Womanizing Mage

Chapter 14: The Customs of the Moxi People

"Hey, don't cry, I'll rub it for you." Long Yi was a little upset by Sibi's crying, he couldn't help but grab her right foot, and took off her shoes and socks rudely. A snow-white and crystal-clear jade foot appeared in front of Long Yi's eyes, the five toes were small and delicate, curled shyly due to being caught off guard, and exuded a faint fragrance of jasmine.

Doesn't this girl soak her feet with jasmine flowers every day, Long Yi murmured in his heart.

What are you doing? Let go, let go quickly. " Sibi with dry eyes pushed Long Yi with trembling hands, her face turned blue and red, she seemed shy, angry and nervous, but how could she push Long Yi with her strength?

"What are you doing? Didn't you see that I was showing you your feet? Don't move around." Long Yi was feeling distressed when he saw such beautiful slender feet with red and swollen ankles. Seeing Sibi push him, he couldn't help but look up and stare at her. glance.

Ah..." Sibi was startled by Long Yi's ferocious eyes, she was stuttering and unable to speak, and Long Yi happened to hold her ankles with both hands at this time, and the slightest bit of heat entered from his palms. Sibi let out a scream as she evacuated the blood on her ankle, looking at Long Yi who lowered her head and carefully helped her rub her ankle, her expression became extremely complicated.

Not long after, the red and swollen area returned to normal under the evacuation of Long Yi's internal energy. Long Yi withdrew his internal energy, raised his head and smiled at Sibi: "Okay, it doesn't hurt now."

Sibi didn't speak, but stared blankly at the young man in front of him with a very bright smile, her heartstrings trembled imperceptibly.

"Sibi, why are you looking at me? Don't worship me too much, I will be embarrassed." Long Yi said with a smile.

"Still staring at me, could it be that my face has blotches?" Long Yi waved his big hand in front of Si Bi's eyes, muttering in his heart.

Sibi patted Long Yi's hand away, but her eyes were still fixed on her. After a long time, she said in a calm and cold voice: "Long Yi, do you know the Moxi tribe of Aoyue Empire?"

"The Mosi tribe? Of course I know, it's a very strange ethnic minority in the Aoyue Empire, right? I heard that everyone is very pretentious, isn't it just that there have been a few magisters and a few sword masters?" Long Yi immediately dug out the information of the Moxi tribe from his memory, of course the memory belonged to Ximen Yu, so what Long Yi said was his point of view.

"Hey, wait." Long Yi interrupted himself with a wave of his hand, learning from his memory that an important feature of the Moxi tribe is that all of them have dark green heads, although at this time Sibi is wearing a cloak and cannot see their heads. , but Long Yi peeked at her taking a bath, she indeed has very beautiful dark green hair.

"Could it be that you belong to the Moxi tribe?" Long Yi asked.

"Not bad." Sibi nodded.

"Then?" Long Yi asked suspiciously.

"Then do you know the customs of the Moxi people?" Sibi asked indifferently, her beautiful eyes were still staring at Long Yi through the light veil.

He was stunned for a while, holding the sun nipple with his right hand and thinking, the expression on his face became more and more strange, it turns out that only the husband can touch the feet of the Moxi women, if the feet of the unmarried women are directly touched by the man, then both There are two choices, one is to marry him and the other is to kill him. If he can't be killed, then the whole Moxi tribe will unite to hunt down the man until the man is killed.

My God, it's so scary, feudal superstition is outrageous. Long Yi glanced at Sibi, he touched her foot just now, did she marry him or kill him? Of course, that also has to be done by her.

"It seems that you already know, what are you going to do?" Sibi still had a light tone, as if she had changed back to that high-ranking saint in an instant.

"Anyway, I don't intend to die." Long Yi smiled wryly.

"So you plan to marry me?" Sibi's tone fluctuated a little this time.

"This..." Long Yi said this for a long time, but he didn't know what to say, marry her? Thinking of the scary blood-red birthmark on her face, Long Yi hesitated. Which man doesn't want his woman to be as beautiful as a fairy, but it's hard to justify not marrying her. Speaking of which, he has taken advantage of her, and besides, he has certain feelings for her. goodwill.

"You don't want to marry?" Seeing Long Yi's hesitation, Sibi's tone suddenly became cold, her hands were shining brightly, and she actually started to gather magic elements.

"It's easy to talk, don't be impulsive, impulsive is the devil." Long Yi stepped forward to hold Sibi's hands tightly in desperation.

Sibi struggled for a while and saw that she couldn't get free, so she let him catch her. She turned her head and hummed: "What else do you want to say? Anyway, if you don't marry me, you will be chased and killed by me and my clan until you die. "

"Let me ask you a question first, do you like me?" Long Yi said seriously, he never thought that he would be forced to marry one day.

Sibi was taken aback for a long time before she said calmly: "I don't hate it."

"Look, you just don't hate me. There are many people in this world who don't hate me. We..."

Before she finished speaking, Sibi interrupted: "But you are the only one who touched my foot."

Long Yi was speechless, pondered for a while before sighing: "Sibi, if you marry me, and one day you fall in love with another person, what should you do? At that time, we will suffer and we will suffer too."

Bi was silent, which girl doesn't have a spring? Don't want to meet your soul mate? Then the two lived happily together for a lifetime. She can't guarantee that she won't fall in love with others in the future, because her current emotional world is still blank.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Sibi raised her head and asked.

"We can try to cultivate our relationship first, let's take one year as the deadline, if you still don't hate me or fall in love with others, then I will marry you no matter what." Long Yi said after thinking about it.

"You haven't even seen me, if I'm ugly, will you marry me?" Sibi's tone was expectant and hesitant.

Long Yi smiled and said: "Of course, I will marry you even if you look like a dominatrix."

"Are you the same as a dominatrix? Look at my water polo technique." Sibi said angrily, throwing a water polo towards Long Yi.

Long Yi didn't dodge or dodge, and was caught in the drenching all of a sudden. Long Yi shook the water drops on his head and said with a smile: "It's really comfortable, let's have two more."

"Go, you are so stupid, you can't even dodge water polo." Sibi said angrily.

"I'm stupid, with you, a smart and powerful saint, by my side, it doesn't matter if I'm a little bit stupid." The trouble was temporarily resolved, and the relaxed Long Yi was interested in teasing again.

ps: Count the votes!

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