Wizards Can Collect

Chapter 896: Kongyoutai teaches the way

"Wizards can collect(!

Years in the hills and gardens, empty and quiet terraces

One person sits in mid-air and tells the power mantra, while the other sits down and listens carefully.

With the sound of Shi Shu Lu Zun's voice, the surrounding energy seemed to understand his words, sometimes rippling like magnificent clouds of smoke, and sometimes turning into mysterious runes.

Many anomalies appeared frequently inside and outside the empty space.

Roque has no distractions, and his mind is completely silent in the mentor's narration. At this moment, the mystery of the world seems to be slowly unfolding in front of him.

Shi Shu Lu Zun first briefly described the various forces inside and outside the world, from time to space, from life to death, from light to darkness, from reality to illusion, and then to the most basic elemental power.

Then, Shishulu's respect point elaborated on the space energy, from the influence of space rules itself, to the application of space rules, to the basic characteristics of space, and then to its creative characteristics.

Listening to the instructor's narration from the shallower to the deeper, Roque's cognition of spatial energy has risen dramatically, just like the divine enlightenment, and many doubts in the past cultivation have been resolved one by one.

Time flies, and I don't know when, the narration stops, but the people who listen to the lecture are still in the middle of it, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

"Do you have any other doubts?" At a certain moment, Rock came back to his senses and found his rudeness. He was about to get up to apologize, and he heard the question from his instructor.

"Tutor, the use of spatial rules and the characteristics of spatial energy seem to be the same?"

"It's right to understand that energy can be continuously transformed, and the further use of energy is the characteristics. This is especially true for space energy, such as the shuttle, barrier, stability, cutting, extension, etc. of space energy -"

Of course, Rock would not let it go at such a good opportunity, so he took the opportunity to ask many questions, and Shi Shu Luzun answered them one by one, and personally demonstrated and taught him the use of space rules, which made Rock have a better space. Great improvement.

After a period of practice, Rock has used it well.

On the empty stage, he didn't see any movement, his figure suddenly disappeared from the stage, flashing from the other side with his fingers.

‘Nine hundred meters. ’

Rock glanced at where Yuan was standing.

Compared with other methods, space shuttle is not only fast, but it is also difficult to find traces. More importantly, it ignores many barriers. As long as it is not deliberately aimed at the blockade of space, it is difficult to block space shuttle.

Of course, with his current spatial attainments, he still cannot achieve long-distance spatial movement, let alone interplanetary spatial teleportation. After all, he has only three levels now, and it is not easy to achieve this step now. .

"Other places are not better than Kongyoutai, the same method is definitely not so effective, you find time to be proficient." said Shi Shulu Zun.

"Students understand." Upon hearing this, Rock appeared not far from the instructor, motioned for a moment and sat down in the original place where he was listening to the class.

Shi Shu Lu Zun raised his hand, and a ray of light floated in front of Luo Ke. Luo Ke did not move, allowing the light to fall into his body. It turned out to be a space-based meditation idea, called ‘casting the secluded platform’.

"Your path of inheritance is different from that of the deity. This is just a basic space cultivation method and cannot help you cultivate to the fifth level. If you want to increase your strength to the fifth level, you must realize your own practice secrets from the inheritance. "Shi Shulu Zun said.

In other words, this secret code can help him to cultivate to the fourth level, and Roque is overjoyed. He will not dislike any foundation or foundation. The classics given by the instructor are definitely not ordinary classics. As for the fifth level, that is the future.

Later, Shi Shu Lu Zun began to talk about the promotion to the fourth rank.

The biggest difference between Tier 4 and Tier 3 is the change of soul. Through the control of the true meaning of the element and the mystery of space, the creature will touch the real soul power. For the wizard, it is the sharp change from the spiritual power to the power of the soul. It is an extremely critical process.

Regarding promotion matters, Shi Shu Lu Zun only talked about the points that should be paid attention to, and especially emphasized that the space system should be the foundation, rather than the essence of ordinary elements.

Before long, Roque was left alone in Kongyou Terrace.


One year later, Rock came to Yashan again.

He suddenly discovered that the number of people coming to and from Yashan had increased, and it was a bit more lively than before, and the Book of Time had also changed. There was an odd stone pillar in front of the door, which inexplicably gave him a familiar feeling.

When he stepped into the museum, there happened to be other guests there, and he was talking about something with the young travel master. He stopped in a hurry and was about to quit.

"How?" Young Lu Zun noticed his arrival, looked at him and asked.

"Benefited a lot." Rock said sincerely.

"Who asks this, I'm asking how the deity's teaching ability is, can it catch up with me?" The young travel deity said with interest.

"------" Rock looked at him embarrassingly, how to answer this kind of question.

"Haha." Seeing him look embarrassed, the young traveller smiled unceremoniously, and after laughing for a long time before introducing the guests in front of him, "this is the real Zimu, I just came to meet him."

Luo Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and Yiyan stepped forward and greeted the fifth-order powerhouse.

"He is a student of Shishu Luzun?" Zimu Zhenzun looked at him a few times and then withdrew his eyes.

"That's right, I have only recently entered the mountain garden of my age, and become the only student of Lu Zun. Recently, I have been receiving the teachings of Lu Zun, and I have time to see me today." The young Lu Zun pointedly said.

"Sure enough." Zimu Zhenzun nodded slightly.

"By the way, Shiye said to prepare gifts for you. I don't know how the preparations are. The introductory gift I gave you is ready." The young traveller continued, adding a tone to the four words'Introductory Gift'.

"I said, what do you do with your eyebrows? It turns out that you are waiting for me here. Since you are the only student of Lu Zun, it is indeed worthy of an introductory gift. How do you call it?" Zi Mu Zhenxu pointed at him with a smile.


"My share of Qingquan is not too valuable, so I will give it to you."

The elder gave him no resignation, and Rock naturally did not pretend to be affectionate and held it in both hands.

"This Qingquan sounds like a name, and it is indeed a good thing to heal soul scars. Remember to keep it well." said the young travel master.

Rock's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect the other party to give something so extraordinary, and then he thanked him again.

Then he consciously quit the shop and left the space for two people. Soon after Venerable Zimu left, he returned to the shop.

"When are you going to be promoted to Tier 4? Don't say you haven't started preparing yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ asked the young traveller.

"Probably within ten years." Rock said truthfully.

At the fourth-order level, there are no established promotion resources, and no witch formation required for promotion. It depends on the usual little accumulation, and I feel that the time has come, and I can start the life transition.

"In short, you can't delay it for too long. Recently, there is some unrest between your wizarding world, the faith world, and the abyss world. The sooner you get promoted, the sooner you will be safe." said the young travel master.

Rock looked at him suspiciously, but the young traveler did not continue, waved his hand to beckon him to follow, and walked out of the shop by himself.

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