Wizards Chasing The Truth

Chapter 237 [233] The Prototype Of The Territory Colorful Foam Fruit

Chapter 237 [233] The prototype of the territory colorful foam fruit

[Reminder: The transformation of the target is completed, the progress of the current level 1 Blood Lord (10%), and the increase in mental strength and physical fitness. 】

Harak didn't change his appearance, he stretched out his fingers to tease gently, and Wang Ya's eyes flashed thoughtfully.

Could it be that after choosing to embark on the road of the Lord of Blood, every part of the blood rules obtained can increase his strength, and the first level is equivalent to a first-level extraordinary creature, that is, a first-level wizard.

There are six levels at most, corresponding to the level of strength of the blood lord 'Gendas' during his lifetime.

This is very likely.

It does not mean that Harak cannot improve his strength through other means, devour more lives, and complete the completion of the infinite black core. That is the second path created by Wang Ya for Harak.

The second evolution based on the road of flesh and blood.

Consciousness, rules, flesh and blood, and soul are integrated into one, this is the path of the Lord of Blood.

The infinite black core is completely opposite. Even if it is integrated into the origin of the evil god and embarks on the road of the blood lord, Harak is completely different from the evil god Gendasi, and its potential will only be higher.

Wang Ya looked at the fierce tiger wizard tower. Unlike other wizard towers, it had a more primitive and wild style, and the exterior of the building was also extraordinarily rough. There were even furs and huge teeth of some extraordinary creatures as decorations.

Entering the range of the Fierce Tiger Tower, there is a mountain forest area, a short cobblestone path runs through the inside and outside, and there is no magic formation protection. Wang Ya was a little surprised. You must know that there are a large number of extraordinary creatures in this fierce tiger forest, and there are many beast kings who are comparable to extreme wizard apprentices.

Harak stood on Wang Ya's shoulder, and the white wings gradually bloomed, covering Wang Ya's body, and every person and bird entered a dream state.

Wang Ya stretched out his right hand curiously, "Is this the dream state? It's very useful." '

Halak can use the white wings to attach the same dream state to certain targets other than himself.

With the dream state, Wang Ya can ignore witchcraft below 45 degrees, and it is impossible for those extraordinary creatures to detect him.

He had gone to many wizard towers before, but he did not find the existence of the origin of the evil god.

When the fierce tiger tower was enlarged by about half of his vision, he stopped in his tracks, and some thoughts flashed in his eyes.

The feeling from Harak is that he discovered the existence of the origin of the evil god.

He stretched out his hand and stroked Harak's little head, which was also a kind of comfort, stabilizing the throbbing caused by the perception of the origin of the evil god.

One person and one bird walked directly into the dream world, followed the connection of the core of the dream, and returned to the land of bubbles.

Harak's dream creature characteristics, after becoming a first-level extraordinary creature, can already be added to Wang Ya.

Traveling between the dream world and the real world is not difficult.

There is another goal. More than half of the official wizards have been found so far, only in the last two goals.

And not long after the two of them left, a tall figure appeared in the place where they left. The white wizard robe was messy, the flesh and blood of some extraordinary creatures, and the smell of blood filled the fierce tiger wizard. It was a bearded man. The big man with black long hair is curly and messy. His eyes are very fierce and violent. At this moment, his nose twitches and he murmurs suspiciously: "Is it my illusion? I smelled it inside the tower. It's strange how the smell disappeared."

The big hands clasped their ears, with a displeased expression on their face, "Why does this smell so much like that bastard Huanmeng? I'm sure I smelled it right, it's that damned guy Huanmeng."

The fierce tiger wizard bared his canine teeth, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Damn fantasy, every time I know that when I sleep, give me a layer of fantasy witchcraft, don't let me catch you, sooner or later I will do it kill you."


Under the cold snort, the 100-meter-covered soil was blown up, and a large area of ​​trees was turned into dust under the kick of the fierce tiger wizard, and the tiny lives inside were also the same result.

His physical strength is rare in the world.

Even Wang Ya must be surprised by the current changes in the land of bubbles.

There are not many floating colorful bubbles, and the largest one is still the consciousness of the evil god Gendas who guards the place of the bubbles.

The second is the existence of colorful trees. The roots are very long, rooted deep in the ground, firmly holding the place of foam, and at the same time absorbing the dream power of the dream world through the roots, purifying it from the core of the dream, and turning it into a monster with a king. The pure dream power of sub-personal information, and use it to expand and influence the wider scope of the dream world land, so as to achieve healthy development.

