Womanizing Mage

Chapter 18 The Bear of the Earth (2)

"Great God of Light, please bestow upon your loyal servant the divine power to wash away all the evil in the world with your radiance. The holy light shines to the heavens." Sibi held the staff of light high and chanted the incantation reverently. , circle after circle of holy radiance continuously emanated from the staff of light.

I saw circles of holy light radiating on the berserk Earth Bear, its blood-red eyes gradually softened, and its huge body was slowly pushed back by the holy light.

This is the strongest light resistance magic that Sibi can cast. It can not only purify the soul, but also form a shock wave of holy light to resist the enemy. It's just that the magic of Shengguang Yaotian can only delay for a little time at this time. Sibi knows that even if she casts her strongest light attack magic at this time, it will not be able to do anything to the Earth Bear. She only hopes to win for Long Yi. Escape in a little time, this is her biggest wish at this time.

Looking at the thin and delicate body standing in front of him, Long Yi couldn't help getting wet at the corners of his eyes. You must know that she is a weak mage, and her actions at this time are protecting her safety with her life, because once her magic power is exhausted, , she will be torn to pieces by the berserk Earth Bear. If Sibi asked him whether to marry her or not, he would definitely answer firmly: "Yes, if you don't marry her, you're a bastard."

Seeing that the holy light on Sibi's right-hand bright staff was getting weaker and weaker, Long Yi, who was so anxious, forced himself to calm down and observe where the door of the Earth Bear was. In his memory, the whole body of the Earth Bear was as hard as iron, and even his eyelids were normal. Even a sword is hard to cut through.

Sibi felt that her magic power was getting weaker and weaker, she turned her head to see if Long Yi had left, but she didn't want to turn around to see him still standing there dumbfounded looking at the Earth Bear. Sibi was startled, this guy must have been frightened, if he hadn't escaped, then his efforts would have been in vain.

"Bastard, why are you still here? Don't run fast." Sibi roared, tears overflowing from her eyes.

"Shut your mouth, you stupid girl, who told you to think that you are great and stop me, if I leave now, am I still a man?" Long Yi shouted, but his eyes kept looking at the bear of the earth Turn around.

You fool, then we'll die together. " Sibi was shedding tears, her magic power was almost exhausted. After hearing Long Yi's words, she was both angry and sweet. Annoyed why he didn't run away, and thankful that she didn't misunderstand the person.

At this time, Sibi's magic power was finally exhausted, and the holy light became transparent until it disappeared. The Earth Bear lost the restraint of the holy light and shook its head. It looked at the man and woman in front of it, and its expression became violent again.

Long Yi looked at the Earth Bear rushing towards him like a heavy tank, his eyes gradually turned cold, although his skills were lost, his aura remained, it was the aura only possessed by the extremely strong.

Feeling the horrifying aura from Long Yi, the Earth Bear slowed down and stopped ten meters away, with two big blood red eyes scrutinizing this tiny human being,

It didn't understand how the weak Long Yi suddenly became dangerous. Generally, higher-level monsters have a certain IQ, and the higher the level, the higher the IQ. The Earth Bear felt the aura of the strong and stopped instinctively.

Long Yi stared closely at the Earth Bear, and saw it cautiously protruding forward, with one right palm intentionally or unintentionally covering its furry buttocks. Long Yi's eyes lit up, he finally knew where the door of the Earth Bear was, that was its body, its whole body was invulnerable, it must be very fragile there, otherwise it wouldn't be able to protect it instinctively.

It is better to strike first, and to suffer later. Long Yi used the Aotian Jue to move the universe away, and circled behind the Earth Bear like a gust of wind. Don't look at the huge body of the Earth Bear, but its reaction is not slow, a huge bear's paw firmly protects its only door.

With a bang, Long Yi's air splitting palm struck the bear's paw, he felt a huge surge of counter-shock force, his palm was almost numb from the shock.

Although it suffered a bit, the effect was somewhat beyond Long Yi's expectation. The Earth Bear who had been slapped staggered and almost knelt on the ground by Long Yi's internal force. Although its body was not damaged, it Long Yi finally confirmed that his current level of Aotianjue's power is not much different from the power of the second level in his previous life.

The earth bear suffered such a big loss in one face-to-face, making it furious, it raised a pair of huge bear paws and smashed to the ground with a roar.

Fluttering, dozens of sharp spikes emerged from the ground, they turned out to be earth-type high-level magic earth spikes, Long Yi was startled and his body swept up like a flying swallow, avoiding it dangerously. Relying on his swift movement, Long Yi went around to slap the Earth Bear from time to time, but he just couldn't find a chance to attack its cover.

Sibi stared blankly at the figure swimming like a phantom, she couldn't add more surprise in her heart, she had never seen anyone with such a fast speed, if a warrior had such a speed, it would definitely be the nemesis of all magicians. Who the hell is he? Sibi's eyes were a little confused.

Long Yi circled the Earth Bear, his internal energy began to lose some momentum, and if he continued like this, he might not be able to escape bad luck. At this moment, Long Yi suddenly saw Earth Bear's buttocks protruding, he was overjoyed, and concentrated all his strength in his fist to blast towards Earth Bear's buttocks.

However, Earth Bear's body suddenly squatted down, a yellow light shrouded Long Yi's body. Long Yi felt his body stagnate, the yellow light seemed to be pressed by a huge boulder, and even walking became slow motion.

"Long Yi, be careful, this is an earth-type magic gravity technique." Sibi exclaimed, if she hadn't exhausted her magic power, she would be able to remove this gravity technique with a holy light purification, but at this moment her sea of ​​consciousness was empty. , I can only stare anxiously.

"F*ck, even monsters know how to cheat." Long Yi cursed in his heart, and Ao Tianjue was spinning wildly in his body.

Seeing that the enemy was attacked, the Earth Bear roared excitedly and rushed over.

"No, don't." Sibi yelled in despair, tears bursting out of a bank, as if she had foreseen Long Yi's miserable end, she staggered and rushed over without hesitation while yelling.

Seeing the huge body of the Earth Bear pounced forward, Long Yi could even smell the stench exhaled from its wide open mouth. He laughed, yes, he laughed, and it was weird.

ps: Thank you for your strong support from all book friends, heaven is here to thank you!

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