Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 883: Opportunity and trouble

On this day, a major event occurred in the chasing prison. First President Flick announced his resignation from the post of prison president, because he was about to cross the most important step in the witch journey-promotion to the fourth rank.

Hearing this message, the prison officials present were full of envy and felt that it was a matter of course. After all, he was Flick Wooden Monster Le.

"Wizards, from now on, I will entrust you with everything from the prison."

"President Flick, please rest assured, we will safeguard the safety of the wizarding world, safeguard the glory of the prison club, and wait for your good news."

After entrusting the prison meeting to other people, Flick motioned to the ten people in front of him, and left the meeting place without looking back.

The prison club originally had five prison presidents, and seven chased after the president. Now the most powerful prison president resigns. The position of a prison president is empty, which undoubtedly affects the minds of the remaining wizards, especially Chasing the elders.

This is because the Great Chase Changben is an alternate for the prison president. Once there is a vacancy for the prison president, he will choose someone from them to fill the vacancy.

"Everyone, can't chase the prison without the president of the prison, let's talk about their opinions while everyone is here." Nedamen glanced at the others and said loudly.

"What's there to say? According to the rules, the prison president was born from chasing the chiefs, and whoever is more qualified to take on this important task." Another prison president Craig said.

"That said, there are some situations that have to be considered." Nedamen said meaningfully.

Hearing this, many people's eyes flickered at the conference, but no one continued to talk.

There are seven people in Da Chai Zhu Changben, five white witches and two black witches. Now one is absent, and the other six are in the venue.

"If you don't have any objections, I will report your message to the Spar Council, and then one of the seven of you will be elected as the prison president." The prison president Dickett said.

In the prison president rankings, he was only under Flick, and now Flick retires, and he is the only member of the spar council among the prison presidents, and his power has risen to the first place.

Of course, the absent Roque is also a member of the Spar Council, but he is just chasing after him.

Hearing Dickett's words, in addition to the Black Witch Lawson's wandering around, the other five White Witches Chasing Zhu Chang looked at each other, and they all saw the determination in each other's eyes.

"I have objections."

"I have objections, too, President Dickett."


During this brief meeting, they reached a consensus and expressed their dissent.

Seeing the current situation, Nedamen smiled secretly, he knew that these big chasing chiefs would not be able to bear it.

After all, Rock is a member of the Crystal Council and has an absolute advantage. Under normal circumstances, there is a shortage of the prison president. Once the waiting list is reported, Rock will inevitably become the established candidate. Others have no chance.

Now that Roque's whereabouts are unknown, it gives others a chance to compete.

"Say." Dickett waved softly.

"The Roque chasing the chief chaser is absent from even such an important council. It can be seen that he is indifferent to our chasing the prison chasing. How can such a casual person run for the president of the prison?" said the chasing chief Hendon. .

Hearing this, many people cursed secretly for being slippery.

"This may not be the blame for Rock chasing the chief executive. As everyone knows, he not only serves in the prison, but also recognizes other important positions in the wizarding world, and may be delayed by other important tasks." Dickett rejected his opinion. .

Nedamen wanted to speak, but seeing Dickett say so, he swallowed his words back into his throat.

Regarding Dickett's thoughts, he could also guess that it was nothing more than not wanting another member of the spar council in the prison president, so as not to shake his position.

"It is reported that the Wizard of Rock hasn't appeared in the wizarding world for fifteen years. We can't help but worry about this situation," said Luance, another chief chaser.

When he spoke, he looked at the other chasers for a long time, as if it was time for you to play, and no one wanted to stay out of the matter.

"Indeed, as a member of the Prison and Punishment Association, we are shouldering heavy responsibilities. We should have set an example for the wizards. The Rock Wizard's move is not only suspected of malfeasance, but also signs of falling into another world, which makes people have to doubt."

"If he has already taken refuge in other planes, and if he is selected as the president of the prison at this time, our reputation for chasing the prison will be hit unprecedentedly."

"If he wants to be a candidate with me, he has to pass the internal review of the prison first."

"I am in favor of using a penal scale, first to measure whether Rock is guilty."

Except for Roque, several of them have similar qualifications. Once Roque is squeezed out of the candidate list, everyone else will have a chance to be elected. Of course, they must try their best to fight for it.

At this moment, in addition to Lawson, the black wizard who had no sense of existence, the other five chasing chiefs were impassioned.

"I think everyone has doubts. For the sake of my reputation for chasing prisoners, let's ask for a pardon." Seeing that the fire is almost over, Nedamen suggested.

Naturally, this remark was unanimously approved by the Bai Wu Da chasing the chief executives.

"Ahem, you guys, I have to interrupt you. Have you ever thought about a question, are we really qualified to be convicted of him? Just as the president of the prison Dickett said, he has several important duties. The status is not trivial." said the president of the prison, Kenneth, who had not spoken.

Outsiders may not be clear, but as high-level personnel of the Prison Judgement Association, they may be very clear. Although the chasing jail club has the right to monitor, apprehend, interrogate, and punish low, middle and high-level wizards~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there are some high-level wizards that they can't judge if they want to.

If a person who should not be judged is judged, it will be a group of them who will be dereliction of duty at that time. There will be a suspicion of ‘following offense’, which will leave a big stain, which will affect future job evaluation.

However, this kind of people are a minority after all, and they need to be extremely distinguished in order to meet the conditions. As for Rock----

"President Kenneth Prison is too worried, no matter how many important positions he holds, strength in the wizarding world is the first factor to measure a wizard." Nedamen laughed.

The implication is that in terms of strength, Roque is a lot worse, and other factors become irrelevant.

"Don't forget, that person's strength has always improved rapidly, and who knows what level he is now." Kenneth said.

"No matter how quickly, you can't already understand the true meaning of the element or the mystery of space and become a semi-fourth-order wizard." Nedamen retorted.

Tier 3 is not comparable to Tier 1 and Tier 2 after all. What's more, Roque has a well-known shortcoming. He was born in the small Gray Mist Tower Academy, and his road to Tier 4 is destined to be more difficult than others.

Many people agree with Nedamen's words.

"I propose to ask for a scale to measure the level of guilt of the missing wizard Roque Bambora, in order to correct the power of the wizarding world. Who agrees and who opposes?"

Complying with the wishes of the wizards, the president of the prison Dickett finally announced the vote. The result came out very quickly. Kenneth and Lawson abstained, and the other eight people unanimously agreed, and the resolution was passed.

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