Harak fluttered his wings, his white feathers spontaneously glowing, and his whole body was echoed by this glow except for the black wings. The black and white neutral feathers have also completely turned into white at this moment. From a distance, it looks like a white divine bird in the sky, because it is contaminated with the evil breath and polluted a feather.

The white foam-like sphere, from the white liquid dripping from the white feathers during the flight in the foam land, was blown by the wind and instantly expanded. The white foam is very pure, without any other color, after falling into the foam land , is also surrounded by other colorful bubbles, or the sky above the place that melts into the bubbles, densely filled.

This time the last shortcoming has also been made up, and it is impossible for the dream creature to tear the bubble from the weak point in the sky, and then break into it.

In addition to the consciousness of Gendas evil god, Wang Ya also has a new method to protect his own bubble land.

The pupils glowed with white light waves.

【Target: Core of Dream】

[Current stage: Seedling stage (3%)]

[Range: 1600 meters]

[Pure dream power: 20 ways]

[Hint: It can generate 1 pure dream power every day. 】

Without Wang Ya's participation, the development of the bubble land is already very good.

The range has also been extended by 100 meters.

With the power of twenty dreams, Wang Ya thought about how he should use it.

The eyes fell on the colorful trees, whether to consume pure dream power to increase the number of colorful trees, or to purify them, and use stronger colorful trees for transformation effects.

The power of pure dreams can also be used to assist in the production of dream bubbles, to speed up the process of compiling dreams and accumulating dream inspiration.

The production of dream bubbles is entirely based on Wang Ya's ideas. The ideas are based on the dreams produced in the dreams of wizards and mortals in reality as introductions.

To carry reality, store witchcraft, and reflect witchcraft, the dream bubble itself must also have a certain connection with reality.

In the end, Wang Ya decided to imitate the fantasy garden and create an ecological environment in the land of bubbles.

Breeding the 'Garuru Leopard Group' in the dream bubble is a way, but it's not the best choice. When the core of the dream grows up and has a sufficient scope of the bubble land, it must create a more complex ecological environment suitable for the survival of dream creatures.

He also didn't want to keep consuming dream power to maintain the reality of the dream bubble and maintain the internal ecological environment.

This is a hindrance to the growth of the core of the dream.

The Dream Wizard is a good template, with successful examples of the Dream Wizard ahead.

Within a range of 1,600 meters, the core area is naturally the sprout of the core of the dream. Wang Ya deliberately circled it, consumed two pure dream powers, and formed the prototype of a dream wizard's experimental castle.

There is only a small wooden house, and there are some extra tools for cooking dream creatures, as well as a stove and various tableware.

Then, the power of four pure dreams was consumed, and a river channel was drawn out, running through the entire bubble land, but at present it was just stagnant water, and the flow port did not extend beyond the bubble land. Even the water is in an illusory state, not very solid, and can disappear at any time.

There is no way, the province still needs to save, and it is currently in the early stage of starting a business.

The opposite point is the location that connects to the direction of the lake.

In Wang Ya's vision, one day he will try to explore the lake, the deeper starry forest, and the many mountains named Sunset Mountains.

The remaining fourteen paths of pure dream power consumed eight paths to establish the prototypes of some future areas, such as farmland, flower gardens, and forest environment areas. The paths in and out are all filled with colorful cobblestones.

The last six paths selected colorful trees from all directions, purified them, and transformed them into unique foam trees.

[Target: Bubble Tree]

[Details: A unique product of the Land of Bubbles. The tree is tall, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and colorful colors. It can produce colorful bubble fruits in a certain period of time. After taking it, it can enhance the 'supernatural mental power', with certain side effects. 】

[Function: It can absorb the dream power of the dream world, and provide it to the core of the dream continuously, so that the bubble land can continue to develop and expand. It is a good helper for the dream wizard to develop the dream territory. 】

Wang Ya's mood improved a lot when he saw more colors and the bubble land of environmental planning, and finally looked a little more presentable.

Although compared with the Fantasy Garden, there is still a gap between a prosperous city and the most barren thatched cottages. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and Wang Ya has already walked out the first step.

You just need to stand firm, and then take the second step steadily and powerfully.

He stretched out his hand to summon a colorful bubble suspended in the sky. The surface of the bubble showed the internal ecological environment. The 'Garuru Leopard' No. 1 is indeed the excellent breed he selected, and it has successfully impregnated two female leopards.

The next step should be to consider adding more female leopards to the family.

