Womanizing Mage

Chapter 141: Women Are Really Careful

Long Yi*** sat in his seat, muttering in his heart, this Holy Demon Academy is not very humane, the desks in the classroom are separated from each other, if there is a beautiful woman as the same desk How nice it would be.

At this time, Shui Ruoyan began to talk about the incantations and applications of the fifth-level water magic ice spell on the podium. Long Yi was really bored listening below, and began to look at the female students in the class one by one. Some of them were still very beautiful. They are all good, but none of them are mediocre, no wonder those boys are so jealous.

Long Yi noticed that the girl sitting in front of him was one of the few who didn't make a fuss just now, and also one of the most beautiful girls in the class.

Long Yi raised his hand to grab the girl's show and tugged gently, the girl turned her head and glared, then turned her head and ignored him.

Long Yi felt that it was boring, what Shui Ruoyan was talking about really made him unable to lift his spirits, he could put a dozen or twenty of the fifth-level small magic at hand, so he lay down on the desk and stared at it intently. Shui Ruoyan, she is really beautiful and very smelly, Long Yi slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep accidentally.

While Shui Ruoyan was talking, she suddenly heard rhythmic light snoring sounds, looked for the sound, but saw Long Yi lying on the table and sleeping soundly.

Shui Ruoyan was furious, never had a student sleep so blatantly in her class, and this kid dared to openly confront her on the first day he came to class, he really didn't take her as a teacher seriously , Shui Ruoyan waved a piercing cold air towards Long Yi's neckline.

The cold air penetrated through Long Yi's neckline, but he didn't bounce up screaming as everyone expected. But he continued to fall asleep as if he hadn't woken up.

Long Yi's six senses are so sensitive, his consciousness will wake up when there are magic fluctuations in the air, as soon as Shui Ruoyan's cold air touches his body, it will be absorbed and assimilated by Ao Tianjue's internal force.

Shui Ruoyan looked surprised, but this kid didn't react at all. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, doesn't this make her unable to step down? She snorted coldly, and she was going to be more ruthless. But before the incantation started, Long Yi suddenly straightened up and stretched.

"Hey, is get out of class over yet? Why is everyone looking at me? Is there something written on my face?" Long Yi asked innocently.

"Yes, you deserve a beating written on your face." Shui Ruoyan said coldly, causing the whole class of female students to burst into laughter.

Long Yi has a bitter face, is this Shui Ruoyan really a water magic seeker? Isn't it fire-type, and narrow-minded, it seems that women achieve success regardless of age. Born with the size of a pinprick, isn't it just for sleeping, why should I be so angry?

"Long Yi.

You come to my office after the practical class this afternoon. "After Shui Ruoyan finished speaking, the beautiful female students all looked at Long Yi with sympathetic eyes.

The morning class soon ended, during which there were two extra-curricular breaks, Long Yi, a big celebrity, was surrounded by a lot of girls, chattering non-stop.

Come downstairs. Ling Feng was already waiting there.

"Long Yi, how's the taste? Not bad." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"That's right, the place is really good. You'll know how happy I am when you smell the makeup on my body." Long Yi said with a chuckle.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind them: "Ling Feng, stop for me."

Long Yi turned around, and was surprised to find that the girl sitting in front of him was looking at Ling Feng with love and hatred behind him, her beautiful eyes were full of tears.

"Yinyin...!" Ling Feng called out a little at a loss, looking at Long Yi for help.

Long Yi deeply understands that it's best not to get involved in other people's emotional problems, so he gave a helpless expression and said: "I still have something to do. Let's go first, you two talk slowly."

"Hey, Long Yi." Ling Feng panicked and wanted to catch up, but the girl named Yin Yin grabbed her sleeve and looked at him pitifully.

Looking back, Long Yi couldn't help but shook his head and muttered: "This brat is simply a disaster."

Walking to the cafeteria, Long saw people's heads moving around, turned around and left, it would be better to eat outside.

Arriving outside the Holy Devil Academy, Long Yi found that there was some commotion ahead, and many people stopped to watch. Long Yi walked up curiously, unexpectedly there were several students who looked like sons and brothers pestering his sister Ximen Wuhen.

Long Yi's heart suddenly became furious, how could there be so many unsightly trash? He rushed up and knocked them aside, and stretched out his hand to pull Ximen Wuhen over.

"Where did you come from, do you know who we are?" one of them shouted.

"I'm not interested in knowing where you guys are from." Long Yi said coldly, his figure turned into an afterimage, and sent a few pot stickers, beating up several people to find their teeth all over the floor.

Long Yi pulled Ximen Wuhen out of the crowd, and said angrily: "Little sister, see clearly, if someone bothers you in the future, just slap them."

