Womanizing Mage

Chapter 218 Emperor Dragon Battle

Nangong Xiangyun struggled desperately for a few times, but her calf was caught between Long Yi's legs and she couldn't break free no matter what. She looked up shyly and angrily, but saw Long Yi's smiling face, his eyebrows stretched wide. He was a little intoxicated, so he suddenly realized that the foreign object touched by his toes was He Dongdong. Although she is full of wildness, she is still a big girl with yellow flowers. Such a battle made her unable to hold her breath, and she almost fainted.

"Death pervert, I'll kill you." Nangong Xiangyun slashed at Long Yi's neck with a sword, and despite all her efforts, she didn't leave any leeway.

To Long Yi, Nangong Xiangyun didn't look at it these few times at all, and he couldn't pose any threat to him, and he didn't see any movement of his hand, so he had already lightly grabbed Nangong Xiangyun's wrist, looking like It seems that Nangong Xiangyun deliberately sent it up for him to catch.

"It's not proper for a girl to yell and kill every day. You should obediently be a good wife and mother at home." Long Yi let go of the calf between his legs, and with a strong hand, Nangong Xiangyun fell into his arms In the middle, the four eyes are relatively less than two inches.

After ten seconds of facing each other fixedly, Nangong Xiangyun came to her senses and began to struggle violently in Long Yi's arms.

Two strange cries came out of Long Yi's throat, there was really nothing he could do, he was a man, and his concentration was not good, you said Nangong Xiangyun, a curvaceous little beauty writhing in her arms, If you don't respond, there is a problem.

Suddenly, Nangong Xiangyun's body froze suddenly, and the two pretty faces began to turn red slowly, as if they were still steaming hot. God, what is that hard thing on her belly? Nangong Xiangyun is not a little girl who doesn't know anything, so she knows what this murder weapon is for.

"Let me go?" Nangong Xiangyun lowered her head. White teeth bit her lower lip and said softly, she finally gave in, fearing that something bad would happen, the pervert would be brutally brutal and punish her on the spot.

Watching Nangong Xiangyun dissipate a lot of her arrogance. Long Yi smiled complacently, Xiao Mian, I still can't stop you girl. Long Yi let go, Nangong Xiangyun was free.

It's just that Long Yi hadn't been complacent for long, when he heard a gust of wind under his feet, he hastily stepped back two steps, Nangong Xiangyun's foot had already firmly stepped on the place where he put it just now.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Nangong Xiangyun was a little discouraged, and she stared at Long Yidao: "Smelly pervert, you won't let me go. I will die if I step on you."

Long Yi was stunned, then stretched out his foot and said: "Then you step on it."

Nangong Xiangyun was really rude, she raised her foot and stomped on Long Yi's big foot a few times. Still not satisfied, the whole person took off and jumped up with both feet.

"Satisfied?" Long Yi asked with a chuckle, his eyes were sizing up Nangong Xiangyun's exquisite curve,

Her outer skirt was made of silk, and her pink underwear could be seen faintly after being soaked.

Nangong Xiangyun nodded. Suddenly Long Yi felt that something was wrong with his eyes, looked down and saw that Shijue's spring was leaking, and she covered her chest with both hands. Suddenly he put down his hands again, and stood proudly in front of Long Yi with his chest straight. Hmph, how dare you say that she has no breasts and no breasts, so I will slander you to death, a pervert, Nangong Xiangyun thought to herself.

Nangong Xiangyun's unusual behavior made Long Yi stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a broken smile, this girl really has a personality.

"Hey, aren't you cold?" Long Yi chuckled.

A gust of cool wind blew, and Nangong Xiangyun shivered. Shi felt that his body was cold and uncomfortable.

"Damn pervert, hurry up and help me find a set of clothes to change into." Nangong Xiangyun did not regard herself as an outsider, and bossed Long Yi around.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Since you know that I am a pervert, you should know that perverts want girls not to wear anything at all. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, you might as well take it all off."

Nangong Xiangyun gave Long Yi a hard look, wouldn't it be a joke for her to run out like this, this backyard is where the female relatives live, just find someone to get a set of clothes and change into it.

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from a distance: "The emperor is here."

Both Long Yi and Nangong Xiangyun were shocked, why did this old fellow Long Zhan come over to join in the fun at this time?

The first thing that Long Yi thought of was that Long Zhan knew that he came back, and he came to Xingshi to question his crimes. But after thinking about it, Long Zhan should have known about Long Yi's relationship with Long Ling'er at the Holy Demon Academy. After all, the emperor's intelligence department is not a vegetarian. You all know that clearly.

