Womanizing Mage

Chapter 142: Male and Female Magic Confrontation

Ximen Wuhen raised her head and wanted to apologize, but she saw a pair of transparent pupils, she couldn't help but took two steps back in shock, leaning against Long Yi's arms.

At this time, the passers-by next to them all exclaimed, and looked at the girl who fell to the ground with some fear.

Long Yi supported Ximen Wuhen, stepped forward two steps and knelt down, picked up the cloak on the ground and put it on the girl's head, and asked in a low voice: "Dongyi, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that my foot seems to be sprained." Xiaoyi said softly, with a hint of pain in her voice.

"This girl is too reckless, I'm really sorry." Long Yi apologized for Ximen Wuhen.

"It's okay, I didn't notice it, don't blame her." Xiaoyi said softly and understandingly.

Seeing many people pointing and pointing, Long Yi said, "Dong Yi, I'll take you back."

Xiaoyi nodded, struggled to stand up, and shrank her right foot with a cry of pain. It was obviously a sprain, and it seemed to be quite serious.

Seeing that there were more and more people watching, Long Yi put one arm around Xiaoyi's waist and the other around Ximen Wuhen's waist, lightly tapped the soles of his feet, and flew into the air towards the courtyard where Xiaoyi lived.

With Long Yi's speed, naturally he arrived at Xiaoyi's house in a short time.

When Long Yi landed in Xiaoyi's yard, Ximen Wuhen and Xiaoyi's pretty faces were a little red, obviously they were extremely unaccustomed to such intimate contact with men.

Long Yi helped Xiaoyi to the chair in the hall to sit down, and he himself sat on the chair next to him, poured himself a cup of tea and sipped it lightly, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

"I'm sorry. Is your foot okay?" Ximen Wuhen asked with concern, feeling ashamed of his behavior just now.

"It's okay, it will be fine in two days, are you his wife?" Xiao Yi pointed to Long Yi and asked.

Ximen Wuhen smiled softly and said, "Who is his wife. Only him, Miss Ben doesn't like her."

Xiaoyi took off the cloak and put it aside, looked at Ximen Wuhen and said: "If you two are not husband and wife, you must be brother and sister."

"Eh, how do you know?" Ximen Wuhen saw Xiaoyi's transparent pupils again, he was no longer afraid, but rather surprised by Xiaoyi's accurate guess.

Xiaoyi smiled lightly and remained silent.

"Hey, did you whisper to her,

Why does she know we are brother and sister? "Ximen Wuhen turned to look at Long Yi and asked.

Long Yi shrugged and said with a smile: "I'm not very clear about this, Xiao Yi is a remarkable person. She knows everything about her past and present lives."

"Mr. Long Yi was joking, how can Xiao Yi have such great abilities." Xiao Yi smiled lightly.

Long Yi? Ximen Wuhen was a little stunned, when did Ximenyu become Long Yi. It must be that her bastard second brother didn't dare to say his real name, so he made up one, but she didn't say it.

"Dongyi, let me heal your feet for you. I am a light magician." Ximen Wuhen said.

Xiaoyi nodded and said, "Really? Then there will be trouble."

"It was I who hit you. I should treat you." Ximen Wuhen felt a little embarrassed, she squatted down and rolled up Xiaoyi's trousers, only to see that her ankle was red and swollen.

Xiaoyi applied two light healing techniques on it. The redness seems to have subsided a bit, but it's still not completely gone.

"Let me do it, she has sprained her muscles and bones, your light magic can only heal the wound." Long Yi said.

Long Yi squatted down, stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Yi's ankle, and Xiao Yi's delicate face turned red, but he didn't object.

When Long Yi's big hand was about to touch Xiao Yidi's skin, he suddenly froze. He thought of Sibi, and it was because of touching her foot that the subsequent series of things happened.

"Dong Yi. You...I can touch your feet." To be on the safe side, Long Yi still asked.

Xiao Yi's pretty face blushed as if it was about to smoke, and her injured right foot immediately retracted.

"Idiot." Ximen Wuhen muttered.

Long Yi gave a wry smile, he was indeed an idiot, if Xiao Yiken let him touch her, he wouldn't be like a girl from the Moxi tribe, think about it, only the Moxi tribe has such a strange rule in the Canglan Continent distance.

Thinking of this, Long Yi stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Yi's retracted little foot, and clasped his hands on the ankle, slowly pouring in the warm internal force.

Ximen Wuhen looked at Long Yi's actions curiously. Will her second brother know how to treat him, or is he just trying to take advantage of Xiaoyi?

Xiao Yi bit her lower lip, feeling that her little feet were surrounded by waves of warm air, which was very comfortable, watching Long Yi's transparent pupils flashing brilliantly.

After a while, Long Yi let go of his hand, and saw that Xiao Yidi's ankle had recovered to be smooth and crystal clear, looking very delicate and lovely.

