates just run away when they see me, why even the civilians run away.

Looking at the chaotic street in front of him, Karen couldn't help but be speechless, and once again lamented the panic level of everyone because of the beating of the Tianlong people. In this way, it is impossible to distinguish between civilians and pirates. If it were to change to a Marine, I am afraid that all of them would be imprisoned, and finally the method of distinguishing them would be taken, but Karen didn't care about it, he was not very interested in these small rain shrimps.


"It's really not afraid of death.

Perceiving that someone in front of him even pointed a gun at him, Karen had to sigh how ignorant these pirates who have never galloped in the New World at all.

As for this trick, Karen still has some impressions, because in the original book, it was this funny guy who tried to smuggle Kizaru. I didn't expect that even if Kizaru didn't come, this person would still die like this.


Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the air, a bullet has broken through the air.

Karen didn't even bother to look at this, he threw a punch lightly, the endless fist pressure surging, directly crushed the bullet, and smashed the two pirates who hadn't reacted into the sky. Blood fog.

After brushing off two dust particles, Karen disappeared in a flash.

When he found out again, he had landed on a roof, and below, was the target of his trip, Basil Hawkins, and the Hawkins Pirate where he was.

"Oh my God, it's really Bloodwing, Boss Hawkins, let's run away. 99

The moment they saw Karen hooked up, almost all the members of the Hawkins Pirates fell into panic.

"There is no need to panic, fate has already given me a revelation, and everything has long been doomed.

Compared to the panic of his subordinates, Hawkins seemed quite calm, holding his new rhyme card and talking to himself.

"As expected of Mr. Hawkins."

Hearing the boss of Hawkins, all the members of the Hawkins Pirates were inexplicably relieved although they were still there for a while.

"Interesting, indeed, when you said hook, your fate was indeed already doomed.

Hearing Hawkins' words, Karen's face was full of smiles, but there was an undetectable cold light in his eyes. Originally, he just planned to send the other party into Impel down, but since the other party was like this in front of him If you pretend, you have to pay a price.

As soon as the words fell, Karen-face waved his fist casually, and the surging fist pressure like a surging river had already advanced and lay down in an instant.

The moment Karen's fist appeared, Hawkins' face finally changed, he could no longer keep his composure, and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.


With an incomparably huge roar, endless air waves ravaged the audience, rolling air waves swept in all directions, a huge incomparable deep pit had appeared in the field, and all the members of Hawkins Pirates had already roamed. It turned into a stump and a broken arm, and fell into a huge pit without a whole body.

As for Hawkins, there is no surprise, but the strange thing is that his body is very well preserved, there is not even a trace of bloodline flowing, and finally (Zhao Lihao) actually stood up from the ground intact.

"..." How terrifying, facing the strongest in the world, it seems that there are too few things prepared. 97

Hawkins looked at Karen, and there was a cold sweat on his face.

"Interesting, you are not dead, it seems that your ability does have some capital that makes you arrogant

Seeing Hawkins unscathed, Karen's eyebrows could not help but twitch slightly, but then there was a hint of coldness on his face.

"But just relying on this, it can't be a reason for you to pretend in front of me.

After speaking, Karen moved again, Hawkins only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and instantly lost Karen's trace.

When Karen fished again, it was already hooked in front of him, Karen's palm clapped on his neck at some point, he finally felt a breath called death,

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