Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 895: Tianhuan Mihe

Cloud Cliff Witch Tower.

Rock returned to the Rainbow Dew layer again, and soon he was completely immersed in the inheritance.

As he expected, the true meaning of'space-creation' that he controls is a key to refining and inheriting things.

When he sank into the circulation, he found that this treasure was more extraordinary than he had imagined. It contained infinite truths and knowledge, complex spatial mysteries, profound time mysteries, and the mysteries of planes and elements. Wait, creation space is just one of the keys.

This also made him understand where the inheritance lies. Inheritance lies in the circulation itself, and what he can comprehend depends on himself. Once he has thoroughly understood all the mysteries and has his own understanding, then it will be the vast ring. When the river appeared in the world.

Now, his strength is only Tier 3, Roque is not greedy, and only chooses the space mystery to comprehend.

Time was hurried, and two months passed in a flash.

"This heritage is equivalent to a thick meditation book, which not only contains a wealth of knowledge, but also enriches the mysteries of various powers."

In the process of controlling this heritage item, Roque found that his understanding of spatial energy has deepened a lot, and this discovery made him very happy.

With this heritage, even if he is promoted to Tier 4, it can bring a lot of help, or that the role of this treasure can only be brought into full play after Tier 4, but at this moment, he is somewhat weak.

After two months, he has initially turned the inherited objects into his own objects.

"Since you don't have your own name, then call you the ‘Sky Ring Secret River’. I hope that one day, such a ring river can really be born in the worlds to shelter those dying plane seeds."

Seeing the circulation around him, Rock became agitated and couldn't help making his own rhetoric.

Circulation, or Tianhuan Mihe seemed to understand what he said, and a brighter light burst from the circulation, echoing his words.

After dealing with the witch world and Tianhuan Mihe, he was ready to meet the Shishu Luzun, and now his understanding of spatial energy has deepened, and he will not be so embarrassed when facing his instructor.

Soon after, he left the Masked House and stayed in the Gray Mist Tower for a few days.

During the period, another mentor, Timothy, learned about his promotion stage and asked him a few words with emotion. As for the rest of the academy, since the incident happened in the masked hospital, the news did not spread, and it did not alert others for the time being.


Hunzhong Yashan.

After more than three months, Rock returned to a familiar store.


"It's pretty fast here, are everything done?"

"Some trivial things are done."

In the shop of Shizhishujuan Collection, the young traveller was still sitting there, and the teachers and students exchanged greetings for a while.

Just as Rock was about to go to Suishan, someone hurriedly came to the shop. It was Eliot, who had actually failed to apprehend his teacher, and stared at him with a scorching gaze as soon as they met.

"Wizard Rock, take the liberty to ask, have you ever truly become a student of Lord Travellord?" He asked eagerly.

"Naturally, I have already visited the mountain and garden." Roque glanced at the young lord and answered in the affirmative.

"You really have become a student of Master Lu Zun." Hearing this, Eliot's body was slightly slightly, and the words seemed to contain infinite melancholy and more complicated things.

"Elder Eliot, is it possible that you came to me on purpose? If it's just for inquiries, why bother to talk to me directly." After a while, Rock said.

He came to Yashan with his front foot from Shenglunqiao City, and the opponent caught up with his back foot. It is hard to say that there is no relationship.

Eliot didn't care about this. He suddenly returned to his senses and stared at Rock, and said seriously: "Wizard Rock, if I don't mind my age, would you like to have one more follower?"


Eliot was shocked, and Rock, who had always been calm, was stunned and looked at him blankly, with question marks in his mind.

Even the young Lu Zun was confused by his words.

"Speak, you are a Tier 5 True Venerable anyway. Although you don't have much combat power and lifespan, you don't need such nonsense. Tier 5 follows Tier 3. I think you are mentally confused." Zun reacted quickly and shouted unceremoniously.

"Because I don't have much lifespan, I don't care about these sections." Elliott muttered.

This guy won’t be smashed, but he can be indifferent, he can’t care about other influences, Roque said straightly, “Elder Eliot, don’t make me embarrassing. This kind of thing is really counterintuitive. , Absolutely impossible."

As for the extra powerful combat power, he has never had such extravagant hopes. In terms of strength, he must definitely rely on himself.

"Indeed, even if it is done, once you are known by the other true elders, where do you let their face go, you want to frame Roque deliberately." The young traveler continued.

Seeing the attitude of the two, Eliot left with full of disappointment.

Seeing his disappearing back, Roke frowned slightly. It seemed that he could not go to Shenglunqiao City for the time being. No one knew what a person waiting to die would do.

He also thought of the Kongling Realm. The Kongling Realm belongs to the Summoning League. Elliott is the elder of the Summoning League. There is a certain hidden danger in the Kongling Realm.

"Are you worried about Eliot?" The young traveler guessed his thoughts.

"Somewhat." Rock didn't deny it.

"Although he dare not ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ unless he ignores the family behind him, but this kind of thing is just in case." The young traveler nodded in approval.

Rock looked at his tutor expectantly, hoping that he could think of a proper solution for himself.

"Actually, there is a most appropriate way. You become a Tier 4 wizard in the shortest time. Then you will find that Eliot can't catch up with you, who is proficient in space," said the juvenile brigade.

Rock looked at him speechlessly.

Although he is in the promotion class and has touched the threshold of becoming Tier 4, it is not an overnight thing to truly become Tier 4.

"Haha, don't worry, you can go to see the deity at Suishan. The deity is only a student of you, and he will definitely protect you. Besides, he caused the trouble, and he is not responsible for who is responsible." Seeing his expression, the young traveller Zun said with an unscrupulous smile.

"Then I'm back to Suishan." Roque was kind enough.

When he was about to leave, he was summoned by the young traveller.

"Wait, the last time I asked you to find the power crystals, I promised you a benefit. As a mentor, I definitely can't break my promise. You will leave those power crystals to me for a while."

"It's not necessary, after all----"

"And your authority crystal in the empty ridge world, also give me, one yard of one yard, my words always count."

Roque wanted to refuse, but the young traveler did not give him a chance, so he had to leave the power crystal behind and handed it to the young traveler before sending it to Suishan Mountain.

The hillside of Suishan Mountain was as quiet as before. After coming out of the Shanzhu Gate, he walked to Kongyou Terrace. While familiarizing himself with Kongyou Terrace, he waited for the instructor when Shulu Zun came.

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