After giving birth to a new baby leopard, as the number one of the parents, the pressure will definitely double, and the same is true for food requirements.

Wang Ya touched his chin. This is also a troublesome point. How to get more dream creatures as food for these leopards.

Breeding dream creatures that are carnivores is simply not feasible. The current situation alone has already made Wang Ya feel a little bit strenuous. In the early days of his business, everything was simple and he couldn't stand such a waste of pure dream power.

His eyes fell on Harak who fell on the foam tree like a golden crow falling on a sycamore tree, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Harak is already a first-level extraordinary creature, and has the ability to explore more areas of the dream world.

The original depth of infection has been transformed into the first level of the Lord of Blood, corresponding to the black wings.

Can the ability of the blood lord also take effect in the dream world with the help of the white wings?

Soon, Harak gave a response, not sure, but you can try.

At the edge of the starry forest, within a range of 10,000 meters, Wang Ya still dared to enter and exit at will, after all, there was the consciousness of the evil god Gendas standing behind him. The unknown and powerful existence in the depths, I don’t know why it appeared, it has been living in that area, or passed by, it is impossible to know that it showed malice but did not take action against Wang Ya, it should be the existence of fear of Gendas evil god To be on the safe side, Wang Ya brought a hoof of Gendasi's evil spirit consciousness.

It was easy to catch a few 'Starry Rabbits', because the meat was fresh and tender, and they had no special abilities, so they were at the bottom of the food chain. Holes can only be drilled under the bone tree, more often near the bone tree near the 'rickety tree', in order to protect themselves from the dangerous environment.

Many times, they would accidentally dig the roots and branches of the 'ricket tree', and be directly entangled and sucked into a mummified corpse.

With its strong reproductive ability, its number has been increasing in the outer area of ​​the Starry Forest.

Black wings covered a Starry Rabbit that was so frightened that it shed tears. The black mud dripped on the head, and entered the body along the ears and nostrils as if alive.

During this period, the white wings bloomed brightly, covering the entire body of the Starry Rabbit.

Black bloodshots covered Fanxing Rabbit's whole body, and the ability of the Lord of Blood could control all the flesh and blood of Fanxing Rabbit, and at the same time gave enhancements to all-round physical data.

It worked!

A look of surprise appeared on Wang Ya's face. In this way, the development dilemma of the bubble land was no longer a problem for him.

Just like operating in the Corrosion Forest Secret Realm and the Licorice Camp, through the ability of the Lord of Blood, he can infect more dream creatures, let them spread like a virus, and obtain a steady stream of dream creature corpses.

Wang Ya frowned slightly. This method won't work. Harak expressed the impossibility of consciousness fluctuation. The additional effect of the white wings, just like adding a dream state to Wang Ya, can only keep the Lord of Blood for a certain period of time, beyond that time , it loses its effect.

But it can also help a lot.

The duration is 24 hours, and this time has already infected Fanxingtu with many dream creatures.

Whether it's biting the same kind, or taking the initiative to die, letting a more powerful dream creature eat the Starry Rabbit itself is a way.

Especially the latter, almost everywhere, easily infected with the powerful dream creatures that Wang Ya needs.

After all, it is a free lunch, and the psychological joy of whoring for nothing is not only for human beings, even beasts don't care about it, and they never get tired of it.

It is even a small problem for Wang Ya to check in the bubble land once a day.

Can't fit into the daily wizarding schedule.

After the daily check-in and collection of the place of inheritance, add a plan.

Wang Ya's goal may not be realized. The two official wizards he was looking for just left the headquarters to complete some things.

The wizard's tower did not produce any induction.

Finally, Wang Ya still asked about the fantasy wizard.

The latter stood on the shore of Xinmeng Lake, used a familiar wooden fishing rod, and sat on a chair to fish leisurely. He responded, "It is the dead wood wizard who obtained the origin of the evil god. What's the matter, do you want it?"

Wang Ya took off the black lotus mask, and Harak was not on his shoulders, but was placed in the dreamland by him, as the maintenance of the circulation process of the blood lord infection in the early stage. After the circulation system, it only needs to check in every day , Infect and supplement Fanxing rabbit according to the old routine.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Yes, teacher, I want it. Is there a way for the teacher to get it for me?"

He also made fun of it, just like the dream wizard made fun of him before.

The fantasy wizard put down the boom in his hand, under the cyan wooden mask, the corner of his mouth raised a curve, "Yes!"

(end of this chapter)

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