Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 827: Business Rules Network

At this moment, Caponeme tried his best to break free, and tried to gather the elements to form a shield to protect himself, but under the edge of the ancient ravenous hand, everything he did was in vain.

"The Adventurer's Church----Mitchelson will not let it go----"

With the last roar, Caponeme fell not far from God's hideout, and lost his vitality in extreme unwillingness.

"Really tenacious." Hong Jia sighed falsely.

"Want to go." Rok's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and when a ray of light jumped out, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it in his palm. It was the power crystal he had sought.

"How much." Hong Jia asked eagerly.

"Not bad, half of it." Of course Roque was satisfied with such a harvest.

In this way, he has 5.3% of the power crystals, which is more than half of the power crystals. From this moment on, Candran can be regarded as his home court, and it is more convenient to do things.

However, his goal is to become the power crystal, and the hunt has to continue. After packing up the spoils, the master and servant left the Halo Corridor again, ready to wait for the next prey.

"Someone is watching below." The Red Jiaxu Beast's eyes lit up.

"It's only the second level, and it's not the master of the authority crystal, there is no need to manage it." Rock found out before it, and didn't intend to bother.

Hidden Moore didn't know. In just an instant, he almost died because of one more glance, and because a certain wizard didn't want to be troublesome, he was able to survive.

"Who is this? It came so fast."

He was puzzled for a while, and then he came up with a new idea.

"Wait a little longer, when more people arrive, I will post the news on the commercial network, and then I can make a lot of money." At this moment, he smiled very proudly.

As time passed, about half an hour later, the second person who had heard the news arrived.

Roque activated the Tracking Altar again, but did not cause a corresponding change, indicating that the second person is not the master of the power crystal.

In this way, Rock did not do too much and allowed the opponent to enter the halo corridor.

After another while, this time there was a lot of movement, and a magic ship came, staying in front of the storm-shrouded area for half a minute, and then directly broke into it.

"Responsive." The Red Armor Xuxu Beast stared at the tracking crystal ball without blinking. Seeing that it had changed, he couldn't help but whispered.

"The sixth ring Sapir Mage Tower, there are so many people here, it seems that they have paid attention to the legacy of the old **** for a long time." Roque said.

He had a detailed knowledge of the recent history of Candran. Sixty-seven years ago, the old gods fell, and the new gods designated Candran as their pastoral ground. Then Mosu.com and Business Network embedded Candran’s rules. Then, the ring tower power rises, and the old church of God begins to decline.

The Adventurer Church only fell to such a situation, in addition to losing the protection of the gods, it is closely related to the current suppression of the ring tower.

Therefore, even if the nine-ring towers were planning the legacy of the old gods, he would not be surprised.

"What to do?" The other party is coming fiercely, and the sneak attack like just now will definitely fail.

"Keep waiting." Rock was not reckless.

What he didn't expect was that the magic ships of the Sapir Mage Tower seemed to have triggered some kind of opportunity, and within the next tens of minutes, the magic ships arrived one by one.

Even if Rock discovered the appearance of the plane authority crystal, because the other party was not alone, so that he did not dare to act rashly, he could only secretly record the power of that person.

"We have all entered the kingdom of God, when shall we wait?" Seeing others enter the kingdom of God one after another, the Red Jiaxu Beast couldn't help asking again.

"No one has come out yet, what anxious." Rock replied casually.

It has been a long time since the opening of the gods, and no one broke out of it, so he was not in a hurry.

After a short while, Roque received a message from Rita, bringing news about Godzang.

"The news spread so quickly, is it related to that ‘commercial network’?" Rock thought to himself.

As long as the planes in the Mosu business alliance, including Kanderan, there are special rules brought by the two gods. The existence of Mosu network makes it easier to become a magician. The existence of the business network makes transactions simple, fair and extensive. .

In the commercial network, the most widely used is intelligence information transactions. Both parties can easily conclude transactions through the commercial network if they are thousands of miles away.

"Let me try the special features of this commercial network."

With Kanderan's authority crystal, it is not too simple for Roque to fabricate a local identity. Commercial networks are everywhere, and he immediately touched the existence in the dark.

"It's peculiar."

Even though Rock had a broad knowledge and had known relevant information beforehand, he was still shocked when he actually came into contact with the real object.

After connecting to the commercial network, he perceives some simple information, as well as many unique magics: magic plant identification magic, monster identification magic, strange object identification magic, business justice contract (magister), business justice contract (Grand Magister) ----

As long as it can promote the conclusion of the transaction, there are magics with corresponding effects.

What makes him feel strange is that these magics can be borrowed without learning, as long as you remember to go to the commercial church to pay a certain amount of magic coins after borrowing.

Of course, if you fail to pay on time, the consequences will be very serious. The most serious consequence is to fold yourself in and become a slave commodity of the commercial church.

Intelligence trading is part of it, such as the ‘forum’ that Rock has seen in his previous life. Intelligence is one of the posts. To view specific intelligence information, you also need Shangmocoin.

"So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as the business goddess notices, he can immediately know the information of the gods." In the latest'post', Roque saw the information about the gods, and the charge is not included. high.

Since the business network was brought by the business goddess, the things that appeared on it must not be hidden from her. This made Roque's expression a bit solemn. The gods that may appear are like a group of energy that will explode at any time. He least likes this. Unforeseen factors.

Fortunately, the word "God Kingdom" did not appear from it, and the business goddess might not care about this message.

While exploring the business network in Rock, people in many places in Candran noticed the news of the “Old God’s Remains”. Can sigh in vain, or fish in troubled waters in the intelligence market.

Some firms saw the opportunity to earn Merchant Coins and took the opportunity to launch a magic ship to launch their own new transportation business. Some firms secretly sold the blood of the gods.

With the passage of time, on the third day, a steady stream of explorers arrived, making the unnamed mountains of their origins become more and more exciting.

After watching the excitement for three days, Roque still had no intention of leaving, which depressed the Red Armor Market Beast.

"Aren't we going yet?"

"Do you see someone coming out, or sending out the slightest message, it's all in the kingdom of God, what's the use of entering first?"

It's not that Roque didn't take any measures, but as soon as the exploration method of his commander arrived in God's country, he directly lost contact, including the elemental phantom he separated out, which was annihilated soon after entering, and no information was sent.

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