Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 236 [232] The Crow Turned Into A Girl? Where Is The Origin Of The Evil God?

Chapter 236 [232] The crow turned into a girl? Where is the origin of the evil god?

The promotion method of the Dark Land is to focus on the realistic aspect, which was inherited from the original Nether Wizard. Wang Ya guessed that the Nether Wizard should take the path of the Elemental Wizard. Many aspects of the dark inheritance involve the body and particle energy. Come and affect the spirit.

Inexplicably, Wang Ya thought of some theories from the previous life, such as the gathering of three flowers at the top, the five energies towards the origin, and the unity of the three treasures of the spirit, energy and spirit. Could it be the same goal by different routes, but because of the difference in the world, there are different names.

After signing the Dark Supreme Contract, Wang Ya also learned more about the secrets of the wizarding world.

For example, the inner world, the outer space, and the infinite starry sky The wizard is a civilization, and the wizard continent under his feet is just a corner of the wizard world; the starry sky plunder in the legendary era has integrated a large number of large and small worlds into the wizard world home planet, making the home planet continue to expand. , All kinds of powerful wizards emerged in endlessly. At that time, even wizards of level five and level six could walk in the material world.

In today's home planet of the wizarding world, powerful wizards either enter the inner world and remain hidden from the world, or enter the boundless starry sky of outer space to search for the resources they need in the vast and chaotic sea.

The unknown mystery of the endless sea is only for weak wizards. In the eyes of those powerful wizards, the wizard world mother planet may have no secrets at all, and different levels have different cognitions; The change of the stars, for the low-level wizards who can only understand the information in the classics, it is not that they can touch the secrets.

Among the wizard forces in the core area, there should be such powerful wizards, who can influence the development of the era of the wizard world's home planet. Wang Ya has learned about the historical trend of wizards, whether it is the rise of the wizard technology revolution, or the more distant old wizard system. Abandoned, are full of thick human operation handwriting.

Wang Ya couldn't help looking forward to the age of legends, when thousands of worlds revolved around the home planet of the wizard world, and each wizard colonized the galaxy and became a member of the multiverse of wizard civilization. What a glorious moment that was! The heart yearns to become the protagonist in each of the legendary deeds, and to collide with the legendary civilization of the prehistoric, the legendary civilization of Crusu, the legendary civilization of the fairyland, and the legendary civilization of the Lord God.

He took a deep breath and calmed down the turmoil in his heart. Those things were too far away, far beyond his reach.

'Teacher Huanmeng said that the Dark Blue Secret Realm is independent of the wizarding world, and the wizards who are suspected of being the Great Dark Blue Wizard colonize the world. The wizard forces in the land of mountains and seas have found a way, and they are determined to open the Deep Blue Secret Realm thirty years later, and the wizards who enter it should be the ultimate wizard apprentices of the major forces. '

It is estimated that wizards who have reached the limit value are also indispensable.

Wang Ya's eyes flickered, and he only had the last thirty years left, and he needed to increase his mental strength and physical fitness to the limit.

This is good, the more you are at the limit, the more you can perceive the existence of the will of the wizard world, and even to the point where you can break the limit and sublimate with a thought.

The will of the wizarding world will pay more attention to such wizards. Entering the dark blue secret realm will also break the balance of the cycle of stars in the secret realm itself, and there is a certain chance for them to integrate into the home planet of the wizarding world.

The child who is about to go out to work hard earns more money in advance before the loving father and mother give away the principal.

It will be easier to pass the judgment of the will of the wizarding world, and the benefits of breaking the limit and sublimation will be more.

There is a price for everything, and the Deep Blue Secret Realm will hate such a wizard and expose him to various dangers, just like the downturn in luck under the view of civilization in the fairyland, and the sky is angry.


The Bone Erosion Demon raised its head to the sky and roared furiously, and the huge fist turned from the proliferating flesh and blood smashed the isolation chamber into pieces.

It was out of control, there were too many soul consciousness bodies inside the Bone Corrosion Orb, and because there was no dominant consciousness, every piece of flesh and blood began to fight for the mastery, and their soul and spiritual strength were not enough to support such a powerful body.

Distorted faces squeezed out on the fleshy surface where gray scars and white bones fused.


