Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 828: God Domestic Department

"Wizards can collect(!

If you want to enter the remains of the gods, you must pass through the Halo Corridor, and if you want to go through the Halo Corridor, you must have or purchase the blood of the gods.

The amount of the blood of the gods is inherently limited, and only a few chambers of commerce are willing to sell them. Therefore, even if most people come, they cannot enter the remains of the gods and can only seek other ways.

For example, some magicians are gathering together, trying to research ways to break blood detection.

However, this halo corridor is a test of the gods. How can the gods tolerate the means by ordinary people to decipher themselves? The magicians have studied for a long time and have not found any clues. Instead, they have found out a lot of headaches.

"Well, this god's legacy shouldn't exist for long, so why not attack it directly." A magician from the third ring mage tower suggested.

"Time doesn't allow, it can only be so." This was immediately approved by another magician.

"Well, gather people with lofty ideals to work together. So many of us are still afraid that we will not be able to break through a small barrier." Many people have the same idea in their hearts, and this proposal is echoing their hearts.

As for the few people who tend to study, their voices are submerged under the will of most people.

At this time, the Red Armored Market Beast was disgusted by Rok and it was noisy, and was sent over to listen for news. It was hiding nearby. This scene was clearly passed into its ears, and he hurriedly flew back to find Rok and reported the news.

"This way, you can just test the reality of this place. It is said that the old **** dislikes someone who does not abide by his own rules of adventure." Hearing the words of the red armor, Roque's eyes lit up.

Of course he is happy for someone to do this kind of rebuttal, so rudely breaking the rules left by the god. If the **** really has the will and power, he will definitely be offended. It's a good time to test the opponent's power.

"Don't they know this?" The Red Jiaxu Beast said in surprise.

"Interests move people's hearts. In the face of the temptation to become a god, they selectively ignore this danger." Rock said lightly.

During their conversation, the people on the other side who were qualified to participate in this feat were summoned. Except for a small number of people who chose to sit still and watch the changes, others gathered at the entrance of the Halo Corridor with great momentum.

"Everyone, success or failure depends on this, work together, first enter the spirit of the gods and then talk about it."

"Well, if anyone dares not try their best, let's not blame us for being impolite."

Within two minutes, a group of nearly thirty people, at least in the middle and late stages of Tier 3, reached the front of the Hongmang barrier.

"Shoot together."


The magic of everyone came out, and the violent energy hit the red light barrier. Although it was not neat, the momentum was huge and loud. In the eyes of everyone's expectation, there were several slightly fuzzy cracks in the barrier.

"Haha, come again."


Seeing the cracks, everyone was very excited. Several people laughed directly, and the magic blasted towards the cracks in the barrier, and the barrier shattered in response.

"Quickly." A breakthrough was made so easily, everyone broke into the second test without hesitation.

Entering the second stage, no one dares to care, everyone knows that this moment is the most dangerous time.

"Swish swish."

As they expected, the second test was several times stronger than the first test. Within a few seconds, the wind energy suddenly screamed and became more compact, and the difficulty of the test increased several times.

"It's okay, it's just a long-dead guy, we will rush through."

No one flinched and continued to move up the wind. After all, this was only the second test. No matter how strong it was, it couldn't be strengthened. Everyone arrived safely before another red light barrier.

There was another muffled sound. This time, it broke the investigation barrier. When everyone cooperated more harmoniously, the barrier was broken surprisingly smoothly.

"Hahaha, it's just that."

"Go on, don't let those who first enter the Vault too much."

Seeing that the accident triggered by himself was unexpectedly tyrannical, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

After the second red light barrier was restored, the group continued to break into the deeper part of the Halo Corridor. I have to say that these magicians are not weak, and when they come together, they are really a force that cannot be ignored.



Despite the numerous obstacles along the way, as everyone became more and more in harmony, the momentum was like a broken bamboo along the way, and it was so strong that it broke through the first 33 layers.

The remains of the gods appeared in front of everyone.

"Hahaha, we succeeded."

"I'll go one step ahead."

God hid in front, how could anyone with this goal be able to hold it back, someone rushed out of the team and rushed directly to the entrance of Cirrus Cloud. The others didn't stop either, followed closely behind, and proceeded towards Godzang at the fastest speed.

Those who trampled the rules wanted to break into their own territory, and finally angered the existence above, a thunder roar sounded, shaking everyone's ears.


"Why hesitate? That guy has been dead for decades. If there are any bones, they will rot."

Hearing the sound, everyone couldn't help but paused, and they were dull for a few seconds. Desire defeated the others, and everyone rushed towards the gods.

The roar sounded like an outside force and a middling force. Although the surrounding thunder was strong, everyone finally made a breakthrough again and broke into the gods from the mouth of the Cuanyun cave.

Although they broke in from below, the place where they appeared after entering the gods' hideout was mid-air, and the gods' hideout had a panoramic view.

An ocean, there are ten islands in the ocean, and the islands are divided in order, nine of them are elongated, and every three islands are in a row, and the end of each row is the tenth island, one with a towering statue of a **** islands.

"Adventure Gallery!" several of them shouted.

People who have survived from the age of the old gods are no strangers to this arrangement, because the old gods most like this mode of sacrificial ritual, and many people have participated in it.

No wonder no one has broken out so far, it turns out that the **** left a more difficult assessment.

It was just a glimpse, and waiting for them to do more, they were dragged by some kind of force, and they kept landing towards the row of islands on the left below.

God punishment mode!

Looking at the blackness that enveloped the island below, a word came out of everyone's heart.

In the gallery of adventure in the old **** era, this kind of breath represented ten deaths and no life. The church was specially used to deal with some executed prisoners and heretics. By the way, it was a sacrifice to the gods, which was privately called "God Punishment".

Those who are punishable by God must die without a doubt.

God's punishment and adventure are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone is frightened and angry, but this will let them struggle, and they can't help them resist.

As everyone knows, in the divine kingdom of the gods, all the rules are set by the gods, and all the power is accumulated by the gods. How can a group of third-tier outsiders be able to resist.

When everyone broke into God's country forcefully, major changes also occurred in the mountains outside.

A part of the halo corridor suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone, and the storm suddenly became more reckless. The halo corridor danced like tentacles, and the storm moved with it, sweeping around the original storm area.

This storm moved extremely fast, and in the constant expansion, where the storm passed, the mountain peaks and the ground were overturned, swept away everything, and it was violent many times more than before.

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