Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 892: Tough stance

"Wizards can collect(!

Not long after, four other people arrived one after another, and the atmosphere in the conference room was extremely compact.

"Rock chases the chief, you won't want to hold us accountable this time. It is the duty of my prison club to use the penal scale to monitor the witch world." Dickett said coldly.

"Since it is the responsibility, there is nothing to blame, you have to worry too much." To meet other people's gazes, Roque said indifferently.

"That's good."

"What's more, the conviction was not successful. How can I blame your colleagues."

When he heard what he said, many faces in the meeting room went stiff.

What happened last time has had a lot of impact on them. In addition to the stains on the employment record, some people spread the news, which made many people watch a joke, and it also damaged the reputation of several of them.

"Wizard Rock, let's talk about business. Are you here for the prison president's business?" Seeing that the atmosphere became more solemn, Kenneth hurriedly finished the game.

"Yes, the pending position of the prison president will be bad for the prison after all. It's time for us to make a decision." Rock admitted directly.

Without waiting for others to say anything, he went on to say: "I'll just say it straight. Of the seven great chasers, I have the richest resume, and I am the most qualified to serve as prison president. You can't deny that."

"Witcher Rock, these words are too arrogant." Hearing these words, the chasing chief Luansi was the first to sit still.

"Why, is it possible that you think you are more qualified than me? Are you a scholar of the wizarding world? Or a member of the spar council?" Roque asked bluntly.

He looked around, even the current first president Dickett did not avoid it, the meaning was very clear.

Before coming to the prison meeting, he had considered it very clearly. Others were attacking him, and he didn't care about the others. Anyway, these people had already torn their skins when they judged themselves.

To be honest, he doesn’t value the position of the prison president now. Considering what happened before, it’s really hard not to do anything. He also feels that he has to win this position, even if it is to make these people uncomfortable. a period of time.

He didn't know that he would hear his questioning, and many people in the conference room were already very uncomfortable, and they were simply ‘heart-wrenching’.

Unfortunately, from the perspective of the wizarding world, even Dickett is not as high as Roque, let alone the other people waiting, otherwise the prison leader’s belongings would have been settled long ago, how could it be dragged until now. The reason is that they can't get around Rock.

Seeing that the others did not speak, Rock continued: "The Spar Council has made it clear that as long as the application list is handed in, I am the chairman of the prison, so there is no need to waste more time, right? "

Arrogant! It is too arrogant!

Kenneth twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and then closed his mouth again. He knew that Rock must have been dissatisfied with the previous matter. He hadn't participated in it at the beginning, and he shouldn't have participated in this meeting.

The other three prison leaders had a gloomy face, and no one knew what they were thinking, but the anger in their eyes could not be concealed.

However, what the other party said is indeed the truth, and within the scope of the rules, no one can prevent the other party from becoming the president of the prison. Therefore, a group of people can only suppress their anger and have no anger.

"What are the rules of my prison club? Just follow the rules." A group of people was silent for a while, and Craig's voice broke the silence.

"It should be so." Kenneth agreed.

The others didn't speak, they were tacitly acquiescing to this result.

In the final analysis, Rock's advantage is too great. Others can't compete at all. Even if they secretly use other means at a high price, the result is likely to be Rock's hope. For others, it is not worth the gain. .

Of course, they must keep things in mind today, and they will have a chance to find their face after the chasing jail meeting.

Others were out of control, and Rock couldn't continue to find faults, which undoubtedly disappointed him a bit, but he let out a sigh of relief.

After a while, the meeting ended hastily, and the candidate list was also reported.

After most of the day, news from the Spar Council returned that Roque became the new prison president of the Prison Judgement Association, which made many people look at him.

However, in the following time, even more eye-catching things happened.

As soon as the new prison president took office, he acted and approved seven or eight applications for membership in a row, recruiting many talents for the prison. Most of these wizards came from the Baipu Academy League.

This move undoubtedly puzzled many people, and it also caused some people to jokingly claim in private that this is the new prison president accommodating his minions.

Some unfavorable rumors were seen by Rock, but he still went his own way. His dignified prison chairperson approved several applications for membership of the executive director, and he had to explain it to others.

After handling these trivial matters smoothly, Roke stopped and hid directly into the Rainbow Dew layer of the Cloud Cliff Witch Pagoda of the Mask's Hospital. It is not empty words for the Shishu Lvun to come back and sort out the inheritance.

"It's time to use these truths."

Looking at the clouds and mist in front of him, Rock made a decision.

The Rainbow Dew of Truth originates from the Great Falls of Truth, which can assist the wizard to comprehend some deeper things. Originally, he planned to use it in the stages of the three wizards covering the unity, understanding the true meaning of the element and the mystery of space.

Who would have thought that a series of things happened that caused him to quickly pass the first few stages, and now he can prepare for the promotion to Tier 4. Of course, Honglu of Truth will come in handy.

Rock sat in the clouds and mist, sinking into his own spiritual ocean.

At the position where the Spirit Sea was leaning toward the top, he raised his eyes to look up, where there was a ring of silver-white things, like a slender white snake with a tail.

"The river in the heritage is so vast, I didn't expect it to become a string, not even a ditch."

He knew in his heart that the ‘circulation’ he had obtained was just a model, and it was his goal to develop the circulation into a ring of rivers, and it was also a task given him by his great will.

If Huanhe existed directly, not to mention whether his spiritual sea could hold it, the great will would not need him as an inheritor.

After a while, Roque appeared next to the circulation. He could sense that it was the same as the atmosphere of the circulation, but it was far less massive and heavy than the latter.

"This should be regarded as a strange treasure born in accordance with the great will. It is similar in nature to the ‘Witchcraft of the Great Will~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and will be refined first.”

In the inheritance that day, his harvest was only this treasure, that is to say, the inheritance of the years and scrolls was also hidden in this treasure.

Although he is the ‘established master’ of treasures, according to his own experience in Huanhe, he estimates that he wants to completely turn it into his own item, which is probably not a simple matter.

Therefore, Luo Ke deliberately came to the rainbow dew layer of the Yunya Witch Pagoda, and wanted to use the truth rainbow dew here to understand the creation characteristics of the space more deeply and refine the treasures for himself.

In fact, in-depth understanding of the creation characteristics of space will also help control treasures, and he will soon listen to Shi Shu Lvzun’s explanation of the profound meaning of space. In order not to reveal the flaws in front of the instructor, he also needs to deeply understand the'space-create Health'.

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