Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 893: 2 urgent news

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and more than a month passed quickly.

"The Rainbow Dew of Truth deserves to be derived from the Great Waterfall of Truth. It seems to contain a wonderful light of guidance. Once the thoughts are in trouble, they can always guide people in the right direction."

Rock only tried it once briefly before, and now he uses the Rainbow Dew of Truth so happily, it makes him feel unspeakable.

With the consumption of the Rainbow Dew of Truth, there is almost no obscurity in his thoughts, and his comprehension of the mysteries of space is rapidly improving.

If it weren't for the urgent news, he could keep on enlightening, but unfortunately the person who got the urgent news came from the masked hospital, so he couldn't pretend not to know.

Masked this court, the meeting hall of this court.

A few minutes later, when Rock arrived, there were already many wizards inside.

This conference hall is similar to the branch assembly hall, but there are only three ranks of seats: the first seat is the seat of the speaker; the second to sixth seats are the first seat, which is half a meter lower than the first seat, and are the deputy speaker; The first gear from the 7th to the 30th seat was reduced by half a metre to become the chief executive seat of the mask.

Roque's 28th seat in the hospital is also the masked CEO of the 28th team. Because the 29th seat and the 30th seat are vacant, his seat is equivalent to the very end, and he sits silently on his seat.

Soon, all the members of the House of Assembly arrived, and everyone turned their eyes to the first seat, Jasper.

"Everyone, to make a long story short, I think everyone has heard about it. The situation in the faith world is quite turbulent and weird. The battles in the war between the sky and the sky have become more intense in recent years. The masked wizards such as me are deeply sheltered by the shaman world. These critical moments should be more. To contribute to the wizarding world, no one is allowed to slack off."

Jasper looked stern, his eyes looked around for a week, and his words were sharp.

Rock sitting at the end could feel that the speaker's gaze stayed on him for half a second.

He knew that he had not led the team to perform any masked tasks in the past two decades, which caused dissatisfaction with the speaker.

"Indeed, Sequence 2 Nether Air Warfare and Xinjiang confrontation are becoming more frequent. It is when I am waiting to make contributions to the academy." Jasper's voice just fell, and the fifth Silander echoed.

The chairmen and vice-chairmen expressed their opinions one after another, with only one meaning. Because the sequence of the Sequence 2 Battle of the Underworld was suddenly fierce, the Mask Academy couldn't do nothing, and must fully perform the tasks related to the battlefield in order to reward the wizarding world for the masked wizards.

In the end, Jasper announced: "From now on, the academy will classify the tasks of Sequence 2 Netherspace Warfare into one category, and will directly indicate the scope of remuneration. The remuneration includes the use of the Great Balance Burning Soul Witch Formation, the Tower of True Knowledge, and the Tower of Yunkong. Permission-the magical weapon itself, etc., who have outstanding contributors, will not be stingy with any rewards."

Upon hearing this, there was an uproar all around.

These high-end awards issued by the academy are rare in the past, and some of them will not appear. It has to be said that the academy has spent money, and the task rewards are straightforward, which can stimulate the enthusiasm of the masked wizards.

Roque also heard the term "Truth Rainbow Dew", but he has not paid much attention to the matter of the Mask Academy recently, and has never known the changes in the battle situation of the Sequence 2 Nether Air Battle.

Even if he knew it now, he said that he had no time, unless it was a mandatory task that fell on him, otherwise he would definitely not participate.

After the speaker announced the task change, the meeting dissipated, and Rock passed the message to his team members and hurriedly returned to the Cloud Cliff Witch Tower.

As everyone knows, someone was trying to talk to him, and when the other party was delayed for a while, he was gone. Ordinary communications seemed to sink into the sea, and there was no reply at all.

Roque didn't care about this, he was about to start refining treasures, so there was no time to pay attention to other things.

"The creation characteristics of spatial energy are really unique. If it is not for the special environment where the inheritance is located, even if you want to appreciate its fur, it is not an easy task."

The deeper he understands the space energy, the more Roque can understand the wonder and uniqueness of the spatial characteristic of "creation". He estimates that among all the characteristics of space energy, creation must be the most obscure and the most difficult to comprehend. One of the traits.

Any type of element has its offensive, defensive, sealed, carrying, invasive, etc., and some also have a variety of offensive properties, or a variety of other characteristics. These characteristics are the essential diversity of the elements, and at the same time Exist on every element particle.

However, elements generally only show one or two types of characteristics, such as the "burning" of flames, the "hardness" of soil and rock, etc. These types of elements can be called "dominant characteristics" or "basic characteristics", which are placed on the level of the essence of the element. Such traits are most easily controlled by others.

At the same time, elements have hidden qualities, such as the ‘treatment’ and ‘purification’ of flames, which are not easy to be understood by people.

Obviously, ‘creation’ is the hidden characteristic of spatial energy, or the kind that is hidden to the deepest, so he was deeply moved.

Moreover, Rock also knew that if he had in-depth control of the Genesis traits, and then went to comprehend the other traits of Space Energy, he wouldn't need to be so troublesome.

The simple reason is that he directly overcomes the more difficult ones, and then goes to appreciate the less difficult ones, it will be much easier.

He sighed for a while, and was about to start attacking the heritage treasure, but suddenly stopped, and his mind returned. He glanced at his crystal ball, frowning very tightly.

It turned out to be an emergency call again!

After a while, Roque appeared in front of the Yunya Gate with a stern face, where a wizard was waiting for him.

"Wizard Randall, do you not know that the college's emergency communication is mainly used for help and forced recruitment, and the college's renewal ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ rather than inviting other wizards to meet in private?"

"Of course I know, it's just that CEO Rock is too good at hiding, and you have to do it. The meeting has just finished, so it shouldn't bother you."

The visitor was the fifth seat Randall in this hospital. It is said that he was a supporter of the first seat Jasper. Jasper's identity is similar to Flick, and he comes from another big family of wizards, Clement.

"I don't know why the vice president is looking for me?" The other party's intention was obviously bad, and Rock was too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Chief Rock, the chairperson at the time stood up to the crowd and helped you become the CEO of the 28th team. Don't you think it's inappropriate for you to neglect the academy's tasks?" Randall accused.

"Really? I thought that being the chief executive was my outstanding ability to break barriers." Rock chuckled lightly.

In fact, the last few chief executive teams belong to special teams, such as the 28th team, which are good at breaking all kinds of barriers.

As everyone knows, he is recognized as a wizard who is'the best at breaking the witch formation below Tier 4'. After completing a large number of these masked tasks, he naturally took the position of chief executive.

Someone actually said that he was relying on a white witch, and he almost laughed out loud.

Even if he joined the chasing jail club, even though it was approved by Flick, it was an opportunity for him to fight at the risk.

Seeing that Rock was so ignorant of current affairs, the look on Randall's face suddenly became gloomy, and he shouted: "As far as I know from my investigation, you have not received the mask mission for more than 20 years, nor have you managed the 28th team. Isn’t this true?"

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