Womanizing Mage

Chapter 10: Fudge the Holy Maiden

Long Yi was amused for a while, this woman seemed to have a strong sense of superiority, and the tone of her question simply didn't take him seriously. Long Yi laughed strangely, and glanced at Sibi's high breasts with a pair of lecherous eyes. He had already engraved the appearance of this pair of top-quality breasts in his mind. same clothes.

"Ah." Feeling Long Yi's scorching gaze, Sibi stretched out her hands subconsciously to cover her chest, she even thought that he had seen through the fact that she was not wearing underwear.

Due to Sibi's mental disorder, the five light spheres disappeared into the air in an instant, and the surroundings suddenly became dark, Yingying looked at each other, and both of them were absent-minded for a moment.

"Pervert, you are looking for death." Sibi shouted angrily, Liankou lightly recited a mantra, and two balls of light smashed towards Long Yi who was facing him.

Long Yi stretched out his arm to block it, and the ball of light sank into his body, creating a warm and comfortable feeling. It turned out that what Sibi cast was actually the primary healing spell of the light system, Light Healing. Because of this, Long Yi had a slight liking for Sibi. It was rumored that she was the most ruthless of the three saintesses, and there were a sea of ​​people who were abolished or even killed by her, but she didn't rashly kill herself. It seems that the rumors are not to be believed.

But what Long Yi didn't know was that the two light healing spells just now were actually Sibi's temptation. Since the light healing spell and the light explosion spell were very similar in casting, she thought that most people would subconsciously dodge within such a short distance. Only when you can't dodge can you make an instinctive resisting action. And after seeing Long Yi seeming to resist with his hands instinctively, Sibi immediately thought that the one who forced her to take a bath was not the ordinary person in front of her who didn't have the slightest magic fighting spirit.

For some reason, Sibi suddenly felt very uncomfortable. If she had a choice, she would rather see her jade body by the seductive young man in front of her, rather than the mysterious old pervert in her imagination.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Who are you? Where are you from? Why are you here?" The light cluster around Sibi was lit up again, but her tone became a little irritable.

"Although you are a noble magician, it seems that I have no obligation to answer your questions." Long Yi crossed his arms, your little girl is used to giving orders, and I am not used to being a slave, which angered me. No matter what kind of saint you are, I will strip your clothes and walk in the street with all my life.

"If you don't answer my question, I will, I will..." Sibi didn't come out for a long time. Yes, she destroyed many people and killed many people, but those were heinous She thought she hadn't hurt an innocent person. Although the man in front of him was a bit lewd and a bit rascal, but he really didn't seem to be obliged to answer his own question.

"How about this, girl, if I answer your question, how about you answering my question?" When Long saw her appearance, he suddenly felt that it was fun, and couldn't help but want to tease her.

"You call me a girl, do you know who I am?" Sibi said angrily, she was dressed in a gold-rimmed sacrificial robe and a cloak,

It has always been her unique signature.

"Who are you?" Long Yi asked with a smile, he thought that the ruthless saint in the center of the legend was so entangled, but it turned out that she was not much different from an ordinary little girl.

"I am...why should I tell you, you still haven't told me who you are?" Sibi secretly said dangerously, and almost fell into this rascal's way, she didn't know why she couldn't keep calm in front of him.

"Alright then, my name is Long Yi, and I'm from the Dragon Empire." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Sibi, Aoyue Empire." Sibi said proudly, waiting to see Long Yi's panicked look, because in the Canglan Continent, basically all human beings believe in the God of Light. Of course, those who hide in the dark and cultivate Dark magic and undead magic are exceptions. So Sibi believed that even if Long Yi didn't know about her unique attire, he should have heard the name of the Three Saintesses of the Guangming Church.

"Sibi?" Long Yi asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am Sibi." Sibi was a little complacent.

"Really? What a coincidence, my daughter-in-law is also named Sibi, but I've never seen him, so it can't be you." Long Yi said seriously, his eyes showing excitement and surprise at the right time. The look of anticipation. In Long Yi's previous life, he was from the Dragon Group, and his small emotional expression was really lifelike.

Sibi froze, subconsciously thinking that Long Yi was teasing her, and was so angry that she almost wanted to flatten him into a pig's head, but she saw that Long Yi's expression didn't seem fake, so she could only itch in her heart. Dian Zizi had long been thrown into a corner, and she even began to doubt whether her popularity was as high as she thought.

"I'm not the Sibi you said, don't look at me like that." Sibi gritted her teeth.

"Oh, it's a good thing you're not." Long Yi patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

Hearing Long Yi's words, Si Bi almost fainted, she believed that if this continues, she would be mad at him sooner or later.

"I am the saint of the Church of Light, Sibi, do you understand?" Sibi took a deep breath to calm herself down.

"I know that there are saintesses in the Guangming Church, but I only know my daughter-in-law named Sibi." Long Yi smirked.

Die, I'm too lazy to talk to you anymore. " Sibi was so angry with this scoundrel that she was going crazy. If eyes could kill, Long Yi would have died ten thousand times. She snorted and wanted to use the levitation technique to leave. The farther away from this guy, the better.

"Hey, that Sibi, wait a minute, you won't leave me, an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken, in this barren mountain, I heard that there are many terrifying monsters here, and I will be eaten. Seeing that she wanted to leave, Long Yi hurriedly put on a pitiful look. After finally finding a companion, Sibi, who is also one of the three saintesses, how can she let her go? With him by my side, my troubles would be much less, besides, it would be nice to tease her when she was bored.

Sibi paused and hesitated.

"Didn't you say that you are a saint? The saints are all merciful and helpful. Could it be that you are a fake?" Long Yi looked suspicious.

"Of course I am not a fake, but since you have no power to restrain a chicken, how did you come here?" Sibi asked in confusion. I know that even if you come to this place in the nearest town, ordinary people will spend two or three days, and there are many monsters in the wilderness. Although his clothes are a little dusty, they are clean and tidy. It will not be so lucky that the monsters will not attack. him.

ps: Today’s chapter three is here, it’s almost 12 o’clock, throw me the ticket!

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