"Okay, it should be fine." Long Yi said with a smile.

Xiao Yi moved her feet, and now that nothing was wrong, she stood up and saluted Long Yiying, and said thank you softly.

"Hey, what kind of magic did you use to heal Xiaoyi just now?" Ximen Wuhen asked strangely.

"Want to know? Just call me second brother and I'll tell you." Long Yi smiled and said seductively.

"No, I won't bark." Ximen Wuhen refused to compromise.

"Forget it, then guess slowly." Long Yi shrugged and patted Ximen Wuhen on the head.

Badass second brother, Ximen Wuhen cursed in his heart, but this second brother couldn't say anything.

Looking at the sky, thinking that the afternoon class should be about to start at this time, Long Yi turned around and said to Xiao Yi: "Dongyi, I'm about to go to class, let's go first."

"Then go after dinner, I'll go and give instructions, it will be fine soon." Xiao Yiwan said.

"Don't, how can you eat well at such a short time at noon, come back when your brother is at home, and come back without getting drunk." Long Yi laughed, and left with Ximen Wuhen.

Standing at the gate, Xiaoyi watched Long Yi's brother and sister disappear, with unpredictable expressions, she murmured: "Ximen Wuhen, Long Yi, second brother."

"Could it be that Long Yi is Ximen Yu, the lewd thief who was rumored to have raped Princess Long Ling'er, and also the second brother of Ximen Wuhen." Xiao Yi's transparent eyes erupted with strange ripples, and hurried to her room Go, open the magic door, and rush into the secret room.

The afternoon class is a practical class of water magic, which is held at the magic training ground of the Holy Magic Academy. Long Bai was bored watching some middle-level spells such as Frost Archery and Frost Art flying around in the air, and he could only look at the beautiful women who were seductive, and compared which female classmate had bigger breasts and more perky breasts. .

Shui Ruoyan saw Long Yi's perverted look on the side, and couldn't help feeling furious, this student is too lawless, while others are training him, he is squatting on the sidelines looking at beautiful women.

"Okay, everyone gather now." Shui Ruoyan patted her hands and shouted.

The twenty or so female students in the class immediately stopped and walked over. After everyone gathered together, Long Yi walked from the sidelines with a figure of eight steps, with a lazy smile on his lips.

Shui Ruoyan didn't even bother to look at him, and continued: "Then everyone will start fighting in groups, the girls' group versus the boys' group."

The girls were in an uproar immediately, one must know that in their Class A there was only Long Yi, a boy who was even rarer than an S-level magic core, wasn't Shui Ruoyan surrounded by a group of twenty or so and beating him alone? Isn't it obvious that this is to punish him?

Long Yi was stunned when he heard Shui Ruoyan's arrangement, he had seen a narrow-minded woman before, but he had never seen such a narrow-minded woman, no matter how she is a teacher, how can she compete with a student.

Although Long Yi didn't pay attention to these twenty or so little girls who were only at the level of intermediate magicians, he felt a little annoyed at Shui Ruoyan's childish revenge. Magic confrontation is real. Although he will wear anti-magic clothing, if he does not have such high strength and is really just a mid-level magician of the water system, then his miserable end can be imagined.

Long Yi glanced at Shui Ruoyan mockingly, and said with a smile: "I have no objection."

Shui Ruoyan snorted coldly, and said softly, "At first, the time is fifteen minutes. If you lose the ability to resist, it is considered a failure, and the confrontation will stop immediately."

After Shui Ruoyan finished speaking, more than 20 female students immediately began to chant curses, bursts of blue light emerged from their bodies. Long Yi stood still at the same spot, put his hands behind his back, and smiled calmly.

At this time, many girls had already finished chanting spells, a large cloud of snowflakes, hail, freezing cold air, ice arrows and other spells smashed towards Long Yi, instantly drowning Long Yi who was standing still .

The girls all stopped, only to find that Long Yi had disappeared except for the ice cubes and snowflakes all over the ground.

"I said beauties, your magic casting speed is too slow, I just finished drinking a cup of tea." Long Yi's voice sounded behind the girls.

Shui Ruoyan looked at Long Yi in amazement, she hadn't seen clearly how Long Yi disappeared just now, and why he suddenly appeared behind the girls, at such a ghostly speed, if he was going to sneak attack her just now, it would be useless. She must have fallen under his hands when she was preparing. Thinking of this, Shui Ruoyan began to secretly be on guard.

The girls found that Long Yi was not as easy to defeat as they imagined, they couldn't help getting excited, they officially made Long Yi a target, all kinds of magic chased Long Yi to run wildly.

However, Long Yi slowed down at this time, and just dodged when the girls' magic was about to hit him. In this way, the girls kept their enthusiasm, thinking that they could hit Long Yi as long as they were faster. up.

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