Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 879: Competitor?

It is rare to have such a brilliant tutor willing to teach carefully, how can Roque be half-slacking, he is eager to use one second as two seconds.

However, he overestimated his own advantages and abilities, and underestimated the difficulty of comprehending spatial energy. Four more months have passed, and under the teaching of the young travel master, he has not been able to see the mystery of the space. It's a bit of a star.

"Don't be discouraged, it's only four months. This situation is normal. If the space can be controlled so easily, the fourth-order powerhouse will not be so rare." said the young travel master.

This was the first time he taught others, and he didn't know whether his method was correct or not. Seeing Rock frowned, he could only comfort a few words.

"Students understand that the mystery of space is really not easy to see." Rock nodded slightly unwillingly.

Today, his spiritual power has not reached the limit, and the three-layer wizard cover has not merged into one. The understanding of the essence of the element is quite poor, and the accumulation is indeed insufficient. In fact, there is no need to be too eager to understand the mystery of space.

It's just that it's a rare opportunity to have such a good opportunity. It's a pity to miss it, so he was a little unwilling.

Not reconciled, he knows he can't force it.

"Everything that can teach you is taught, and you will slowly understand it later." The young traveller waved his hand, and then didn't know where he was going, leaving Rock to look at the store for him.

Roke sits in a dreadful situation. Since it is the instructor's order, no matter whether there are guests or not, he should not slacken his efforts so as not to upset the instructor.

Outside the Yashan, the misty air continued to roll, and there was a slight collision sound from time to time.

This Hunzhong Yashan is not an ordinary place. He has read the introduction of "The Book of Planes". The Yashan is located near the Space Lost City, where it was born by the mysterious rules of the Space Lost City.

It stands to reason that the space energy here should be very active, but he doesn't have any special feelings, and he hasn't gained anything from it, probably because his level is not enough.

"You can't go far, and the difficulty of borrowing and comprehension is not on the first level, so you can't be anxious." After pondering for a moment, he decided to postpone the matter of comprehending the mystery of space.

Besides, the wizarding world lists such an order, first to complete the spiritual power, and then to unite the wizard again, and then to understand the true meaning of the element, and finally to understand the mystery of the space. It is naturally reasonable and can bring greater s efficiency.

In the next time, the young travel master has not appeared, and Rock is afraid to indulge in doing other things, staying in the small shop for a few days and watching the hazy air.

This kind of day really seems boring, fortunately the instructor stays in the small shop.

On this day, a visitor came to the door suddenly.

"Witcher Rock?" After the visitor stepped into the shop, he asked uncertainly.

"I'm right, Elder Eliot, welcome to the Scrolls of Time." Rock also knows the other party. It is an elder of the Summon League, Nikita's elder, who has had intersections in the Summon League before.

Moreover, Eliot also has a book of "The Book of Planes" with a good sequence of 21. Before that, he joked that he was "the same door" with Rock.

"What are you?" Seeing him sitting on the inside like a shopkeeper, Elliott had a vague guess, and some couldn't believe it.

"The instructor asked me to look at the store for him." Rock said truthfully.

"This----" Eliot was stunned for a while when he heard this answer, and then his eyes lit up, "Master Lu Zun is willing to accept us as students?"

He regretted more than once before that Shishu Luzun was unwilling to recruit students, otherwise he would definitely have to come to Luzun's door. After all, the two sides have the origin of "Book of Planes", and they have given him a lot of help along the way----

Now that Rock has entered the door, he feels that he has a chance. Looking at Rock's strength, he feels that he has a great chance, and he must let the Lord Traveler see his heart of boxing.

Rock felt something wrong, especially the word'we', which made his face darken. He had never seen a person climbing up the pole like this. He didn't expect the other party to be dressed up as a scholar, so unscrupulous. .

"Elder Eliot, your strength is Tier 5, right." He had to remind someone.

"It's only the early stage of Tier 5, and it's not worth mentioning compared to Master Lu Zun. If it weren't for the help of an adult, I would definitely not be able to achieve this step. I have always been grateful for this.

The most regrettable thing in my life was not being a student of Master Lu Zun. Now I finally saw a glimmer of opportunity, which is really gratifying. "Elliott ignored his expression and said to himself.

This made Rock raised his eyebrows. He hadn't formally visited the entry court yet. He didn't expect that a cheeky competitor would come directly. The opponent's strength was far superior to him. There was really no place to reason.

For a while, Rock felt quite stressed.

"Ahem, I don't know what the elder is going to trade?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm waiting for Master Luzun to return, you don't need to pay attention to me." Eliot was determined to find a chance to go to a teacher.

His behavior made Rock helpless. After all, the strength gap between the two sides was too great, and he could only remain silent.

"Sorcerer Rock has never used Sui Kecoin. The strength has progressed so quickly. No wonder Lord Lu Zun is willing to accept you as a disciple." Elliott wanted to get more information from him.


"When did you worship the lord's door?"


"Why Wizard Rock is like this? If everyone becomes the real fellow, wouldn't they be more responsive in the Summon League."

"Elder Eliot, it's about the mentor. I am indeed inconvenient to tell some things. Please forgive me."

"It's indeed me Meng Lang."

A fifth-tier powerhouse on the other side, although he must strictly abide by the time regulations, he is so informal in front of a third-tier, so that Rock is even more aware of the extraordinary place of Shishu Luzun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for the upcoming When he was about to meet, he had both expectations and great pressure in his heart.

At the level of a sixth-order creature, the upper limit of life span is as high as tens of thousands of years, and the concept of time is completely different from that of a third-order creature, or it takes a few months for the opponent to take a nap, and there is still the patience of waiting.

Eliot is more patient than him, anyway, he is about to stay in the shop.

Soon, the young traveller returned first.

"Venerable Suiye, haha, I'm here to bother again." Eliot greeted with a smile on his face.

Only then did Roque know that his tutor really has the title of ‘Venerable Suiye’, not something he thought up temporarily.

"If you want to trade, hurry up. I told you that this deity won't accept you as a student, so just put out your thoughts." The young traveler waved his hand unceremoniously, and treated Roque rudely. Two people.

"But he—" Eliot glanced at Roque.

"Boy Rock is different from you. He is very malleable and conforms to the deity's working principles. He is very likely to inherit the deity's inheritance and embark on the same path." The young travel deity explained, with a rare and serious tone.

As a clone, he certainly wouldn't accept a student casually. In fact, Rock had already met certain conditions, but he didn't say it clearly.

"In any case, I want to meet Shi Shuluzun again, and I don't want to be true to the court, if I can be an outside follower." Eliot seems to know this, and he still refuses to give up.

"Just don't get in the way." The young traveller did not drive him out of the shop after all.

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