Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 880: The Arrival of Shi Shu Lv Zun

"Wizards can collect(!

"Master Lu Zun."

After Eliot Lai was in the small shop for a month, Shi Shu Lv Zun arrived unexpectedly, and everyone hurriedly greeted him.

From the outside, Shishu Luzun looks like a refined middle-aged person, and his appearance is somewhat similar to that of the juvenile Luzun, but he has a unique temperament that has been precipitated by time, which makes people can’t help but be impressed by him at a glance. Awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring.

The same strong, Eliot obviously does not have this kind of temperament.

After Shi Shu Lv Zun entered the shop, the atmosphere in the shop instantly became compact.

"You are finally here." Only the Youth Travel Master was not affected by it.

Shi Shu Luzun ignored him and looked at Rock not far away.

At this second, Luo Keming didn't notice that something was wrong, but there was a creepy feeling in the depths of his soul. Fortunately, Shi Shuluzun quickly retracted his gaze.

"How is it? I say he is good, he is deeply favored by the great will of all worlds----" The young Lu Zun wanted to say something for his students, but he was stared at by Shi Shu Lu Zun, and the words couldn't help but stop. live.

"Do you really want to visit the gate of my old mountain?"

"I implore Master Lu Zun to give me a chance."

Hearing Shi Shuluzun’s question, Roque responded hurriedly.

"In that case, let me give you a chance."

Shi Shu Luzun's answer made the young Luzun secretly relieved, and finally did not waste his efforts.

"I implore Master Lu Zun to give me a chance too." Eliot hurriedly stepped forward and also pleaded.

"Elliott, you don't have much time left, don't mess around." The young traveller didn't want other changes, so he shouted unceremoniously.

"Because I don't have much time, I want to fulfill my wish. It is my biggest wish in my life to come to the gate of the mountain. If my wish is not fulfilled, there will be no regrets in this life." Elliott said sincerely.

Within the time corridor, living creatures can borrow time in the future to practice. As long as they have enough potential, they can make rapid progress in a short period of time, thus becoming a great figure in the world.

However, there is a fatal drawback to doing so. In the future, the time regulations must be strictly observed. The more time you use in the future, the more you are bound by the time regulations.

Therefore, some people look very strong, but in fact it is difficult for them to use their own power to oppose others, especially those who have never borrowed time in the future, and their life span is shorter than imagined, and they will disappear when time is up. There is no way to extend his life, Eliot is obviously such a person.

"Taking a shortcut will cost you. Who cares about your regrets? Do you think Lu Zun needs followers? This kind of thing cannot be compelled." The young Lu Zun did not appreciate it.

Shi Shu Luzun didn't speak, he was tacitly acquiesced in what he said.

"I really wanted it." Elliott sighed lightly.

Seeing that Lu Zun still didn't speak, Eliot couldn't help but leave the shop wisely, leaving space for the other three.

Roque listened and watched silently from one side, with an inconceivable surprise in his heart, thinking that the Time Corridor was really a different place.

However, he obviously has no time to entangle this issue at this time. Next, I don’t know how much Lu Zun will test himself. If there is a Tier 6 powerhouse as a tutor, not to mention other benefits, it will definitely bring a lot to the achievement of Tier 4. Benefits, so he can't help but care.

At this moment, even if Rock was used to the big scene, his heart was raised.

"Go to Suishan." Shi Shuluzun simply ordered.

"----Oh-oh understand." Upon hearing this, the young traveller didn't react for a while, and after a while he later realized that he protected Rock.

And Rock himself didn't react at all, he just felt that he would change a place in the next second and came to a certain mountain above the clouds.

This is a bare mountain, except for the thick rocks, there is no other scenery. I just don't know if this mountain is towering through the top of the cloud, or it is a flying peak in itself, and underneath the mountain is densely covered with nine-colored clouds.

From the colorful clouds, Roque saw the extension of water, the thickness of soil, the sharpness of magnetism, etc. The clouds seemed to contain infinite elemental mysteries.

"I have finally returned to Suishan, but the breath here is so good." The young traveler exclaimed sincerely, making Roque come back to his senses.

Roque discovered that Shi Shuluvun was not there, only he and his instructor had fallen on the border between the clouds and the mountain.

"Don't look, if you can get the deity's consent, there will be opportunities in the future. You can stay here if you want." The young traveler said with a smile.

"Teacher, what's going on?" Rock was surprised.

After he had said he wanted to be assessed, how did he bring himself to Suishan? He had heard that Suishan was the place where Lu Zun practiced.

"Your kid is lucky. Since the deity brought you to Suishan, it shows that you are satisfied with you, and the assessment is not as difficult as I expected. Of course, you can't be complacent. Just follow the deity's instructions and do not be sloppy." The young traveller said comfortably.

"Students understand that no matter what the assessment is, they will definitely not slack off." Rock replied with a sharp glance.

"In fact, if it were changed to a few years ago, based on your wizard's wanton style, neither the deity nor me would look at you. Now your wizards have indeed changed their previous postures. The name'evil' is no longer worthy of the name, you This is an opportunity to enter the courtyard of the mountain gate." The young traveller said with emotion inexplicably.

Rock knew that since the birth of the Wizard Code, wizards have indeed become orderly, and wizards seldom destroy other planes, at most they turn them into resource planes.

He also thought that what the instructor said was to remind himself that one of the reasons behind that he could be favored by Lu Zun was that because he was a wizard, it was impossible for Lu Zun to think and use the wizarding world to do something----

"Drilling, don't bring him up soon." At this time, Shi Shulu Zun's voice sounded.

"Don't let the deity wait for a long time, remember to follow." The young traveler smirked and walked to the top of the mountain by himself, beckoning him to follow.

He was busy with other thoughts, and quickly followed behind the tutor.

Rock originally thought there would be a test for climbing. As a result, apart from an inexplicable coercion, he did not encounter any changes along the way, and came to the top of the mountain smoothly.

There is a mountain wall not far in front. On the side of the mountain wall is a square, and Shishu Luzun should be on the mountain wall.

"Don't think too much, Suishan is like this. You can ascend if you can. If you can't, you can't take a half step. I have confirmed that you can definitely ascend." Seeing that his face was slightly strange, the young traveler guessed What he thinks, say one more thing.

"That's it." Rock nodded.

"As for the reason~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the book "Book of Planes" that you obtained earlier is made of Suishan Stone, and you can basically be sure that you can climb the Suishan if you can hold it." Explained.

Hearing this, Roque's face was stunned. What kind of confirmation is this?

"Haha, let's go, the deity is in front."

After a while, the master and apprentice came to the bottom of the mountain wall and came in front of Shi Shu Luzun.

"Suiye said that you can inherit my inheritance, so I will give you a chance to accept the most orthodox inheritance of Suishan. It depends on your good fortune for life or death." Shi Shulu Zun said without looking back.

Hearing this, the calmness on the face of the young travel master no longer existed.

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