Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 851: Panda Agung

In the Kunderland area, in the Earl of Licock's castle, the crystal ball on a certain altarpiece was lighted up, and there was a touch of energetic air in the crystal ball, flowing slowly.

Within half a minute, Rita, the host here, discovered this situation.

With a learning attitude, she carefully observed the energetic atmosphere for a while, even though she had been observing the altar for a long time, but she hadn't seen anything real.

"Sure enough, the level difference is too big to be too high." Rita smiled self-deprecatingly.

Soon, Roque, who was in the wizarding world, received a message from Rita, and he personally came to the Kanderan world and came to the altarpiece.

He beckoned, the crystal ball fell into his hands, and nodded in satisfaction for a moment.

"Speaker, can you use it?"

"Yes, continue to guard them."

"You can rest assured that you will be notified as soon as there is any movement, just like this time."

Leaving Fort Licock, Rock didn't delay his time, and directly used the power of the Kunderland Realm to open a new plane channel.

"I'll go take a look first." Hong Jia offered to invite Ying.

"No." There was no movement from Rok, and a figure emerged from his body. It was indeed his condensed elemental phantom, and the elemental phantom flew into the plane channel.

After a while, before the elemental phantom returned, Roque already knew the result he wanted, and flew into the passage with the red armor beast, and appeared in a lake on the new plane after a while.

The plane channel disappeared instantly.

"Some monsters have been promoted here." The red armor glanced around guardingly.

"Because of the promotion of a beast, in the process of its bloodline change, it will activate the hidden energy in the blood of the blue ze, and then transform it into a subtle special rune. With the waste blood splashing out of the body of the beast, plus the promotion The turbulence of the elements can be concealed, and the blood of the blue Zee can play a role." Rock explained casually.

"That said, if the promotion of Beasts fails, the blood of Lan Ze will not be able to play its role?" Red Jia asked.

"That's the case, even if the promotion of Warcraft is successful, there is a certain probability of failure, depending on the situation." Rock continued.

As he spoke, he waved his hand, the small **** altar hidden in the ice dissipated, and the **** breath was swept away.

After leaving the lake for a certain distance, Roque chose another place and hid two coordinate altar platforms one after another to facilitate his next visit.

"Aren't we going to look for the power crystal?" Red Jia couldn't help asking when he finished setting up the second altar array.

"Of course I have to go, but not every time I meet a good opportunity, sometimes we need to wait patiently, and we can do other things in the middle." He was not ready to do something big this time.

Last time Mosu~The goddess appeared in the presence of a god, but fortunately, she was covered by the young travellord to avoid being discovered by her.

There is a saying, how can he not wet his shoes when he often walks by the river, if he always makes a **** storm in the Mosu business alliance, there will be faults in the maintenance, and then the two goddesses will be remembered.

Therefore, he feels that it is best to obtain the power crystal smoothly.

After setting up his back hand, Roque took the Red Armored Market Beast on a journey of searching.

In just three days, he figured out the situation in the Pandan Agung world. There are mainly two forces here, the orc kingdom occupying the'Golden Ridge' and Mulan, and the humans all over Panlu, the'Harvest Water Village'. Nations.

Compared with the two sides, the orc kingdom is older and more united, but the human kingdoms have a tendency to rise, but the many countries are sloppy, which often can only rely on the benefits of water to resist the orc kingdom's soldiers.

Roque also heard the news that more than six months later, it will be the golden trial of the Orc Kingdom once every five years. At that time, many chief clan leaders will usually appear.

"More than six months, I need to wait so long." Red Jia felt that the time was too long.

"As an alternative, let's find out if there is any other useful information." Rock didn't mind waiting for four months, but he didn't mind finding the power crystal faster.

"Then where do we go next?

"There is also news that there is a human business group traveling around nearby. You can inquire about the specific situation of the human kingdom."

Roque analyzed that the authority crystal was more likely to be hidden in the kingdom of the beast king, but he was not prepared to ignore the situation of the human kingdom, after all, his analysis might also be flawed.

Two hours later, the two saw the beast caravan of the human merchant group in a larger village, surrounded by a group of pig orcs, and there seemed to be a tendency to clash.

"These pig-headed orcs are really interesting. They obviously want to take the caravan's goods, but instead of grabbing them, they are blackmailing them." After listening for a while, even the red armor understood the whole story.

"Because they can't defeat the other side, and this is the place of the orcs, they dare to take the opportunity to blackmail. If the humans are sane, the pig orcs will surely succeed. It seems that they are not the first to do this kind of thing." Luo Keqing Said with a smile.

"Someone flew over." Red Jia reminded.

Roque naturally found out, he turned around and took a look, and he was indeed an acquaintance.

"What are you doing, forget the glory of the ancestors? Don't hurry up." Yolanda was fast, and heard part of the conversation. The pig orc's actions made her very angry.

In fact, she had heard of such things before, but as a priest of the orcs, she didn't believe it. At this moment, these orcs had failed her trust.

"My lord, they hurt----"

"Shut up, I have heard it with my own eyes and saw it with my own eyes, so don't hesitate to bring me back to the village."

Some people tried to argue, in exchange for Yolanda's harsher words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now the other pig orcs didn't dare to say nonsense, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The pig orcs are so afraid of Yolanda, one is because she is the priest of the temple, and the other is because the fox is one of the six main tribes, and the pig is precisely the vassal race of the fox, and the fox dominates the pig. Power of life and death.

"Humans, my orc kingdom knows right from wrong, you can go now." Yolanda refused to talk to the humans of the trade group, and said unceremoniously.

The leader of the merchant group had to give up and waved his hand to let the animal cart team move on.

Upon seeing this, Rock followed.

"Wait, the orc brother over there." I don't want anyone to call him.

Rock had no choice but to stop, turned around and pointed at himself in surprise. The surrounding area was relatively empty. He didn't hide his tracks specially, and naturally fell into the sight of the orcs.

"Priest Yolanda has something to ask you about." The orc continued.

Rock didn't feel that his identity was seen through. Thinking of the particularity of the priest in the orc kingdom, he walked quickly over.

"House, wandering bard, Mr. Ward, right?" Yolanda asked directly.

"That's right, it's me. As for the Houses, it's not counted." Rock nodded solemnly.

Today, he is a horse orc named ‘Ward’, he is still a mixed blood, with half human blood, and Ward is a bard who has gained some fame.

Because of the mixed blood, the characteristics of the orcs are not obvious, and the appearance of the bard is not obtrusive. In order to save trouble, Roque made a soul imprint by the way, disguised as Ward.

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