Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 852: Disguise again

"Wizards can collect(!

"I have heard about you. I have traveled to the human kingdom many times. I am an experienced adventurer." Yolanda said.

"That was seven or eight years ago, and I have been in Mulan for the past few years," said Rock.

"I know, you are an enthusiastic orc who has helped our people countless times in these years----" Yolanda praised.

"Priest Yolanda, please speak up if you have something." Rock understood that this was to let himself do something, and interrupted her politely.

"Don't be rude!" Seeing this, Yolanda's chasers stopped doing it and rebuked.

"You guys, don't be unreasonable to Mr. Ward." Yolanda hurriedly stopped and told them to retreat not far away, before continuing, "Mr. Ward is a sensible person, so I'll just say it straight."

"Please speak."

"What do you think of this human business group?" Yolanda asked.

"There will definitely be people sent by the human kingdom to collect Mulan's intelligence while traveling the merchants, but it doesn't matter, the tribes are not stupid, and they will definitely be guarded." Rock replied.

"Mr. Ward's opinion, that's the case." Yolanda nodded, and then said in a deep voice, "However, I have another suspicion. I suspect that the Jacobs Merchant Group has other plans. They seem to be looking for something. Or somewhere, because they sometimes deliberately go to remote places."

"Just drive them out of Mulan directly," said Rock.

"This is not possible. Allowing humans to come to Mulan for business is a direct order from His Majesty the Beast Emperor. You should be able to guess the reason." After a pause, Yolanda said in a low voice.

Roque nodded slightly, it was nothing more than human beings who had promised a large amount of supplies secretly, which made Lionheart Emperor make a compromise.

"So, you want me to do it for you?" His identity on this matter, Ward, is not only a bard, but also an archer, although it is only the early stage of Tier 3, the killing ability should not be underestimated.

Of course, in Roque's view, the strength is just that.

After all, the Panda Agong world is only a small plane. The third-order here is very different from the third-order in the large world. For example, in the wizarding world, when the wizard is promoted to the third-order, the elemental body can be as high as 30 meters, but in Pandaa Tribute realm, the highest is only 5 meters, and few creatures can do it.

"Mr. Ward misunderstood. I hope you can sneak into the human trade group in disguise." Yolanda said.

"Pretend to sneak in?" Rock was taken aback for a moment, surprised.

"You can venture in the human kingdom for many years. You must be familiar with humans. In fact, we have sent people to sneak in more than once, but these humans are very cunning. I suspect that the current leader of the business group is not someone who knows secrets, but something else. People are hidden in the team of animal vehicles----

For the safety of the orc kingdom, I hope you can accept this commission, please. Yolanda said a lot, and finally said sincerely.

This is a bit interesting. He is an impersonator who is now assigned to impersonate another person. He was planning to go to the human trade group to inquire about the news, so it doesn't matter if he should come down.

"It's incumbent." Rock nodded solemnly, and then said, "But I'm not good at pretending others, so how can I get into the human business group?"

"Please don't worry about this. We are prepared long ago, as long as the husband agrees." Hearing this, Yolanda breathed a sigh of relief, and then pledged.

As everyone knows, a certain pet hiding in Rock's pocket smiled and almost laughed.

The human trade groups do not stay together all the time, and sometimes spread out to different nearby villages.

The huge Tremella Fork province is the territory of the fox orcs. Yolanda has a very important position among the foxes. Arranging a chaos for humans couldn't be easier. In this way, Rock took a new mission and got into a caravan of beasts.

"How about her ancient magic-transformation magic? Hahaha." The Red Armor Market Beast couldn't help saying, even if it was a voice transmission, it could hear its smile.

"It's not just transforming into magic, which is mixed with some kind of detection means. She is worried that Ward will be assimilated by humans." Rock said.

In his opinion, this transformation magic has many flaws, which have been eliminated by him. After disguising himself again, it feels much better.

"Insidious fox." Hearing this, the red armor murmured.

"By the way, you are good at wizard language, and you can understand it." Rock discovered its new changes.

"That's, I found that wizard language is really important when traveling with you to the different planes, otherwise it will lose a lot of fun, just like the jokes brought by Yolanda, so I have worked hard for a long time." Said slightly proudly.

Even apprentices can learn Wizard Language. What's more, it is a special Tier 3 creature with strong soul power. Roque gave it all to it a long time ago. It just needs to think more, and it is not too difficult to learn in depth.

Soon, the animal caravan reunited with the merchant group and continued to roam the Mulan Highlands.

Roque’s insight is far from comparable to others. After only a few days, he clearly discovered that the business group was abnormal. Indeed, someone quietly left the business group and was sent to perform certain tasks, and then soon Returned.

There are more than a dozen people hidden in this trade group. They are hidden in the goods of the trade group and never show up. What's more, they used a certain code word when they passed the message, and the message transmission was intertwined in the daily activities of the business group, and it had its own rules and was extremely strict in prevention.

In short, Yolanda's guess is correct. The business group is indeed plotting something, and what it plots is unusual.

This made Rock suddenly have a lot of interest.

Walking with the merchant group in the Mulan Highlands, Roque was not idle either. Of course he would not be polite when it was time to do his own things. Now that even the backers appeared, he lost a layer of worries.

What made him quite speechless was that he secretly found a lot of people to inquire about the news along the way, but no one had seen any authority crystals, just some useless information.

"Can't you track it?"

"There is no authority crystal of the Panda Agong world, how can I track it down?"

At this point, Roque had no other way. When others didn't use the power crystal, he didn't have the ability to find the power crystal casually, so he could only look for clues from certain information.

The master and servant didn't know anything when they chatted, because their frequent actions brought a lot of trouble and pressure to some hidden people in the merchant group.

"These bastards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ do not have any professionalism. On the territory of the orc kingdom, they are so unconscious in their work. After returning, you must be put to death one by one and all on the gallows----"

At this time, Brown was really furious. He knew from a certain channel that because there were several missing people near the caravan's path, the orcs were already considering dealing with the merchant group.

In the business group, in order to be more secretive, before the final result appeared, he could only pass on the information to the hidden subordinates, and the subordinates could not pass the information to him, so that he did not know the specific omissions.

As everyone knows, those who perform the task are even more depressed. They frequently receive the warnings from above. They don't know what happened. Anyway, they haven't done it. They can only secretly complain about some of their colleagues.

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