Long Yi sorted out his thoughts in his mind like lightning, stepped forward and pulled Nangong Xiangyun past him, with his true energy, he saw water vapor spraying up, for a moment, even the people of Nangong Xiangyun couldn't see clearly.

After a while, the water on Nangong Xiangyun's hair and clothes evaporated, and it became extremely dry in an instant.

Nangong Xiangyun stared blankly at Long Yi, this guy surprised her too much, on this man's body, apart from that lecherous gaze and that innate nobility, there was no trace of any other similarity. The place where the ignorant dude in memory overlapped. Not only is his strength unfathomable, but his tone of voice and expression are completely different. Could it be possible that external training can really change a person so much?

"What are you doing in a daze, the old emperor is going to pay his respects when he comes." Long Yi dragged Nangong Xiangyun's hand and walked towards the hall.

Being dragged halfway by Long Yi, Nangong Xiangyun began to react, broke away from Long Yi's hand and followed behind him.

As soon as Long Yi entered the hall, he saw Long Zhan in Minghuang Emperor's costume sitting on Ximen Nu's original seat, and his cheap father was sitting on the chair on Long Zhan's left.

Long Yi didn't perform that kind of salutation, but looked at Long Zhan with scorching eyes, just like Long Zhan was also looking at him.

Although he had a vague outline of Long Zhan in his memory, he couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Long Zhan. He didn't know how to describe this haggard-looking middle-aged man. He looked about fifty years old, and his forehead and temples were full of marks left by the years, but the power on his body could overwhelm him. out of breath. His eyes were not big, and seemed to be excessively cloudy with the color of wine, but the occasional gleam of light made Long's spine chill.

Long Zhan is indeed worthy of being a dragon war, worthy of being a generation of emperors. Long Yi thought to himself. Don't dare to underestimate him, anyone who thinks that Long Zhan is just a tiger who is too old to move will regret it before it's too late.

At the same time, Long Zhan also couldn't calm down in his heart, although the secret reports were sent one after another, and the descriptions in them shocked him. A small mid-level fighter more than two years ago is already immeasurable now. The spies rated him as a strong swordsman or above, a water magician or above, and space magic is not measurable. He couldn't believe it at the time, but now he faced him. Just by his calm and calm demeanor, he was already amazed, and at the same time, he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. With such support, the Ximen family would not be as powerful as a tiger with wings added.

The two had their own thoughts, and at this time Nangong Xiangyun saluted Long Zhan, which woke them up.

"You little beast, hurry up and salute Your Majesty." Simon said angrily.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows. He bowed without any sincerity, and said, "Ximen Yu pays his respects to Your Majesty."

"Ximenyu, you are guilty." Long Zhan suddenly opened his pupils. Shouting loudly, the air flow in the entire hall suddenly froze, and no one would have thought that he would be in trouble at this time. At the same time, more than a dozen masters guarding the emperor raised their aura to the peak, aiming at Long Yi like a sharp knife.

Long Yi broke out in a cold sweat, his mental strength and internal strength were released to form a powerful barrier in front of him, the people around the emperor were indeed not easy to light, especially this emperor, Long Yi always felt that his strength was unfathomable, Although everyone knows that he is just a great swordsman. But who knows if he hides his strength?

"I don't know, I would like to ask Your Majesty to teach you." Although Long Yi was uncomfortable with this momentum, he still said calmly.

"Do you still remember the heinous atrocities committed by my son Long Ling'er? No matter what, I, the father, will seek justice for her." Long Zhan said in a low voice.

"Your Majesty remembers correctly, Ling'er and I are in love with each other, how can we talk about violence." Long Yi smiled nonchalantly.

Long Zhan looked at the calm Long Yi, with murderous intent in his eyes, he turned to Ximen Huo on the left, and said: "Ximen Qing's family, your son escaped from the forbidden sky prison two years ago, today I will take him Do you have any comments?"

"I don't dare, but as far as I know, my unfilial son and Princess Long Ling'er are indeed in love with each other. I think many teachers and students in the Principality of Mia can prove it." Ximen Huo stood up and bowed.

Long Zhan's expression was uncertain, and he suddenly laughed, and said: "Okay, okay, in fact, I knew it was just a misunderstanding at the beginning, and I just want to try Yu'er today, Ximen Qing's family is really blessed, the two sons I'm really jealous of your achievements, but we will soon be in-laws, and Yu'er has to call me father-in-law."

Ximen Nu also laughed, and said: "That's, that's, it's just that Yu'er has a marriage contract with the third girl of the Nangong family since she was a child, so she will inevitably wrong Princess Long Ling'er."

"I know that. As a princess, Ling'er is the main wife together with the maid of the Nangong family. If she is wronged, she is willing." Long Zhan said with a smile, and snorted slightly in his nostrils. Are you scolding Long Ling'er, a worthless daughter, in your heart?

