Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 812: 3rd order mask

"Of course not, I promise." Barnard was confident about this, he went on to say, "Look, this is an optional material that will be provided by the college."

He handed Rock an information crystal.

Rock took a look, and it recorded a few materials, which were carefully selected at first glance.

"Half Witch World Witchcraft?" When he saw a certain one, he asked in surprise.

"You know, the witchcraft of the witchcraft world is unique. If something of the same nature is born, after one is born, the others will not have the possibility of sharp change. This is the so-called'witchcraft of the witchcraft world.'" Nader sighed before explaining.

"Understand." Rock nodded silently.

"They have some special abilities of the witchcraft, but they are not perfect." Barnard added.

In addition to the semi-witchcraft, there are also semi-planetary artifacts with strange materials. He also saw the bones of the black eclipse beasts, all of which can be integrated into the mask, and are not of ordinary quality. Such fusion can Increase the background of the mask, not like a step-by-step promotion.

However, the fusion efficiency must be high or low, but Barnard did not intend to continue to introduce it in depth.

Roque looked at the recorded information again. There was a brief description and the abilities that might be brought after the fusion, which was biased in all aspects.

"I choose'Blood Crystal Treasure Eye'." He quickly made a decision, choosing one of the half-witchcraft that enhances perception.

It's not too much to perceive this kind of things at any time, just like this expedition in Sunyan Lake, if it weren't for the perception of the red armor beast, things would definitely be more troublesome, he didn't like that feeling very much.

Moreover, he will definitely go to the tomb in the future, and he can't rely solely on the red armor every time.

"A good choice, if Wizard Rock can trust me, you can give me the mask directly." Barnard did not comment, and directly asked him for the mask.

"Of course." Without a word, Rock gave it the mask.

He certainly did not believe in Barnard, but in the rules of the Mask Academy.

"This promotion will take a lot of time, so please be patient."

"no problem."

After Barnard left, Roque also left the Cloud Cliff Gate Court, and then returned to the Grey Mist Tower.

In the next few days, Roque traveled between Yunya and the college many times, bringing the materials promised to Pamela, and even taught her for a while.

He found that Pamela was wiser than expected, and the speed of learning things was extraordinary, probably comparable to that of a wizard in the later stage of the first order. Before Pamela was taught by herself, it meant going to school, and now he is very satisfied.

He suddenly felt that cultivating Pamela as an experimental assistant was good, much more reliable than Nicholas.

"Study hard, I will take the test."

"Of course, Pamela is always ready."

Roque increased her learning volume, and Pamela was full of enthusiasm.

For Pamela, Roque is completely relieved. On the day she became her assistant, the two parties signed a contract. Pamela is equivalent to a follower or a vassal, or the kind that can't be withdrawn until death.

Compared to the well-behaved and energetic Pamela, there is one guy that makes Roque a little worried.

It's been almost a month, and the sudden change of the soul tree is still going on, but it has never intended to leave the soul formation, so it has always been in Rock's spiritual ocean.

The importance of the spirit sea to the wizard can be imagined, and the soul tree is not completely changed for a while, and he can't be relieved for a while.

"Forget it, looking at the habits you have formed over hundreds of thousands of years, you won't be forced to change them."

Don't worry, don't worry, seeing that its sharp change has no effect on the spirit sea, but has a boosting effect on the soul formation, Roque did not force it out.

A few more days later, four third-order wizards came to his Witch Tower as guests, the purpose of which was to discuss the academic exchange meeting of scholars, that is, his celebration ceremony.

"To be held at Baihe College?" Rock was surprised when he heard what they said.

He looked at the four people in front of him, Amelia, Stewart, Lattimore, and Palmer, all of whom expressed affirmation.

"Of course, your consent is definitely needed, Wizard Rock." Lattimore added.

"I have no problem." The academy and Shirakawa reached an agreement, and Roque naturally had no reason to oppose it. It was the same everywhere for him.

"It's great, we must be held properly, and we will be able to stir up the entire Stamudin defense zone." Ratimore promised with a smile.

"Let's figure it out, you have more experience than me, so just tell me what I need to cooperate with." Since Baihe College wants to take this opportunity, Roque is more happy and will not harm his interests.

After Latimore and the two left satisfactorily, Amelia explained the inside story.

Baihe wants to take this opportunity to increase the prestige of the college, and the Gray Mist Tower is a secondary position in the Baipu College League. In fact, there is not much need for prestige. Too much of this kind of thing will attract the fear and targeting of Baihe College. There is really no Need to fight.

Rock expressed his understanding that when the strength is not as good as others, it is better not to be too arrogant. With the covenant relationship between the two sides, if Baihe tears his face and wants to embarrass the wizard of the Gray Mist Tower, it will not be too easy.

A few days later, Roque received Vera's summons.

‘I see, Mr. Xi, I heard that you have settled in Yunya. I have to say that you are lucky. Remember to come to my promotion ceremony. ’

‘I have to say that your intelligence capabilities are outstanding, and there is no need to re-emphasize the ceremony. ’

Since he is free, he certainly can’t pretend he’s not in the witchcraft world, and count the time. In a few days, he will set off to the Flower and Vine Garden. Gifts will be fine. It will certainly not be as abrupt as last time. I accidentally got the Red Armored Market Beast ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not every time I get an unexpected gain.

Taking advantage of his free time, he appeared at the Witch Array General Assembly the next day.

As the fourth guild leader, he must show up from time to time. This time he found that the number of wizards who came to learn the witch formation had increased a lot, which made the club witch tower a little more lively out of thin air.

It can be seen that the benefits of the Nethersea Witch Array appearing to the Witch Array Association are beginning to show, which is a good phenomenon for him.

After staying for three days, he left the witch formation general association and rushed to the Qingman defense line area. Before he arrived, Barnard sent good news-the mask promotion was completed.

A few minutes later, he saw his new mask in the chamber of the president of the branch.

At this time, the mask has been promoted to a third-order magic weapon, and the patterns on the mask have become more complicated.

The black exclusive rune, the truth pupil pattern, the'laughing mouth' representing the imprint of the soul, the narrow and colorful cheek pattern representing the false war shadow, and above the truth pupil pattern, there is a blood-red eye, and there are all around it. Faint pupil lines.

The blood crystal treasure pupil is extremely sensitive to living individuals, whether they are tangible or intangible.

"Invisible? Couldn't he still perceive some hidden will." Rock put on the mask and immediately understood the change of the mask.

All aspects of abilities have been correspondingly enhanced, and a very special ability is added-the blood crystal treasure pupil, which is the same name as the original half-witch world.

If you only understand it from the ability introduction, this is undoubtedly an incredible ability, like the invisible death resentment encountered before, it originally has a kind of will, maybe it can be sensed without relying on the soul tree.

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