The Bone Corrosion Demon's body began to collapse, and the initially balanced aura also became disordered.

A black bird with spreading wings flexibly avoided the tentacles made of flesh and blood by the Bone Erosion Demon, and its sharp claws pierced into the heart.

Harak grabs the bone eroding orb and escapes from the body of the bone eroding demon.

The huge body seemed to have lost the support of fundamental strength, the cells began to die, and the flesh and blood tissue completely collapsed. The sticky flesh and blood scattered all over the ground in the blink of an eye, rotten and smelly, almost filled the isolation warehouse by half.

Wang Ya watched everything silently, and gave Harak an order.

The bird's beak opened wide, and the Orb of Bone Erosion went down Harak's throat and entered his belly.

A large amount of black oil-like liquid was secreted, and in the blink of an eye, Harak was surrounded to form a black cocoon. The dark luster flickered, flickering on and off, and beating like a heart.

He took out the extraordinary material prepared in the Halak commodity store from the wizard ring, and judged the status with the eye of truth.

['Tarsal roots', the target has been completely absorbed, and the success rate of breaking the limit is expected to increase by 5%]

['Urukel Civet Purified Bloodline', the target has been completely absorbed, and the success rate of limit-breaking sublimation is expected to increase by 7%]

['Extraordinary original liquid x100', the target has been completely absorbed, and the success rate of limit-breaking sublimation has increased by 10%]

【Currently, the success rate of limit-breaking sublimation is 71%, and the expected transformation time is: 7 days. 】

The white light waves in the pupils slowly disappeared, and Wang Ya's brows relaxed, finally ushering in a good result.

He has insight into all the secrets of the Orb of Bone Corrosion, and why it can promote the sublimation of individual targets.

The reason lies in the origin of the evil god within it.

Contrary to his conjecture in eight categories,

The remaining two points are methods that can only be achieved by official wizards.

It should be used to sublimate the spiritual power to forcibly eliminate the soul consciousness power in the origin of the evil god, so that it can be replaced by itself, and the luggage will replace the peach.

It stands to reason that the balance of Gendas evil god should be perfect, and there is a three-party fusion of every cell and flesh.

The fusion of flesh and blood, soul, and consciousness.

Forcibly stripping one of them will cause the balance to collapse, which cannot be made up for by substituting other soul consciousness.

Wang Ya recalled in his mind that the picture he saw in the consciousness of the evil god was fixed at the scene where the evil god Gendasi swallowed the blood. It may not be irreplaceable, even the evil god Gendasi itself is integrated into other people's Rules, follow the path of others.

Lord of Blood, Gendas, Level 6 Blood Wizard!

This kind of balance, even after thousands of years, ten thousand years, one after another, cannot change its essence.

Other people's things, after all, are other people's! !

The soul can be eliminated, and the balance can also be replaced. At that time, his level was not enough, so he couldn't discover the secrets.

The official wizard's level of strength is higher than his, and the level of experiments that can be carried out is also higher. After many experiments, some clues can finally be found.

It is expected that Dark Bat Wizard and the suspected Condor Wizard behind the scenes, the limit-breaking sublimation experiment conducted in White Lake Wizard City is to test the feasibility of this road.

Wang Ya watched the pulsation of the black cocoon, a powerful extraordinary wave was continuously spreading, and the breath of life was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is no reason why Darkbat Wizard can't do what he can do, and there is no one more suitable for carrying the Orb of Bone Corrosion than Harak.

Swallowing the Bone Corroding Orb this time is also a process of replacing balance.

The Infinite Black Core is a successful example, dominated by the consciousness of Harak and Wang Ya, and the rest of the black souls are all followers.

After breaking the limit and sublimating, Harak can be regarded as a latecomer on the road of the Lord of Blood, and has the qualifications to compete for the rules of the Lord of Blood.

The evil god Gendas devoured the rules of blood, and he was regarded as a pioneer on this road.

Wang Ya licked her dry lips, her eyes were deep, and she might not be able to come from behind.

Seven days later.

The black cocoon stopped pulsating, Wang Ya's expression became serious, and an aura that could crush him emanated from it.

He activated the protective function of the secondary laboratory to isolate the spread of this breath.

