Womanizing Mage

Chapter Nine Blasphemy

The sky slowly dimmed, and the setting sun left only a faint halo on the horizon, which just reflected on the girl in the pool, covering the girl with a layer of gorgeous hazy beauty, making her look more attractive.

Long Yi clenched his fists tightly, trembling slightly, his blood was rushing so fast that he had a strong urge to rush over and push the girl down, galloping freely on that beautiful female body. A few drops of sweat slid down from his forehead, blurring Long Yi's eyes.

Why? Why is my self-control so weak? Long Yi shouted in his heart, the evil thought just now is like an instinct of this body, it has penetrated into the blood and bone marrow.

There was a sound of rushing water, Long Yi looked farther into the distance, his eyes immediately became darker, it turned out that the girl broke through the water, and the entire crystal jade body was exposed in the air. The crystal clear breasts are like a jade bowl turned upside down, the breasts are contracted by the breeze, trembling slightly, the lower abdomen is as clean and smooth as a mirror, Long Yi can imagine the greasy touch. Her breasts are slender and graceful, with an ivory-like luster, and the most terrible thing is the small group of curly hairs in the triangular area that Long Yi saw from the side, which could make his blood vessels explode and his body burn with desire.

Long Yi's Adam's apple slid up and down, his right foot took a small step forward uncontrollably, it was too tempting, he almost couldn't take it anymore.

The girl walked towards the shore step by step, her willow waist swayed lightly, her body was trembling with her steps, Long Yi's heart almost jumped out.

"Huh." The girl rummaged through the pile of clothes on the shore, but she couldn't find her most fitting underwear. The girl had no choice but to go into battle in a vacuum. Fortunately, the weather was not very hot at this time, and she shouldn't be able to see it when she put on her outer shirt.

Long Yi watched the girl start to put on the panties, the style of the panties obviously matched the underwear in her hand. Long Yi's breath became heavy, and he held the underwear in his right hand and pressed it against his firm lower body...

As the girl put on the clothes one by one, wrapping up the leaked spring, the movement of Long Yi's right hand became bigger and bigger. At this moment, the girl turned her head when she was putting on the last coat, Long Yi suddenly disarmed with a light ah as if struck by lightning, and the pink underwear was in a mess.

"Who is it?" The girl shouted in panic when she heard the voice.

Long Yi threw down his underwear and sprinted back with all his strength, his figure disappeared like a ghost, it turned out to be a great move of the universe.

The girl quickly put on her clothes, a layer of pure white light shone on her body, and her figure flew towards the place where Long Yi was hiding just now, as if floating in the air. The girl looked at the crumpled underwear on the ground with a livid face. Although Yunying was the last to marry, it didn't mean she didn't know anything. The milky white stain on the underwear showed everything. Someone actually used her underwear to do such a nasty thing , the girl's eyes turned red and she almost shed tears.

"Stinky bastard, I won't let you go." The girl was trembling with anger. She probably guessed that her underwear was picked up by a stinky man floating down the river, so she went up the river to peek at herself taking a bath. But she couldn't figure out who broke through the barrier of holy light she set up without being noticed by her. This barrier of holy light is a high-level magic of the light department, unless it is a demon god and sword god, otherwise it is impossible to have no fluctuations . But Canglan Continent has not seen a demon god or a sword god for hundreds of years. Could it be some hidden expert? The thought of being naked by a hundred-year-old ghost made the girl even more ashamed and angry.

Long Yi quickly returned to the original spot, remembering that he was actually masturbating with the girl's underwear while peeping at the girl taking a bath, he couldn't help feeling ashamed and excited, he didn't know why he would do such an outrageous thing.

"Oh, what a beautiful body, it's just a pity." Long Yi murmured and shook his head, turning the fire rabbit meat in his hand, it was almost roasted. Long Yi took out the seasoning from the interspatial ring and spread it on the meat, and the alluring meaty aroma became intense immediately, which made Long, who hadn't eaten for several days and had ejaculated just now, drool in his mouth.

Tore off a rabbit leg and bit it whole, but the girl's figure appeared alternately in Long Yi's mind. He sighed again and shook his head, sighing a pity. It turned out that the girl had a large blood-red birthmark on the other side of her face, which looked very scary. She was really an angel on the right side and a devil on the left side. It would be great if there was no such birthmark.

birthmark? birthmark? Long Yi jumped up suddenly, and in his memory, Sibi, one of the three saintesses of the Bright Church in Canglan Continent, seemed to have a red birthmark on his left face. The three saintesses of the Church of Light are Dongfang Kexin of the Dragon Empire, a cousin whom I have never met, who was adopted by Pope Charles of the Light because of her frailty and sickness, and Nalan Ruyue, the princess of the Nalan Empire. Sibi from Aoyue Empire is the first, all three are geniuses in light magic, and Sibi is the leader among them. It is said that she can cast Holy Light, a high-level magic that can only be cast by a magister, at the level of a great magician.

Thinking of this, Long Yi couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Although the magic of the light department rarely has power attack spells, it is not without them. For example, the high-level magic of the light department, the light storm, has a short spelling time and great power. If Sibi caught him at that time Right now, the result is really hard to say.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, it's important to run away." Long Yi stuffed the remaining fire rabbit meat into the interspatial ring and stood up, at this time the sky was completely dark.

Suddenly, several lights flashed in the sky, and five glaring balls of light surrounded Long Yi in the center. A slender figure dressed in a sacrificial robe trimmed with gold and a cloak descended from the sky. You don't need to guess and you know it's Bisi undoubtedly.

Long Yi groaned secretly in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, he just frowned and asked, "I don't know what you can do, Miss Magician?"

Bisi looked at the young man surrounded by her energy light sphere. He was the only living person within a few miles, but could he break through his own holy light barrier? He couldn't feel the fluctuation of magical battle energy from him, and there was nothing wrong with his expression, so it shouldn't be him.

In fact, it's not that Long Yi doesn't have magic and fighting energy fluctuations, but that Ao Tianjue will automatically restrain the aura on his body when his meridians are running, which is difficult for ordinary people to see.

"Who are you? Where are you from? Why are you here?" Bisi asked coldly, even if it wasn't for him, she didn't have the slightest affection for men after this incident.

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