Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 882: Undercurrent

Wizarding World, Grey Mist Tower Academy, the top of the sixth tallest tower.

"how is it?"

"There is still no response. What Yashan city are you sure you have gone to?"

"Anyway, Wizard Rock said that, because the place was extremely unusual, he didn't take me there. Who would have thought that there would be no news for so long."

Nowadays, it is the witch pet Nicholas who presides over the inner tower, and the Red Armor Market Beast secretly advises him, but the two pet beasts have never thought about it. Wizard Rock has been away for more than ten years. For nearly eleven years, there has been no news. Back.

Both are Roque's pet beasts, and both have concluded an inseparable contract, but even the contract induction has become hazy. The situation is obviously very unusual. After a long time, the two pet beasts can't help but worry.

"Then what to do? Madam Stasi asked many times, and some wizards from the academy frequently sent witch pets. It is estimated that they would all have doubts." Nicholas said worriedly.

Wizard Rock is gone, and as a witch pet, he is under the greatest pressure.

"You can't tell a lie." Red Jia said.

"Witcher Rock hasn't told me, how can I send the information indiscriminately? You are not a witch pet who doesn't understand the truth." Nicholas shook his head.

The existence of a witch pet is not only to act as an assistant to the wizard, but also an important part of maintaining the relationship between the wizard and the witch world. The witch pet contract has been strictly stipulated. If the wizard does not give instructions, the witch pet cannot make claims.

Roque disappeared too quickly, without giving any instructions, and after that, his will never fell a bit, and Nicholas could not deal with many new situations.

"Anyway, there is nothing wrong with you and I, which can prove that Wizard Rock did not have any accidents, and was probably trapped somewhere." Red Jia continued.

"I hope the wizard can complete the assessment and return as soon as possible." Nicholas sighed lightly.

"Assessment matters must not be revealed to the outside." Hong Jia emphasized.

"Then you say, our Wu pet's mouth is the strictest." Nicholas nodded, and after a while it sensed something, and helplessly opened the door to the outer tower.

"What's wrong? Could it be that Wizard Grace is here again."

"It's the wizard Timothy who came here, and Lord Amelia Tower. Would you like to accompany me to meet?"

The reading room on the 36th floor of the sixth tallest tower.

Under the gaze of the two tower masters, Nicholas moved unnaturally, and the Red Armored Ruins Beast also came over. His expression was always indifferent. It was a favorite beast that had experienced many big scenes.

"You really don't know where Wizard Rock went?" Amelia asked directly.

"Witcher Rock really didn't tell me, I can guarantee it in the name of the Spirit of Grey Mist." Nicholas replied with a sharp glance.

"According to the Witchcraft Academy regulations, Tier 3 wizards must report to the Academy regularly. The interval is generally about ten years. Now it is more than ten years." Timothy added, pointing out that this is a routine inquiry.

"If Wizard Rock encounters any problems, we might as well tell them. Let's think of a solution together, and we can ask the dean to come forward if it doesn't help." Amelia agreed.

The original intention of the regulations is to ensure the safety of wizards. In fact, there are witch pets in the witch world. It is very simple for wizards to make a report. The will come to the witch pet and just show up at random. Like this kind of situation that cannot be reported for a long time, basically The above can make a judgment, and there must be something wrong with that wizard.

With judgment, the college can take measures, rescue or other.

"You don't think I'm good, I've broken through Tier 3, so there's nothing wrong with Wizard Rock." Nicholas raised his wings and said.

Upon hearing this, the two tower masters looked at each other and looked at the Red Armor Market Beast.

"You really don't know?" Timothy stared at the red armor and said, she knew that Rock liked to take this pet beast on a trip.

"Is there something bad happened in other places?" The Red Armor had been with Rock for a long time, with more eyes than Nicholas.

If it was just a routine inquiry from the academy, with Roque's identity and status, the Gray Mist Tower would definitely turn one eye and close another, trying to cover him as much as possible, and definitely wouldn't delve into it.

"The relationship between Wizard Rock and the Chasing Prison Club is not harmonious. I think you know it. Now there is bad news circulating. Some people take the opportunity to make trouble, and the prison will have the power in this respect." Timothy said.

With the lessons learned from the Quill, the Gray Mist Tower naturally has the same worries.

"They dare! Wizard Rock is a scholar, the chasing chief of the prison, and a member of the spar council, forgive them for not daring to act so recklessly." Hearing this, Nicholas became angry and couldn't help shouting.

"Some people are just afraid of being really dare." Timothy said in a deep voice.

She knew that Rock had a very poor relationship with several prison leaders, and that the White Witch was not pleasing to the Black Witch, and there was a high probability that he wouldn't miss the chance to stumble.

Everyone had heard about this, and the room was suddenly silent.

"Can't you really say it?" Timothy asked again.

"Actually, I don't know much." The Red Armor groaned for a moment, and said helplessly, "I only know that he went to a very unusual place to do an important thing, specifically ~ the location should be near the Space Lost City. For a city, other internal information is unknown."

Upon hearing this, the two tower masters frowned.

They knew that Rock had a wide range of walking, and they didn't expect to go to the Space Lost City where the mystery of the space was collected. If this were the case, it would be too powerful to be the dean.

"Don't worry about the college and Shirakawa."

"You can contact Wizard Rock and let him show up as soon as possible, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Soon ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the two tower masters confessed something and left the reading room, leaving Red Jia and Nicholas to continue guarding the laboratory.

The news that Luo Ke hadn't been traced for a long time was known to only a few people in the Grey Mist Tower and White River Academy, but in the chasing and punishment club, the message spread quickly in the dark under the spread of the caring people.

The spar chasing the prison will have the power to discriminate whether the wizard has betrayed the power of the wizarding world. The people behind the scenes who preach the message want to use this, and also want to use the identity of the black wizard that Rock is easily targeted.

It's just that Rock's status is extraordinary, even if some people have thought of using this to show their performance, after measuring the pros and cons of Rock's identity, they have given up redundant ideas, lest things fail to be done and suffer backlash.

Therefore, in the prison club, despite the news circulating, everyone tacitly ignored this matter.

Time is hurried, a year has passed, this is the twelfth year that Roque has not been in the witchcraft world.

This year, the Baipu Academy League was calm, and the information about Roque in the Chasing and Punishing Prison Club was mentioned from time to time, and it has never stopped.

The thirteenth year.

Fourteenth year.

Fifteenth year.

Wizards have always been closely related to the wizarding world. A Tier 3 wizard has not shown up for 15 years, which is enough to explain many problems.

In the Baipu Academy League, even if there are many tower owners deliberately suppressing the news, the information still spread, attracting the attention of many wizards.

In the chasing and punishment club, this message has long since turned from dark to light, and it has become the most talked-about topic among members of the prison club. Some people have already clamored to check whether the chasing and chasing chief is betraying the witch world as soon as possible, so as not to let the prison club. Followed to shame.

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