Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 881: Changes and assessment

"You won't let him directly accept the inheritance of the ‘Summons of the Years’?" The young traveller's eyes widened and couldn't help asking.

"Since you want to enter the gate of my Suishan Mountain, of course you have to appreciate the core heritage of my Suishan Mountain." Shi Shu Lvzun said calmly.

"Isn't Suishan's inheritance in your place? You have realized it a long time ago, and you will slowly teach the Rock boy in the future. Don't be so anxious." The youth brigade could not take care of other things, and immediately retorted.

He knows the degree of danger of the chronological scroll. With Roque's current strength, the possibility of failure is very high, and the consequences of failure must be dead. There is no such assessment, it is simply unreasonable.

"That's what I have enlightened, and it won't apply to anyone else. Unless he is willing to stop at the fourth level, my students can't stop at the fourth level." Shi Shu Lvzun said this to both the clone and the other person. Give it to Rock.

Roque certainly didn't want to stop at Tier 4, but he didn't know how dangerous it would be. He didn't know how to answer for a while. He was more accustomed to making decisions after understanding the situation, even if the final decision was the same.

Seeing such a fierce reaction from the instructor, he realized that there might be other problems in it, and there was something wrong with Lu Zun's reaction, and it was even more impossible for him to respond directly.

"What about the assessment?" the young traveller asked.

"As you said, he won my "Book of Planes" during his apprenticeship and is qualified to be my student. Isn't that true?"


"He is relatively weak, and his fortunes have always been extraordinary. He has demiplanes, mutant planes, and dream chaos survivors. Isn't that fake?"


"I agree with your words. I didn't say to continue the assessment. He has already accepted your assessment. You are not me." Shi Shu Luzun smiled lightly.


If he heard this before, the young travel master must be very happy, but this meeting will not be happy.

Seeing the deity's smile, he suddenly understood that the deity must not be happy to accept students indiscriminately, so he wanted to teach himself a lesson, so he deliberately tried to make things difficult for Boy Rock.

How could this be? Although the deity is old-fashioned, although sometimes uncomfortable, although sometimes ---- but he never thought that the deity would do such a bad thing, he even made things difficult for a third-order junior with the dignified sixth-order deity.

He was busy dispelling such bad thoughts, resisting his inner irritability, and said solemnly:

"I remember you said that when you accepted the inheritance, it was Tier 4, and the Rock boy was Tier 3 only. This---There must be a reasonable statement."

"Fortunately, you still remember what the deity said, but you shouldn't know that the road ahead is fixed at Tier 4, and then you will come to Sui Shan to accept the inheritance. Unless it happens to fit the'year scroll', there will be no chance of success. , And the fit rate of the fourth-order is almost no.

Therefore, in the past countless years, the deity is not willing to accept students, but it is difficult for them to comply with all conditions.

No matter if you are not convinced, I will leave you with Tier 4 strength to help Rock understand the years and years. If you don’t succeed, how can you qualify as a student of Suishan Travel, you don’t use it to see me, just stay. Let's guard Suishan. "

The answer to him was indeed the unquestionable words of Shi Shu Lu Zun, the voice fell, Shi Shu Lu Zun waved his hand, a few gloomy lights fell on the young Lu Zun, and immediately Shu Lu Zun disappeared.

"Don't, my deity, I admit my mistake." The young traveler hurriedly followed.

For a time, only Roque was left on the Suishan Mountain. He looked around silently, and it made a lot of trouble—

The young traveler returned soon, bringing back a dejected expression.

"Suishan was blocked by the deity. Hey! It seems that the deity is really angry. My reason is that it hurts you." The young travel master said helplessly.

"The mentor should not blame himself. If it weren't for the series of things that followed my appearance, things would definitely not develop to this point." Rock shook his head and continued.

Think about it, too, the clone is carrying the deity and accepting disciples. To be honest, it is indeed a bit rebellious. If it is replaced by himself, the consequences will definitely be more serious than this. In his eyes, there is no sand in his eyes. The reaction of Shi Shu Lu Zun is actually not bad. tolerant.

"Yes, it has something to do with you and me. If this is the case, you can accept the inheritance with peace of mind." The young traveller is not a self-blaming person. After a while, he mustered his spirit and decided to show it to the deity.

"Yeah." Rock nodded slightly.

The instructors all said that Suishan was blocked, and he definitely couldn't leave. He could only come according to the requirements of Shishu Luzun, and there was no other way.

From this meeting, Shi Shu Lv Zun arranged in this way, on the one hand, he was evaluating himself, on the other hand, he was evaluating his instructor.

"It's not that the deity doesn't miss the old feelings, just look at me, what is this?" The young traveler raised his hand, and the palm of his hand was shining with gold.

"The true meaning of magnetic elements." Rock took a look, blurting out the words in his mouth.

"Yes, there is not only the true meaning of magnetic element, but also the true strength of the four elements of water, darkness, earth, and wood. Is it the same as your situation?" The young travel master then demonstrated other powers.

"It's the five elemental power I'm involved in now." Rock nodded.

"More than that, there is also the knowledge related to power. I will teach you well. You are the person I chose. Don't let this instructor down, and don't let the deity's good intentions be disappointed."

"The tutor can rest assured that the students will do their best."

By now, the master and apprentice stopped thinking about it, and decided to work together to overcome the current difficulties and regain the recognition of Shi Shu Lu Zun.

As a place for Shi Shu Lu Zun's practice, Sui Mountain is certainly not an ordinary mountain, but a peak of spirits gathering infinite mysteries. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Soon, the master and apprentice came back to the border of the mountain and the clouds, preparing to use this as a starting point.

"The cliff on the mountain is called the Scroll of the Years. It is something that even the deity can't see thoroughly. It is the core thing in the Sui Mountain. Countless people want to take a look at it. In fact, you are lucky, but Because it is too advanced, don't worry for now."

"Students understand."

"The most important thing is that you have to understand the true meaning of other elemental elements, and then control the spatial energy. As for the promotion to the fourth rank, according to the deity's statement, I am afraid that it will not work."

"Actually, students are wizards and it is most appropriate to return to the wizarding world for promotion, otherwise there will be troubles."

"Yes, yes, you are a wizard, and you have to combine your wizard's methods, let's talk about it."

At this point, Roque has nothing to hide. He talked about the spiritual power and supplemented the wizard's hood fusion and other issues.

"This is not a big problem. Once you have mastered the true meaning of multiple elements, it will be easy to solve your wizard problem." In combination with what he said, the young traveler decided to start with the true meaning of the elements. He was not familiar with other aspects.

"I listen to the tutor." Rock had no objection.

"Then, let's start with the true meaning of the earth element." The young traveler raised his hand to the front, and the clouds in front of him rolled.

With the convenience of Suishan, the young travel master began to teach the students carefully, a bit more serious than before in the Yashan shop.

All in all, this pair of masters and disciples were willing to give up, abandon all kinds of messy things, and devote all their energy to the essence of the element.

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