"Since this is the case, then I would like to ask Your Majesty to set a date for Quanzi to marry the girl from the Nangong family." Ximen Nu took the opportunity to say.

Long Zhan pondered for a long while, but he didn't know what he was thinking. Ximen Nu's ambition had become more and more obvious, and his wings were getting fuller day by day. It's so stupid that none of the four major families are used by him.

"Well, let's set it on the eighth day of next month. That day is the Harvest Festival of the Kuanglong Empire. It would be the best to add joy to the joy." Long Zhan said with a faint smile, the alliance between Nangong and Ximen is already unstoppable , that's the only way to do it for the time being.

Nangong Xiangyun held her breath, hearing the emperor say that she would marry Ximenyu next month, her mind went blank with a bang, and she was only left with one month, so she couldn't accept it for a while. After finally recovering, and wanting to refute, Long Zhan got up and announced to return to the palace.

Long Zhan left. Long Yi breathed a sigh of relief, the old man put too much pressure on him, and with the dozens of experts behind him, he almost couldn't breathe.

"Mrs. Nangong. Let's stay for a light meal today. I will cook some small dishes myself." Dongfang Wan said with a smile, but most of her eyes fell on Nangong Xiangyun. This girl will soon become her The daughter-in-law.

"In that case, then I won't refuse. How about I also go to the kitchen to observe and observe, and I can steal Master B's recruit and go back to coax my old man." Mrs. Nangong giggled, her towering chest trembled, making Long Yi dizzy dazzled. It's really rough, I wonder if Nangong Xiangyun's breasts will be as big as her mother's in the future? Long Yi thought wildly.

Ximen Nu went out to deal with business, while Mrs. Nangong and Dongfang Wan went to the kitchen to compare skills. Only the angry Nangong Xiangyun and the teasing Long Yi were left in the hall.

"I said, I won't marry you." Nangong Xiangyun gritted her teeth.

"Hey, you can't get married if you don't want to. As soon as the emperor opened his mouth and set a date, do you want to resist? It doesn't matter if you resist. Isn't it miserable for your Nangong family?" Long Yi laughed and raised his eyebrows. Erlang's legs began to hum a ditty, just now his nerves were extremely tense. It's time to relax, too.

Nangong Xiangyun's face was pale. Even if she ignored herself, she would never ignore her family. If she didn't have to marry this bastard, then her happiness would be ruined, and the Prince Charming in her dream would really change. It's a bubble.

Long Yi didn't bother to talk to her any more, she didn't want to marry him, didn't she want to marry him? He opened his mouth and shouted, "Xiao Yi, Man Niu, where did you two go?"

Xiaoyi and Man Niu who were outside the door immediately ran in, and Man Niu buzzed: "Boss, what can you do with us?"

"It's none of your business, go out and practice, Xiao Yi, come and help me." Long Yi ordered.

Xiao Yi obediently came behind Long Yi and began to gently massage him. Now she is used to the role of a maid and is used to serving Long Yi.

Long Yi snorted twice in comfort, the screams woke up Nangong Xiangyun who was stuck in a miserable state of thought and couldn't help herself, seeing Long Yi humming with her eyes closed, she really wanted to use a Plug the mud up his mouth.

Nangong Xiangyun began to look at Xiao Yi, feeling very curious about her transparent pupils. At this moment, Xiaoyi inadvertently raised her head and glanced at her, she froze for a moment, as if she had just been fished out of ice water, her heart felt cold, she felt as if she had been stripped naked In front of this unremarkable girl.

Nangong Xiangyun hastily turned her head and didn't dare to look any more. What kind of eyes were there that could see through her whole body, the feeling of not having any secrets was suffocating.

"This bastard, what kind of person is he? How can even the maids and servants around him be freaks?" Nangong Xiangyun thought in her heart, and she had an idea of ​​probing Long Yi at first.

Xiao Yi finished pinching Long Yi's shoulders, and then began to help him pinch his thighs. The masculine warmth exuded by those strong muscles made Xiao Yi's heart beat faster every time, although she didn't show it on her face.

"Come up, go up again." Long Yiheng shouted, this ambiguous cry made the two girls blush and heartbeat.

Xiaoyi's small hands pinched Long Yi's thighs, and she no longer dared to go up. For some reason, her attention was always attracted by the male bulge between Long Yi's legs, and then she felt flustered and flustered. Naturally, his movements were not so stable anymore, that trembling hand hit Long Yi's little brother several times. 【 Organize and collect】

Nangong Xiangyun couldn't bear to watch it anymore, she got up and left the hall, she was afraid that she might get a needle's eye if she watched it any longer.

