Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 884: College discussion

"Wizards can collect(!

Nominally speaking, all low, medium and high-level wizards are under the supervision of the Prison Pursuit Association, but Rock's identity is not ordinary. Even if the prison association passes the vote, they can't justify it casually.

Soon, the prison will submit a bill to the spar council.

Under the impetus of a caring person, the Crystal Council quickly passed the decision to chase the prison.

However, the Spar Council rejected the proposal that the chasing jail club would directly conduct an internal judgment. In order to show justice, it sent to the organizations Roque was in and invited them to send people to testify, so as not to cause other unnecessary troubles.

Grey Mist Tower College.

For the Grey Mist Tower, it was really a big event. After receiving the notice from the Spar Council, the college immediately held a meeting of the tower masters, and the remaining 7 tower masters arrived one by one.

Not only that, even Baihe College also sent two tower masters.

"It's deceiving too much." Cobotton, the master of the tallest tower, couldn't help cursing.

"Indeed, if Wizard Rock is a white witch, he will definitely not suffer such difficulties." Stewart agreed.

How long has this happened? After the late tower owner Quelsai, another tower owner was chased and sentenced to be sentenced. This is a rare situation for hundreds of years. It is clearly deceived that the gray mist tower is weak, and the tower owners can’t help it. Not angry.

The owners of the Grey Mist Tower were filled with outrage, which embarrassed the two white witches.

"Ahem, the situation of Wizard Rock is really special. Now is not the time to be entangled in this issue. The judgment date for the chasing jail club has been set. Let's think about how to deal with it." Lattimo of Baihe College pretended to cough. A sound, and then solemnly said.

"This is true. To be honest, in the Prison Pursuit Society and even the Spar Council, our White River Academy is really nothing. It is almost impossible to prevent the verdict from happening. The key point will fall on Wizard Rock. "The fellow Jeremy Wizard said.

In White River College, in terms of identity and strength, Jeremy outperformed Lattimore by several factors. He was able to come forward to discuss it, and it can be seen that White River College did not want Rock to have a problem.

He went on to say: "Before he came, Dean Kingsley ordered that if Wizard Rock is really confined to a certain kind of predicament, White River College is willing to provide help, and the Dean himself can also come forward."

Jeremy's words further illustrate the sincerity of White River College.

Hearing this, the figures of the seven in the Gray Mist Tower were slightly shaken, thinking that only Wizard Rock could have the ability to make the deans of White River College willing to run for them.

But if you want to rescue, you need to know where Wizard Rock is trapped. Everyone looked at each other and finally turned their eyes on Timothy.

"You can only call the two pet beasts of Wizard Rock for questioning." Timothy shook his head slightly, then proposed.

As Roque's mentor, Timothy didn't know the details, let alone other people. Nicholas and the Red Armored Beast were summoned to the venue after a while.

When the two pet beasts looked at the current battle, they knew that things were definitely not easy.

Timothy narrated the matter briefly and concisely. After listening to what happened, Nicholas would definitely curse if it weren't for the wrong occasion.

"Witcher Rock didn't really tell me where he was going." Nicholas still replied the same, but his eyes were on the red armor.

Hong Jia glared at it and found that everyone was looking at him.

"Can you ask one more question, what consequences will the verdict of the prison committee bring? After all, a person as honest as Wizard Rock will not be afraid of any measurement, and there will be no hidden guilt." The gaze of the tower masters, the red armor asked unhurriedly.

After a moment of silence, Jeremy replied: "If Rock Wizard does nothing, in general, there will be no bad results, except for a slight damage to his reputation."

"What is an ‘unusual situation’?" Hong Jia asked.

"The chasing jail will judge that nuclear weapons use the scale of crimes, an extremely treasured weapon of the wizarding world, plus the mighty power of our wizarding world, under normal circumstances there is no possibility of misjudgment, but the situation in the world is not the same. The words can be summed up, it is not that there are no factors that can interfere with the scale." Jeremy said.

There are still some things he didn't say. The chasing and punishing will be at the critical moment of the prison president's change. It is not ruled out that some people take risks and secretly resort to other interference methods.

"This----" The Red Armor did not expect that this kind of malpractice would also exist in the powerful wizarding world. He pondered for a few seconds, and said suspiciously: "If it is only disturbed, even if it is judged to be guilty, wait for Wizard Rock to reappear. , The problem doesn’t exist anymore.”

"It's not as simple as that. Once you are found guilty on the scale, the punisher will take a series of compulsory measures. At that time, the college will have to cooperate to show some important items, such as the college contract and the witch pet itself, to facilitate the chase. The prison will chase the witch, and then it will really be at the mercy." Timothy said in a deep voice.

At that time, it was still unknown whether Rock could return to the witchcraft world, so it was too passive.

Nowadays, the best way is to find Rock and let him appear before the verdict, then no one else can use any means.

"No, Rock Wizard is noble. He is not only a scholar in the wizarding world, but also serves on the Code Council, as well as the Wizard Array General Assembly, the Mask Academy, and the Spar Council. Is it possible that these identities have no effect at all. What!" Nicholas couldn't help complaining after hearing these words.

"Of course it is useful. This time Hengju will have a lot of eyes staring at it. Except for the highest tower city, the organizations you mentioned will send people to stare at it, and will not allow misjudgment.

As for the others, whether in the wizarding world or elsewhere, after all, it is necessary to speak with strength. According to the standards of the Chasing Prison Association, only those wizards who have reached the level of the fourth stage with the strength to understand the true meaning of the element or the mystery of space. Have certain qualifications to be exempted from trial. "

Timothy is still answering this. She is now a chasing chief at any rate. She has a better understanding of the inside of the chasing and chasing society than ordinary people. During this time, she has been inquiring about the affairs of Rock.

Hearing her words, the red armor's eyes suddenly lit up.

"So, what kind of justice can be avoided by half Tier 4?" It asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, with half Tier 4 and the other identities of the Wizard of Rock, how can the chasing jail club be qualified to judge him." Timothy said affirmatively, but his eyes were fixed on the red armor.

The same goes for other people. Hearing the red armor's question, an unbelievable thought rose in their heart.

"Then there is no problem." Red Jia said firmly.

"How do you say this?" Marlowe couldn't help asking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to ask other people's feelings.

"Hey, just as you think, the chasing jail club is not qualified to be judged by Wizard Rock. I can't say more about the others, just wait and see." Red Jia grinned and replied vaguely.

It is different from Nicholas’ contract, and it is not as constrained as Nicholas. It can tell some things, but it certainly won’t reveal Rock’s secrets.

Although the tower owners felt untrue, seeing the red armor plausible, they couldn't help but believe what it said.

The biggest problem was solved, and then the tower owners discussed for a while to set the tone for Rock's condemnation, waiting for the set date to arrive.

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