Wizards Chasing The Truth

Free Extras——[Black Feather]

Free Extras——[Black Feather]

Since it became conscious, it has been in a dark and warm world. It likes this kind of warmth and is extremely comfortable, but it has lasted for too long, so long that it hates it, long enough to have enough power to break this dark world.

When it saw the light for the first time, it joyfully uttered crisp calls to the colorful world, announcing its arrival; but because of the cold wind and the vastness of the world, it was afraid, and curled up in a soft nest , hiding behind the other siblings.

When it saw its parents, it had black feathers and was so tall that it almost looked up at a right angle. It tasted soft, delicious food for the first time. The most, the fastest growing.

It is the fastest to grow feathers, and every time it looks longingly at the distant figures of its parents.

Until this night, it never waited for the return of its parents, but a monster with two legs that was bigger and more terrifying than the parents, with a big mouth full of blood, big teeth hoarse with a strange cry, sticking out different Wings, covering them like darkness.

When it opened its eyes again, it was already in the hands of a two-legged monster. For some reason, it felt that this two-legged monster was more pleasing to the eye, and it was not as scary as the previous two-legged monster.

The two-legged monster took him to a strange lair. There were other two-legged monsters here. Outside the lair, only endless water could be seen. It was brought into a large space by the two-legged monster. The two-legged monster yelled in an unintelligible voice, which it later realized was saying, 'This is your new home from now on, little one. '

The two-legged monster fed it a lot of food, which it had never eaten before, and it was more delicious. It felt that the two-legged monster was more pleasing to the eye, and even became kinder.

The two-legged monster touches its head every day. It seems that other things are stuffed into its brain, and at the same time, there is a steady stream of heat flowing into it, which comes from the instinctive desire of the body. let go.

"Okay, little guy, you can't bear so much particle energy now."

As time went by day by day, its body grew bigger, it knew more things, and it became more and more attached to the two-legged monster, wanting to cling to the two-legged monster all the time.

The two-legged monster also hugged it to sleep every night, feeling the body temperature and smell. In its small head, it had already equated it with a dark and warm world.

Until one day, it knew that the two-legged monster was its master. The master's good-looking features, good smell, and powerful hunting ability completely occupied its small head. In its mind, the master was omnipotent.

The big space has become small, and it has grown into a crow that is bigger than its parents, and can understand big ships, the sea, food, fish. The owner will tell him these things when he touches his head every day.

Except for the master, everyone may be a bad person. It also has a name, called Harak. Harak listens to the master, and does whatever the master tells it to do.

The master has always been so powerful, but sometimes at night, he would look at a finger bone in a wooden box strangely for a long, long time.

The room is too small, and it yearns for the vast world outside. The feeling when it leaves the big ship for the first time and flies in the sky is really good, so good that it even wants to go on like this forever.

It thinks of its master in its small head, the master is the best for it, nothing is as good as the master. Small den room.

It still prefers to stay in the owner's arms to sleep, but unfortunately the owner doesn't let it do this anymore, it has grown too big, and the first idea of ​​its own desire has sprouted in its head, if it can become smaller It's fine.

In this way, it has always been by the owner's side, and the owner will give it any delicious food. The owner will also take it with him. He killed other bad guys on the boat, and took the owner with him in the sea. Stay away from the danger and get off the boat, go to another mountain with many trees, and there are many people like the master.

It also has a new vocabulary concept - "wizard", the master is a wizard, and the master wants to become the most powerful wizard among wizards. Halak will help the master become the most powerful wizard. The most joyful thing on board is The body has become smaller again, the owner is willing to hold it again, and I can smell the owner's good smell again. It's really great!

It went to many places with its owner, did a lot of things, and ate a lot of things. It became stronger and understood more things.

It knows the master's name, the master's character, the master's hobbies, and what the master likes to do. As long as he is obedient, Harak listens to the master's words the most, and the master will touch him after he is obedient Tall or something, the best, the most comfortable!

One day, the owner ate black balls for it. There were many other things in the balls, and there were so many noises in its ears. It was almost going crazy from the noise, and even thought about closing its ears and sleeping Go, it will be comfortable if you can’t hear it, but those voices still want to hurt the master, it will never allow anyone to hurt the master, Harak must not close his ears, can’t sleep, he must guard the master all the time.

It took a long, long time to eat the voice masters one by one, and made them unable to speak anymore, and they could only speak with its permission. The master laughed and touched his height again, Harak I'm so happy, I like it so much! !

But it found that after eating those voice owners, strange memory images appeared from time to time, which were the previous memories of those voice owners. It unconsciously understood more things.'Family','Friends','Enemies','Lover ''conspiracy''pain''unreconciled''anger''sexual desire'. There are too many, too many things, so much that it can no longer accept and think.

It is very irritable, and decided not to think about the meaning represented in the memory. Harak only needs to listen to the master's words, and don't think about the irritable things. As long as he is with the master, he will feel high when the master touches it, and when the master laughs. OK.

The owner fed it gray balls again, and it suddenly discovered that when digesting the balls, it understood more and was able to think about those annoying things.

What is friendship? What is affection? What is love? Why do people feel pain and irritability? Harak and the master don’t seem to have a family relationship. The master didn’t give birth to Harak, but the master is better, more important, and more loving than the parents.

Is it friendship, or love? The thinking of two-legged human beings is too complicated and strange. No wonder so many people suffer so much that they want to die. All they need to do is to be like it and listen to the master. It is better than anything else to have the master's smile and touch the heights. it won't be annoying, it never has

In my memory, I seem to become a Twoleg female, with white skin and a good-looking appearance like her master, which can make many Twoleg males happy. Will the Master like it? It doesn't like heads that use their brains to think, and it seems that there are some two-legged beast men who are seriously thinking about this issue, and they also like two-legged beast men who don't wear clothes.

So is it a man, or a woman?

It struggles with this problem, and finally chooses women that more men like!

It turns out that the owner doesn't like Twoleg females. Feeling the owner's emotions, it is even happier. The appearance of Harak is the owner's favorite, as long as it is the same as before!

Harak: 'Master laughs, master touching heights is the best thing in the world! ! '

(end of this chapter)

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