[Hint: The target has completed its transformation, breaking the limit and sublimating successfully. 】


Cracks appeared in the black cocoon, followed by the spread of the black entity's aura, filling the entire experimental isolation chamber. Wang Ya, whose vision was obstructed, subconsciously narrowed her eyes.

What kind of changes will Halak get after breaking the limit and sublimation? The area that has never been touched makes Wang Ya's heart warm, and at the same time, he clenched his hands excitedly.

A slender arm stretched out from the gap, the skin was as white and tender as jade, the pores were fine, and there was hardly any fluff.

Wang Ya was stunned, thinking that she had misread, she blinked subconsciously.

Everything is very real, it is a human arm, and it is female.

Halak's limit-breaking sublimation, is it transformed from a crow into a human form?

He frowned slightly, the metamorphosis of the human body is not suitable for fighting, it can be said to be the worst kind of transformation.

Like the black wings of a fallen angel, extending from the back of the arm, the oil-like liquid is still secreted on it, and the wings do not have the dream biological characteristics after the fusion of the dream infinite genome, and those long white lines are missing.


Another white wing broke open from the other side and stretched out, reaching the same proportion as the black wing. Each feather is extremely pure white, like the feathers of a holy angel, but it is filled with a blurred and dreamy atmosphere, which makes people yearn for it, and then falls into it and becomes intoxicated, unable to wake up forever.

In Wang Ya's mind, he has put aside the strange ideas of wizards' creation and transformation, and his pupils are glowing with white light waves, doing the unknown exploration that a professional wizard should have.

The subcutaneous tissue on the female human's arm suddenly swelled one by one, and then the bulge burst, and black and white neutral feathers grew out.

The muscle fibers continued to fill, and the bones began to optimize and transform, returning to the most suitable form of bird claws for fighting.

Wang Ya was a little surprised, and then the corner of his mouth raised a curve. Yes, he was able to perceive his thoughts, and then made an optimal transformation, but he didn't know what kind of transformation result would be with the extraordinary characteristics he possessed.

The remaining part of the black cocoon was blown to pieces in a restrained and then erupted white light.

The light is too dazzling, it seems that it is not only of physical nature, even the extraordinary spiritual power can be dispelled by interference.

Wang Ya closed her eyes subconsciously, covering them with her right hand.

In the light, there is a slender figure intertwined with black and white wings, stretching out the slender and round legs as if breaking through the shackles, the feet are pink and tender like freshly ripe cherries; Under the reflection of the sun, it faded a little, the ankles were round and slender, and the arc was perfect, as if created by God himself.

Her eyelashes are very long, her face is beautiful, her hair is flying, like a goddess in a color mural, but her expression is a bit dull, with an extra breath of mundane turbidity, but she looks more vivid, like walking out of a painting Come out, real existence.

The girl stared blankly at her master, as if she was thinking about something. Soon, like her left hand, black and white neutral feathers grew all over her body, and the skeletal tissue began to evolve into that of a bird. The black Bai Yu's wings on the back also began to shrink, conforming to the change in body shape.

When Wang Ya moved his palm away and looked intently, the familiar sound of flapping wings sounded.

Harak with black and white wings flew towards him, his body shape didn't change much, except for the wings, the feathers were full of fluidity and softness, the beak was pure black, and the pupils were also pitch black.

Harak directly penetrated the isolation chamber of the laboratory, as if he had entered a state of nothingness, which surprised Wang Ya.

The bird's beak opened slightly, biting Wang Ya's teasing finger with very light force.

"Little guy, the level of you you are now has already surpassed me." Wang Ya had a slight smile on his face, and the soul imprint still existed, and it was even more stable because of Harak's limit-breaking sublimation. , almost equivalent to Harak's soul itself.

Harak rubbed Wang Ya's neck and chin vigorously with the bird's head, making him sneer, "You little guy, why have you become more clingy than before after your strength has changed?"

Stretching out his finger, he tapped Harak's little head lightly, and Wang Ya's pupils glowed with white light waves.

[Target: Harak]

[Strength Level: Level 1 Extraordinary Creature]

【Spiritual Power: 32】

[Physique: 62]

[Extraordinary characteristics: Lord of shadows, black and white trial, twin transformation, infinite black core, black servant, first-order blood master]

Some supernatural properties disappeared, but more supernatural properties were added.

