Womanizing Mage

Chapter 13 Happy Together

Since the electricity magic did not succeed, let's try the blue magic element in his consciousness. I don't know which department it is.

Just as Long Yi's mental power was released, rich cyan elements surged from all directions, gathering in the air and waiting for his next instruction.

Long Yi didn't know which department of magic elements they were, so he didn't know what kind of attack to transform them into. Seeing that the blue magic elements were accumulating more and more, Long Yi, who was in a hurry to go to the doctor, gave a light drink and waved his big hand indiscriminately.

But this random wave of the hand led to serious consequences. A gust of wind suddenly blew up in the Holy Light Barrier. It was flying sand and rocks, and the sky was full of smoke and dust. Fortunately, this gust of wind came and went quickly, when all the dust settled, Long Yi opened his mouth wide with a loud sound, his eyes nearly hit the ground.

I saw Sibi who was sitting cross-legged under the tree meditating, covered in dust, and the cloak that had been removed was still stained with a few leaves. Of course, the most terrible thing was not this, but Sibi's shirt was half untied at this time, revealing her front. There is a large piece of snow-white skin on the chest, and most of the plump and crystal-clear breasts are exposed due to not wearing underwear, it is ready to come out, and with Long Yi's eyesight, he can even see a blush on the top of the right breast.

Seeing this scene, Long Yi almost fainted. On the one hand, he was stimulated by the beautiful spring scenery in front of him, and on the other hand, he was frightened. If Sibi woke up at this time, he, the culprit, would be finished.

Long Yidan trembled for a while, and began to calm down. At this point, let's think about how to remedy it. Otherwise, he would push her down endlessly, an evil idea suddenly popped up in Long Yi's mind, but was soon suppressed by his firm will, some imprints of Ximen Yu's soul were deeply rooted in this body Yes, some thoughts and impulses are completely an instinctive reaction of the body.

But Long Yi is not a gentleman, he tiptoed towards Sibi, swallowed his saliva and admired Sibi's leaked spring. If you don't see it for nothing, it's a fool who doesn't see it.

Walking gently to Sibi's side and squatting down, Long Yi couldn't help moaning as his nose became hot, it's really terrible. Seeing Sibi's breasts half-exposed in spring at a close distance is simply mesmerizing, that glowing snow-white skin and perfect bust line make Long Yi dizzy.

"Don't wake up, don't wake up." Long Yi prayed in his heart, and stretched out his hands tremblingly towards Sibi's chest, getting closer and closer.

Long Yi grabbed it, it was so exciting, he grabbed Sibi's skirt which was blown to both sides by the strong wind, and slowly closed it in the middle, his fingers "inadvertently" brushed Rufeng's snow-white skin, it was smoother than Su's. Hangzhou's silk is even better than that.

At this moment, Long Yi felt a numbness in his forehead, he looked up, and happened to meet Sibi's murderous eyes through the gauze.

"You nasty pervert, go to hell." Sibi abandoned her magic in a panic, pushed Long Yi to the ground like an angry little woman, sat on his waist and scratched and scratched.

Frightened, Long Yi was crushed by Sibi, the magician's physical attack was almost like tickling to him. After Long Yi realized it, he didn't push Sibi away, but pretended to yell, but no matter how he heard the voice, it sounded like he was yelling for pleasure.

Of course Long Yi is happy, can he be unhappy? When Sibi rushed forward, her skirt was still open, and when she leaned over to fight, there was a complete vacuum, and Long half-closed her eyes and stared at the two firm and plump breasts with "painful" expression on her face. What makes Long Yi even more comfortable is that Si Bi's round buttocks are sitting on his lower abdomen. Due to the friction of scratching, Long Yi's lower body has long been pressed against Si Bi's buttocks as hard as iron. Not to mention how wonderful that feeling was, even though he didn't go straight to Huanglong, there was a special feeling in his heart.

Sibi, who was maddened by anger, didn't care about the fiery thing in her softest private place at first, but after waiting for a while, she finally realized that something was wrong, and realized what was pressing on her lower body, and paid attention to it. Long Yi was drooling as he half-closed his eyes and stared at his exposed chest.

"Ah." A loud scream pierced the sky, startling countless flying birds. Sibi folded her hands together and frantically tried to get up from Long Yi, but the more she panicked, the more flustered she became. Just as she stood up and wanted to back away, her right ankle sprained and fell to the ground.

Sibi thought that from yesterday to today, two men saw her naked body. The first one just peeked at her from a distance, but now, this guy's and that man's things are on her embarrassing place. Sibi's heart was sore, and for a moment she felt sad, and sat on the ground hugging her knees and weeping.

Long Yi was at a loss, he had experienced a hail of bullets, and was famous for being ruthless and ruthless. But only Long Qi and other brothers who grew up together know that there is such a soft place in Long Yi's heart that no one knows. Once Long Yi treats him as a friend, his heart will become very soft.

Although they only got together for just one night, Long Yi saw the jade body of this noble saint twice, and the two of them had intimate contact with each other in the most intimate place. Long Yi felt an unspeakable feeling towards Si Bi. He may not even know that he has regarded Sibi as his own woman, even though she is not so perfect.

"Sibi, are your feet okay, let me take a look for you." Long Yi touched Sibi's shoulder, his voice became very gentle.

"Don't worry about it, you bastard, you did this to me when I trusted you so much." Sibi slapped Long Yi's hand away vigorously. At this time, she was a wronged little girl. They all forgot that she is Sibi, one of the three saintesses of the Illuminati Church, a genius mage with the level of a great magician.

"I'm wronged, but I didn't do anything. Just a gust of wind blew your clothes away. I just want to tidy up your clothes so that you won't be embarrassed when you wake up. Woke up at that time." Long Yi explained, but he didn't dare to say that the strong wind was the magic he cast.

"Ghosts believe you." Sibi continued to choke with sobs. In fact, after listening to Long Yi's explanation, Sibi believed it subconsciously, because she also found the dust on her clothes just now, but now she can't help but bury her head. There was no other way, after such an embarrassing incident, she didn't know how to face Long Yi, so she could only continue to pretend to cry.

ps: Favorite and recommend.

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