Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 811: Rainbow Dew

"Wizards can collect(!

Judging by Rock’s experience, these materials are undoubtedly a bit outdated, not in line with the usual methods of current wizards, and their value is not estimated to be high.

The second floor is the botanical garden, which has no roots and weeds.

He is not disappointed. As a black witch, the botanical garden is often vacant, whether it is the same or not.

The first layer is the workshop layer.

To him a little surprised, it was a mechanical device arranged in an orderly manner. The original owner was very attentive, and a large part of it was preserved.

Rock looked all the way, there are mixed metal processing room, long sword forging room, shield forging room, low and middle-level wizard forging room, magic puppet forging room and so on.

"Will you control it?" He wouldn't take care of these trivial matters himself, but this is the depths of the masked courtyard, and other servants and pets can't get in.

"I can study, I'm very smart." Pamela answered confidently, "I can also take care of the botanical garden."

"By the way, besides staying in Yunya Witch Tower, can you go to other places?" Rock asked suddenly.

"Yes, there is a rainbow bridge below, and I came up from there." Pamela pointed her head straight, and then promised, "I am definitely not going to be lazy, and I will not bring others into the Witch Tower. We can't Go to other Yunya Witch Towers."

"I don't lack resources. If there are no accidents in the two layers, you can watch the arrangement yourself." Rock said indifferently.

For him, the value is still too low. If there is free time, it is better to earn more merits and go directly to the Mask Academy to redeem it.

"But---but I have no place to study, and no materials." Pamela said pitifully. She didn't want people to be regarded as an idle assistant and rejected by others.

"I'll bring you some materials and resources. You can teach yourself, and there are questions about how to become a qualified laboratory assistant." Rock made arrangements immediately.

Regardless of her wishes, Roque came directly to the fourth layer-the elemental layer with no small expectation. There is indeed something unusual here.

"The elemental energy here is taken from the wizarding world, and the average wizard tower certainly does not have this level."

The same is the elemental tidal current layer, here to understand the mystery of the elements, Roque felt a little bit, the effect can be comparable to the central gray tower, as for the upper limit of the effect is temporarily unknown, it is definitely not bad.

The central gray tower is where the dean's laboratory is located. Even if he lives in a tower, he can't enter it at any time. Obviously, it can bring him no small convenience.

The fifth floor of Witch Tower.

Compared to the fourth layer, this layer has a very small space, with clouds and fog surrounding it. At first glance, it seems to be similar to the inner tower spirit fog layer, but there is nothing else in it except fog.

"This is the most important place of Yunya Witch Pagoda. These mists come from the Great Falls of Truth, and the Rainbow Dew of Truth from the Great Falls. This is the kind of treatment only when you are newly settled in Yunya. Usually you need to accumulate a little bit. That's it, Witch Tower will automatically collect it." Pamela continued to introduce.

"What's the effect?" Rock asked, and it really gave him a comfortable and ethereal feeling.

"If you are thinking about key issues here, there is a high probability that you will realize that you are biased towards the right aura, but it will consume the Rainbow Dew of Truth." Pamela said.

Towards the right aura?

In other words, you will be able to comprehend something deeper, especially when comprehending certain problems in a difficult situation, this may help break the deadlock.

Rock suddenly thought of the problems that he would encounter after the wizarding journey, such as the unification of the three wizards, the essence of the element, and the mystery of space. This is probably prepared for these problems.

It has to be said that this is the case of the Mask Academy. The more members show their potential, the higher the treatment they receive, paving the way for genius wizards.

Rock then asked some detailed questions, and Pamela answered stubbornly. If he couldn't answer, he would look up and stare at him aggrievedly.

In fact, she didn't know anything about all of this, but she wrote down some important information so that she could answer Rock's questions.

"Okay, I will explore by myself in the future." Rock did not continue to embarrass her.

He already knew from Pamela's answer that this "Rainbow Dew Layer" was the same as his analysis, and was prepared for the insight of the fourth-order mystery, although it was a bit early for him.

However, according to the rules of the Yunya Witch Tower, the earlier the time, the more truth rainbows can be accumulated, which is a great advantage.

"Anything else that needs attention?" Rock asked at last.

"One more thing, if you encounter the Truth Falls, if you have time, you'd better come back here. It will have other benefits for you." Pamela thought for a while and said.

"What about the time?"

"It depends on the situation. It may be a hundred years, or two hundred years, or a thousand years. Pamela hasn't encountered it yet."

"Well, if the waterfall rises, remember to notify me."

Not long after the two talked, Roque was able to confirm one thing, Pamela is not a normal creature, her thinking is more sensitive, and she is indeed smart as she herself said, probably because she was born by the waterfall of truth.

Therefore, there is no problem at all for her to teach herself.

Not long after, after handing over the care of the Witch Tower to Pamela, Roque left Yunya, still came out from the same gate, and saw the strange mask waiting there at a glance.

"Mr. Barnard, are you waiting for me?"

"Of course, I need to discuss with you about the promotion of masks."

After the conversation, Rock learned that Barnard is in charge of all mask forging and promotion work in the Mask Academy, including the promotion of masks.

Barnard's status is much higher than Rock expected.

However, these creatures act strictly in accordance with the rules of the academy, there is no possibility of favoritism, and their status does not affect the Masked Wizard.

"As for your mask promotion, I can offer two options."

"Please elaborate."

"The first type, as in the past, is promoted from a small level to a small level, until it is promoted to the third level."

"Is the second one better?"

"Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The second type is directly promoted to Tier 3. However, it will break the original promotion order of the mask, and there may be unknown circumstances."

Roque did not answer directly. He pondered for a few seconds. He asked a question: "If the normal promotion order is followed, how high is the limit that the mask can be promoted in the academy?"

"Tier 3 peak. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Barnard answered as usual, "but you can find a way to improve yourself."

This is no different from what Rock thought. The Mask Academy is the cradle of genius wizards, sheltering potential low, middle and high-level wizards. Code wizards are already the top power in the wizarding world, which is equivalent to a successful graduation. shelter.

"If it doesn't affect the'False Shadow of War', I choose the second one." Rock said his choice.

Nowadays, for him, some abilities of the mask do not need to be improved, such as the ability to hide, but the current ones are already sufficient, such as the ability of protection, which is replaced by the formation of the soul.

As for the light of truth in the mask, it can no longer keep up with his level and cannot be used to any great use.

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