Womanizing Mage

Chapter 15: Honesty

After a few sentences, the tense atmosphere between the two disappeared without a trace, but after a while, Sibi suddenly asked: "If you marry me, what about your last fiancée?"

"Last fiancée? What last fiancée?" Long Yi didn't realize it for a while, and when he remembered, he had already said the words, and there was no rush to make amends.

"It's just... oh, I see, it turns out that you were lying to me just now, you have never heard my name before." Sibi stood up and said angrily, she felt a feeling of being deceived in her heart .

"No one knows the names of the three saintesses of the Guangming Church. I just can't bear the domineering look of you yesterday so I can't help but want to play tricks on you." Long Yi grabbed Sibi's hand and said, he was afraid that she would control her temper. He couldn't help throwing out a few light violence spells, in case Aotian, who was only at the first floor, couldn't handle it, it would never end.

"I can't be arrogant, I just wanted to ask you yesterday." Thinking of yesterday's situation, Sibi's voice became smaller and smaller, her tone of speaking to him yesterday seemed to be a bit domineering.

"Hehe, I understand, I understand everything. Ah, the sun is already so bright, should we hurry?" Long Yi smiled, seeing that Sibi was a little embarrassed, he stopped taking up this topic.

"Wait." Sibi called Long Yi to stop.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at her suspiciously, not knowing what was wrong with her.

I want you to tell me honestly, do you have a fiancee? " Sibi asked coyly.

Last fiancée, Long Yi recalled, it seemed that there really was such a child marriage that he ordered since childhood, the object was Nangong Xiangyun, the third lady of the Nangong family. Cute little girl with two pigtails. In my memory, this Nangong Xiangyun hated him very much, and she wanted to dissolve the engagement several times, but the patriarch, Nangong Changfeng, naturally wouldn't agree. How could the Ximen family miss the opportunity to get in touch?

"I do have a fiancee in form, but she doesn't like me, and she always wants to break off the engagement. I don't think we can make it through." Long Yi told the truth, given his current situation, it was indeed impossible. Married to Nangong Xiangyun, she is now a fugitive, a prostitute hated by the whole country.

"Then do you like her?" Sibi asked, looking at her attitude, she looked like a housekeeper.

"I can't even remember what she looks like, why would I like her? You won't be jealous, right?" Long Yi smiled ambiguously.

"The devil is jealous of you." Sibi snorted softly, but she was a little happy to hear her tone.


Now that the questions are over, let's go. "One Long.

"Wait." Sibi stopped Long Yi again.

"What's the matter? Your Excellency the Holy Maiden." Long Yi asked helplessly.

Sibi stood where she was, staring straight at Long Yi with her autumn eyes, as if hesitating for something. Seeing this, Long Yi was not in a hurry, and played a game of staring at her with her.

Finally, Si Bi said quietly: "Long Yi, since you know me, you should also know what I look like according to the rumors."

Long Yi froze for a moment, then nodded, unable to hide the regret in his eyes.

Sibi's little hand slowly stretched out towards the cloak, apparently wanting to take it off, Long Yi's heart couldn't help tightening, he wanted to say something but in the end he didn't say it, he just looked at Sibi nervously, and felt that It's a little sour.

As if in slow motion in a movie, Sibi's small hands slowly grabbed the edge of the cloak and lifted it slowly. Wow, with a flick of her green hair, she draped it down softly.

Long Yi stared blankly at Si Bi, the shock in his heart was unspeakable, he thought that no matter who it is at this moment, no matter men, women, old or young, they will feel the same as others. Sibi faced him with her flawless right cheek, with a tuft of hair on her forehead hanging down to her waist. That face that turned all sentient beings upside down, those radiant star eyes, matched with that holy sacrificial robe, made a perfect appearance. The fairy descended to earth.

But Long Yi's thoughts were quickly shattered, because Sibi was already facing him head-on, the blood-red birthmark on the left cheek looked so dazzling and weird.

Sibi walked towards Long Yi step by step, with no expression on her face. As she got closer and closer to Long Yi, the blood-red birthmark also grew bigger and bigger in Long Yi's eyes, he could clearly see the uneven and small particles on the birthmark.

In this subject, Long Yi almost had the urge to turn around, but he couldn't help being startled when he noticed a trace of disgust in his heart. Seeing Sibi's hurt eyes, Long Yi really wanted to slap himself twice.

"Long Yi, how can you think like this? What right do you have to hate others? Think about what you looked like in your previous life. You are not much better than Sibi, but has Xiao Qi ever hated you? Brothers hate you." Have you ever passed?" Long Yi scolded himself fiercely in his heart, in his previous life, Long Yiben had always looked down on the audience and had a long scar on his face, he was indeed not much better than Si Bi, who at least started from the right. Looking from the side, he is as beautiful as a fairy, but Long Yi in his previous life belonged to a frog no matter if he looked at it horizontally or vertically.

After self-reflection, Long Yi's state of mind gradually changed. He felt that Sibi didn't look so ugly, especially those eyes were as charming as the starry sky, just like... Long Yi was startled suddenly , Thinking of Long Ling'er's eyes as bright as the stars before he raped her.

Seeing Long Yi suddenly froze with a face of pain, Sibi couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. When she turned her left face just now, she clearly saw the flash of disgust in his eyes, but soon the disgust disappeared, replaced by remorse and pity, and a trace of unknown sadness, as if He aged more than ten years all at once, and that desolate look in his eyes made her palpitate.

He is a man with a story, Sibi thought so.

With Long Yi's state of mind, he quickly woke up from that nightmare memory, he let out his troubles in his heart with a light breath, and said to Sibi with a smile: "You called me to let me see you birthmark? Don’t show it off to me, it’s nothing special.”

"Aren't you afraid?" Sibi asked, she became curious about this enigmatic man.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? Do you think you are scary? Don't be so cute, let's get on the road." Long Yi stretched out his hand to pat Sibi's left cheek in disdain, turned and walked forward.

"This bastard." Sibi bit her lower lip and covered the left cheek that Long Yi had patted, a trace of unspeakable sweetness welled up in her heart.

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