As soon as Nangong Xiangyun left, Long Yi also yelled to stop, if he went any further, he would reveal his true colors, and it would be bad if he turned into a pervert.

"Dongyi, have you seen Long Zhan, what do you think?" Long Zhizhi stood up and asked calmly.

Xiaoyi nodded, and pondered: "It's unfathomable, I predicted it very vaguely, but I only know that this person's life potential is extremely strong, and the golden light inside is circulating endlessly. When his breath is weakest on cloudy days, I will use the power of the stars to calculate. Should have predicted a thing or two."

Long nodded, got up and said: "There is still some time, go out with me for a stroll."

Afterwards, Long Yi took Xiaoyi and Man Niu out of Ximen Mansion. The prosperity of Tenglong City surpassed any city in Canglan Continent. the most.

The three of Long Yi and his party are naturally eye-catching. Although it has been more than two years since they left Tenglong City, the people of Tenglong City are deeply impressed by Ximen Yu's face, so pedestrians always give way wherever they pass. The Overlord is back.

Long turned a blind eye to other people's attitudes, and wandered around on his own. Soaring Dragon City didn't change much, basically consistent with what he remembered.

Kindness and an inexplicable sense of belonging are Long Yi's state of mind at this time, and every brick and tile in Tenglong City gives him a strange feeling. Along the way, Long Yi and his party ate all the way. The street food in Tenglong City was considered a major feature. In my memory, Ximenyu also ate all the way. The difference was that he never gave money, and Long I will give it later, it is not easy for people to start a small business, how can they exploit the hard-earned money of ordinary people.

What surprised Long Yi was that whenever Long Yi gave money, people would not dare to accept it, and even knelt and begged Long Yi to take the money back. His trembling appearance made Long Yi sigh inwardly, Ximen Yu is a guy Overlord is really competent. It has been more than two years, and Yu Wei is still there.

What made Long Yi dumbfounded the most was that when some daughters-in-law and girls saw Long Yi, they either went straight to hide in the nearby shop, or turned around and ran away, for fear of being ruined by him.

It's hard to be a good person these days. Long Yi thought in his heart, he should just be a bad person. Long swaggered through the busy city, and didn't bother to pay the bill for getting something at the roadside store, so that the shopkeepers would not be suspicious, and they had a relieved expression on their faces, which showed that they were used to being abused.

Just as Long Yi was walking through the streets and alleys of Tenglong City with his reminiscences, he suddenly saw many people surrounded by a restaurant not far ahead, and there were bursts of fighting sounds, mixed with screams from time to time.

"Go and have a look." Long Yi said with great interest, leading Man Niu and Xiao Yi over.

Someone spotted Long Yi and the other three coming, talked to the one next to him, and immediately a wide road was given way.

Just as Long Yi walked in, he saw a black shadow flying out of the restaurant and hitting him. Without Long making a move, the barbaric bull behind him kicked over, the black shadow flew back upside down, and hit the wall of the restaurant with a bang, it was a servant dressed as a servant.

And at this time, there was a constant scream, and people who looked like servants were thrown out, moaning on the ground and unable to get up.

Long Yi looked at Wangjiang Restaurant, and there was a golden plaque with three big Chinese characters: Wangjiang Tower. In Long Yi's memory, this is a relatively high-end restaurant in Tenglong City. Back then, Ximen Yu often had gatherings with some of his cronies here.

After a while, two noble boys in brocade clothes and jade robes were thrown out with their noses and faces swollen, and they couldn't get up for a long time.

"Hurry up and get out, let me see you again, and hit once." A tall and straight figure appeared at the gate of Wangjiang Tower.

A look of surprise flashed across Long Yi's face. He was such a cool man. His face was cold and hard like a marble sculpture. His nose was straight and his lips were thin and tightly pressed. It was his dark green head, which was clearly characteristic of the Moxi people. Could it be that all the Moxi people are really talented, Long Yi thought to himself. He had met three Mosi people since he came to this world, and this was the fourth.

The first one is of course Sibi, she has already become a great magician at a young age, and now she is not sure what level she has reached. Later, Sibi's cousin and brother-in-law met on the border of Aoyue after coming out of the desolate grassland, and they were also people of top strength. The man from the Moxi tribe he met today surprised Long Yi even more, this man not only had fluctuations of battle qi but also fluctuations of magic elements, he was actually a rare double cultivator of magic and martial arts.

"You... daw, don't leave." The two bruised and swollen noblemen were helped up by a few servants who were still able to move, and they would go back to rescue the soldiers if they put aside the situation.

As soon as they turned around, they saw Long Yi, and then their bodies trembled suddenly, revealing an expression of ecstasy.

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