Wizard of the Pirate World

Chapter 205 Suppression of Supernova

Sabaody Archipelago.

Karen pinched Hawkins' neck with one hand, his eyes filled with endless indifference.

"I don't know if you will be lucky enough to survive, let me look forward to it.

As soon as the words fell, Karen's hand had already ignited a monstrous fire, and Hawkins was instantly wrapped in it.

At the beginning, Hawkins' body hadn't shown anything, but it only took a few moments. Under the burning of the crimson flame, he realized his preparation, and the scarecrow used to turn the injury was already All disappeared, and finally was completely burned to ashes.

On top of a building, another supernova Apu saw this scene and couldn't help but stunned.

"It's terrifying, is this the strongest power in the world?"

Behind him, several of his men swallowed their saliva and said tremblingly:

"Boss, are you still going to challenge him, or let's withdraw as soon as possible."

Apu couldn't help being silent for a while after hearing this. He originally planned to try the world's strongest strength before going to New World, but now it seems that the strengths of the two sides are not in the same dimension at all.

Let's go", the gap is indeed too big now.

After Apu smiled wryly 753 times, he was about to run away, but suddenly found that Karen, who was standing on the street in front of him, had disappeared without knowing when.

And in the next moment, an incomparably playful voice rang in his ears.

"How to say that, you still have some self-knowledge, but you still have to go to Impel down."

The moment the rhythm of this sound appeared, Apu only felt the hairs on his body stand upright, and without thinking about it, all parts of his body were transformed into various musical instruments, playing endless rhythm waves, making sounds of the square away.

"It's really frustrating.

But with the sound of the clear cloud and the clear wind, the roaring sound caused by the countless sound waves came to an abrupt end, and Apu also saw a fist continuously enlarge in front of his eyes, and finally he didn't know anything.

"Dare to observe me so close, no matter before or now, I always feel that Supernova's head is all kinds of arrears.

Karen looked at Apu, who had completely fainted under his own punch, and thought of those supernovas who died in his hands in various time periods, and couldn't help but pouted.

"Pullo! Poohoo!

At this time, the phone bug in Karen's arms suddenly rang, and Karen picked it up.

"Report to Lord Karen, Drake and Kid have been found,,,.

After putting down the phone bug, Karen's face couldn't help showing a look of memory. Although he didn't have any friendship with him, he was considered half acquaintance. Choose to defect out of Marine.

Shaking his head, Karen threw the unconscious Apu to the Marine soldiers he saw on the road, and flashed away in the direction of Drake and Kid.

Sabaody Archipelago, where an island is located.

"Come on, you marine trash. 99

Kid's two hands have turned into two huge robotic arms, and they are going back and forth under the siege of Marine, and laughing wildly.


"This guy.

Drake looked at Kid, who was on the sidelines, and his brows could not help frowning slightly. He met the other party by accident. Under the pressure of the situation, he could only join forces with the other party to try to break out, but he did not expect the other party to act like this. The extreme extreme, if it goes on like this, it will only attract more and more Marines. When the time comes, if Marine Admiral is provoked, then there is no need to run away.

Drake, who once stayed in Marine, is not comparable to an ordinary supernova. He knows the horror of Marine Admiral, but if he knew that this time it was not Marine Admiral, but Karen, he would be even more anxious.

As the battle continued, under the siege of the crazy Kid, Marine's damage was getting bigger and bigger, just as this group of Marine was about to be defeated, a voice suddenly sounded in the field stand up.

"You all step back, they are not the opponents you started to deal with.

With the sound of this sound, a figure wearing Vice Admiral Dalmo has been quietly hooked into the battlefield.

"Great, Karen Vice Admiral is here."

Seeing who was coming, all the Marines were overjoyed, obeyed the order, quit the battle, and came to Karen's side.

"This is the strongest in the world, Bloodwing Karen.»

When Karen appeared at this moment, both Drake and Kid's faces had changed at the same time, Kid's face was full of fear, while Drake's face was bitter.

Karen waited until all the Marines had withdrawn, looked around at Kid, and said:

"I have heard of you. It is said that you have slaughtered a lot of civilians, and even slaughtered an island."

When Karen said these words, her face was full of indifference, and the feeling of coldness in her words can be said that anyone can hear it.

For a pirate like Luffy, who is actually an adventurous pirate under the name of a pirate, Karen sometimes encounters it, and doesn't mind letting him go. As for Kid, as long as Karen sees it, the opponent will never escape death Of course, this is not a high-sounding reason for the sake of justice, it is just a simple dislike of what the other party is doing.

Hearing Karen's words without the slightest emotion, for some reason, Kid's heart had a feeling of impending disaster, and this feeling saved his life more than once.

At this moment, Kid turned around and ran without hesitation, completely lost his arrogant look before.

Seeing Kid run away so decisively, Karen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and said something full of drama.

"I have to say, among all the supernovae, you are quite the number one."

"But unfortunately, the person I want to kill, even if they flee to the ends of the earth, is meaningless."

As Karen's voice fell, he saw a crimson flame on Karen's fist, and finally rhythm with a light punch.

As the fist fell completely, a torrent of crimson flames also swept in all directions. Wherever it passed, the earth was first turned into magma, and then burned into nothingness. Even the incomparably huge Yarman red The tree was also burned directly under this flame, and even the sea water was faintly pouring out from the land of the island.

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