"Their families are quite powerful. I don't want to bring trouble to the family. My father doesn't like me in the first place, and he won't even look at me if I cause trouble." Ximen Wuhen said quietly, The tone is a little lonely.

Long Yi stopped and looked at Ximen Wuhen, actually he also knew that Ximen Nu gave almost all his father's love to Ximen Yu, a bastard, and basically didn't care about his elder brother Ximen Tian and younger sister Ximen Wuhen.

"Anyway, you are a member of the Ximen family, don't let others think that our Ximen family is easy to bully, in the future, whoever is not pleasing to the eye, throw two light violence over, your second brother, I will support you." Long Yi patted lovingly Patting Ximen Wuhen on the shoulder, he seemed to be taking on the role of Ximenyu more and more.

Ximen Wuhen's gaze shifted, her eyes lit up, she chuckled lightly and said, "If I don't like you, can I also throw light violence at you?"

Long Yi chuckled and said: "No problem, but the consequences are very serious. You have to think about your ** first."

Ximen Wuhen's pretty face flushed, and she suddenly remembered the scene when her second brother pinched her butt when she left Tenglong City, and a burst of shame and anger surged in her heart. At that time, she vowed to make him look good.

Long Yi watched Ximen Wuhen's expression change from shyness to anger. The look in his eyes was also very angry, and he was a little surprised, what happened to this girl? Turning faces is faster than turning pages.

"Little sister, why are you looking at me with cannibalistic eyes, it's so frightening, don't you know that your second brother is timid?" Long Yi said with a smile.

Ximen Wuhen snorted coldly and said, "You won't forget what you did to me before, right?"

Long Yi was startled, pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "What did I do to you? I really don't remember."

"The day father rescued you, outside Tenglong City, you said what you did to me." Ximen Wuhen looked at Long Yi angrily. She didn't know why she didn't mention the incident that he almost defiled her three years ago, but only mentioned this incident.

"Ah, the weather is really nice today. Where shall we go for dinner?" Long Yi laughed dryly, Zuo Guyan tried to change the subject.

"Hmph, don't change the subject, I must take revenge." Ximen Wuhen snorted coldly.

Long Yi was helpless, he couldn't shirk this matter. This is what he did after reviving his body, so he smiled wryly and said, "How do you want to take revenge? Dip me in flour and fry me in a frying pan. It's better to chop it into stuffing and make dumplings."

"I... I don't want to tear you apart, as long as you promise me three conditions." Ximen Wuhen said, with a sly look in his eyes.

Long Yi was alert in his heart, and there are conditions, which can't be agreed casually, so he said: "I can't promise what I can't do, and three conditions are too many, how about one?"

"No, just three. What I'm talking about is naturally what you can do." Ximen Wuhen said with a light smile, her glamour, no longer a sacred appearance that can't eat human fireworks, but a little girl's unique charm .

"That's it, then everyone take a step back, the two conditions, if you don't agree, then you will fall." Long Yi looked resolute, and refused to bargain any more.

"Great spirit ghost, just two." Ximen Wuhen said.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Long Yi smiled.

Ximen Wuhen pondered for a while, and said slowly: "First, no matter what Linger does to you in the future, you are not allowed to hurt her. I'm not only talking about her body, but also her heart."

Long Yi's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Little sister, do you know something, let's hear it."

Ximen Wuhen stared at Long Yi, raised his eyebrows and said: "Hey, don't tell me that Long Ling'er suddenly decided to be your woman and you are not surprised in your heart, you know she can't wait to marry you You are torn to pieces."

"Of course I'm surprised. She hates me. It's okay. It's normal. If she doesn't hate me, it's not normal?" Long Yi said with a smile, he had given up on being called Ximen Wuhen long ago. Call him second brother.


"There is nothing in this world that cannot be changed. There is only a thin line between hate and love. Who says hate can't be turned into love?" Long Yi chuckled, with a confident look on his face.

"You are quite confident." Ximen Wuhen muttered.

"That's right, look at your second brother's appearance, isn't he charming enough?" Long Yi smiled brightly at Ximen Wuhen, his white teeth gleamed in the sunlight, and the corners of his mouth raised into a perfect arc.

Pengpeng, Pengpeng, Ximen Wuhen looked at Long Yi's smiling face in a dazed manner, and their hearts beat fast in an instant.

Ximen Wuhen turned her head in a panic, and snorted, "With your charm, even pigs won't like it. I'm hungry, let's eat." After she finished speaking, she hurried forward, but she didn't notice the charm in front of her. A white shadow stepped out of the alley.

With a bang, the two bumped into each other, and with an exclamation, Ximen Wuhen took two steps back, while Bai Ying fell to the ground.

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