This should be Harak's instinctive transformation choice, to get rid of things other than the road.

Stepping into the road of the Lord of Blood must be related to it, or an indispensable characteristic of Harak's own extraordinary system.

[The Lord of Shadows: It is the controller of the shadows, and anything related to the shadows is affected by it. (It can be fused with the shadow robe to become a temporary special biological witchcraft, enhancing the extraordinary nature in all directions)]

[Black and white judgment: The wings on the back can form special eyes, giving the enemy black and white judgment. Black Winged Eyes: The enemy is in a state of defeat, and the duration is determined by the opponent's strength; White Winged Eyes: The enemy is in a nightmare state, and the continuous witchcraft cast will have a higher probability of failure. 】

[Twin Transformation: It can be a deep transformation between dream creatures and real creatures (in the dream state, it is immune to sublimation first-level witchcraft under a certain degree; in the real state, it is immune to a certain degree of dream power attacks and dream creature attacks), The interval is five seconds. 】

Wang Ya fixed his eyes on the last 'Blood Lord', which should be the biggest gain.

[The first-order blood master: Harak has achieved a perfect balance between the power of dreams and the power of blood, and has become an unprecedented dual species of dream and reality. It has embarked on the road of the Lord of Blood, and can devour more fragments of the Rule of Blood to complement itself and obtain the complete Rule of Blood. First-level ability: Devour all organic objects, supplement and improve one's own strength, and can also release bleeding energy to infect targets, perfectly controlling their physical bodies. 】

Wang Ya felt a little disappointed. After the transformation, Harak's strength has indeed improved a lot. Among the first-level extraordinary creatures, he is definitely a top existence.

Extraordinary creatures are generally not opponents of wizards, and wizards can often deal with more than three extraordinary creatures of the same level.

Halak will not be much weaker than the official wizards of the same level, of course, only the batch that broke through not long ago.

If it is a bone wizard or Rhine wizard, Harak is absolutely impossible to be an opponent.

'I took it for granted. ’Wang Ya shook his head, and swept away the emotions in his mind. It is good that a copy of the origin of the evil god can achieve such an effect.

The Lord of Blood is only the first level, and there are second and third levels above it. The more rules of blood that Harak devours, he will be able to transform, upgrade the level of the Lord of Blood, and gain stronger abilities. Harak's strength will also increase accordingly, and if it is not complete, it will be promoted to a second-level extraordinary creature.

At that time, there will be very few factors that can hinder Wang Ya.

Halak, as his wizard creation, is also the embodiment of his power.

Wang Ya rubbed his chin. When it comes to the origin of the evil god, he still has a copy in his laboratory.

When he entered the laboratory of the evil god's origin, Harak throbbed all over his body, and white light spots appeared from his black pupils. The corner of Wang Ya's mouth raised a curve.

"Go, little guy, let me see how many surprises you can bring me."

Staring at Harak who had turned into a dream state and flew into the experimental apparatus, he opened his beak and swallowed the evil god's heart.

He had already shut down the wizard instrument ahead of time.

A force of attraction was generated out of nowhere inside the laboratory, and it was the black cocoon that Harak had turned into after devouring the heart of the evil god, absorbing a large amount of natural particle energy around it while pulsating.

Wang Ya let go of the authority, allowing more natural particle energy to flow into the laboratory.

He quietly watched Harak's transformation, but his eyes were wandering, thinking about other things.

Teacher Huanmeng said that at that time, he, the magic dragon wizard, and the ghost wizard personally took action to destroy the Gendas evil god, and captured three copies of the source.

Halak devoured his share, plus the Condor Wizard's share, and there were two left.

Wang Ya's eyes lit up in an instant, as if he could start from the source of the evil god, and the person who can conduct the experiment of the bone erosion bead must be an official wizard who has obtained the source.

There will only be three such people.

The teacher said that there are still some doubts about Condor Wizard, and he has not been completely convicted.

You only need to ask the fantasy wizard to get a specific result.

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the soul imprint.

Wang Ya looked at the black cocoon in surprise, "Halak, you can sense the existence of the rule of blood through the blood master and the infinite black core."

There are tiny fragments of the rules of blood in the origin of the evil god.

(end of this chapter)

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