Womanizing Mage

Chapter 17 The Bear of the Earth (1)

Long Yi was shocked at first, but soon realized that it was Sibi who used the levitation technique to take him flying. Smelling the faint fragrance of jasmine, feeling the softness on his left arm, Long Yi's heart couldn't help but he couldn't help leaning on Sibi.

"Damn bastard, what are you messing with? If you mess around again, I'll throw you down." Sibi blushed and said angrily. She didn't expect this guy to be so dishonest that he would rub his arms on her towering chest so boldly. Come and go, that **** feeling made her feel ashamed and angry.

Long Yi chuckled dryly and didn't reply, but his left hand was much more honest, although it was still leaning on the soft mass, he didn't dare to move it any more.

After flying for about three miles, Sibi felt a little powerless. If she was alone, she could easily fly for five miles, but after bringing a person with her, her magic power was consumed extremely quickly.

"I'm exhausted, you pig is so heavy." Sibi complained, and began to look for a place to land.

"Yeah, I'm a pig, I don't know who just said that he wants to marry me, so why don't you become a sow?" Long Yi smiled, it feels really good to tease this saint.

Sibi snorted coldly, grabbed Long Yi's small hand and shook it, Long Yi immediately swayed in the air.

"Don't let go, you'll die." Long Yi yelled pretending to be terrified, and hugged Sibi tightly from the side with both hands, a big hand that she couldn't have more coincidentally passed through Sibi's armpit and pressed on it. On her soft and elastic breasts.

"Let go, let me go quickly." Sibi was ashamed and angry.

"Don't let go, I'll fall to my death if I let go." Long Yi sneered, his big hands on Sibi's breasts were still tight.

Sibi trembled all over her body, and her mental power became disordered. You must know that she didn't wear underwear, and that was the most sensitive place of a girl. She even felt that her little cherry was caught between Long Yi's two fingers through the clothes. between. Sibi's whole body was filled with the sensation of desire, and her body softened unbearably, so the two of them staggered towards the ground.

Long Yi protected Sibi with his body, and rolled on the ground twice on his back with a bang. Fortunately, the two people were not very high at that time, and Long Yi had internal strength to protect his body, so nothing happened at all.

"You haven't taken your paw away yet, haven't you touched enough?" Si Bi who was lying in Long Yi's arms said coldly.

Long Yi let go of his hand, innocently said: "I didn't do it on purpose."

"I know, you did it on purpose." Sibi snorted and got up and turned her head. She didn't know what it was like in her heart. Originally, he should hate him, but for some reason, he couldn't hate him. Accounted for a large proportion, she didn't dare to think deeply about what this meant,

Did I really like him a little bit?

Long Yi chuckled, he did mean it. He sniffed his palm, and the wonderful touch and fragrance still seemed to linger on it.

Seeing Long Yi belittle her so much, Sibi felt even more ashamed in her heart, stood up angrily, raised her hand and shot two fireballs at Long Yi who was looking intoxicated.

Long Yi laughed and fell down, two fireballs flew over his head and rushed into the forest behind him.

"Wow, you set fires indiscriminately, what if there is a forest fire?" Long Yi laughed.

Sibi snorted and was about to play some more. Suddenly, a loud roar came from the forest, shaking the ground, and the leaves and branches of the trees fell like rain. A khaki human bear over three meters high violently knocked down a large area of ​​trees and got out. Its fierce eyes fixed on Long Yi and Sibi, and it walked towards them step by step. Long's sharp eyes spotted this man There were two scorched hairs on the bear's waist, probably hit by Sibi's fireball.

Sibi's expression changed, and she said in surprise, "No, it's the bear of the earth, let's run."

Earth Bear? From his memory, Long Yi knew that this was a B-level high-rank monster. It was covered in copper skin and iron bones, and it was invulnerable to swords and guns. Even if Sibi's state is at its peak, she doesn't dare to fight it alone. Light magic is the nemesis of dark magic and undead, but it is not good against other attacks. The most powerful attacks are fire and water. belongs to.

Long Yi and Si Bi started to run wildly, joking, this Earth Bear is so powerful, wouldn't the Aotian of his own level go to die?

Seeing the two fleeing, the earth bear glowed with yellow light. It raised two huge bear claws high and smashed them on the ground with a loud roar.

The ground shook violently, and clods of soil flew up from the ground like locusts covering the sky and smashed towards the two people who were running wildly.

"Great God of Light, please grant your faithful servant the strength to keep away all evil, the barrier of holy light." Sibi quickly recited the spell, and protected the two of them with the barrier of holy light, clods of earth puffed up When it hit the barrier, there were layers of ripples like water waves.

"Damn it, what kind of rain is this?" Long Yi smiled wryly as he looked at the clods of dirt that kept falling from the sky. If he had the previous skills, he could still deal with ten earth bears, but he is only now. The Aotian Art on the first floor is only a few tenth of what it was before.

Finally, when the last clod of soil hit the holy light barrier, the barrier shattered with a bang.

"Sibi, let's use the levitation technique to run." Long said together.

Sibi sighed softly, and said faintly: "I have almost exhausted my magic power just now, and now I feel powerless."

Seeing the ferocious bear face of the Earth Bear not far away, Long Yi secretly sighed, it seemed that this time he had to go all out.

At this time, Sibi looked at Long Yi, raised her hand and took off the cloak on her head, and turned to Long Yi: "Long Yi, do you remember me?"

Long Yi nodded his head without knowing what to say, seeing this face of fusion of angel and devil again, a trace of warmth welled up in his heart.

"Then hurry up and go, I'll resist this bear of the earth." Sibi stepped in front of Long Yi, a white light flashed in her right hand, and a dark green magic staff appeared in her hand, the tip of the staff There are six milky-white light-type magic cores in the six-pointed star magic array. These magic cores are the magic cores of light-type B-level monsters, which can increase the light-type magic by 20%. The staff she owns is called the staff of light, and it is the weapon of Sibi's master, the holy high priest Zhu Di, and it was later passed on to Sibi.

ps: You have to be honest to be a person, and you have to spend money on reading!

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