Womanizing Mage

Chapter 219: Defeating the Enemy with One Move

"Master Ximen, it's really you, you're finally back, brothers are looking forward to you so hard." The two aristocrats rushed over and hugged Long Yi's legs, crying.

Long Yi frowned, and after thinking about it carefully, he remembered that these two were Ximenyu's servants. Both of them were young masters of aristocratic families, and they were usually domineering. They followed Ximenyu to bully men and women, and did all kinds of bad things. .

At this moment, a beautiful woman with disheveled clothes came out of Wangjiang Tower. She was standing beside the cruel man, looking at him with admiring eyes, but immediately she felt the presence of Ximenyu, and immediately became His beauty paled.

Seeing that Long Yi frowned, Man Niu kicked the two aristocrats who were holding Long's thigh upside down and flew several meters away, covered his chest with foam at the mouth, and screamed in pain like killing pigs .

That cool Moxi man turned his head to look at Long Yi, his pupils narrowed suddenly, his sharp eyes fixed on Long Yi, his intuition told him that this young man with a careless smile in front of him was extremely dangerous .

Seeing this situation, Long Yi probably understood what was going on in his heart, it must be those two guys bullying the woman with their strength, and in the end a man from the Moxi tribe appeared and a hero came to save the beauty, it's an old story.

"My lord, let's go, he is the second young master of the Ximen family, you can't afford to offend him." The beautiful woman shrank behind the Moxi man, gently tugging at the hem of his clothes with her small hands and said timidly.

The Moxi man remained silent, his eyes were still sharp, his eyes flickered, and Zhuan Er was filled with a kind of frenzy, a kind of crazy fighting spirit surged out of him, and the target was directed at Long Yi.

Met another lunatic. Long Yi thought to himself, just by looking at this guy's eyes, he could tell that he was a madman who was looking for people to single out everywhere.

"Master Ximen, I want to compete with you." The man of the Moxi tribe stared at Long Yi, his voice trembling. It was a trembling of excitement.

Man Niu took a step forward, looked at the man with disdain and said, "Just because you want to compete with my boss, pass my test first."

The Moxi man's eyes flashed, his body suddenly exploded, his hands flashed, and a few strands of dark blue vindictiveness slashed towards the bull's body like lightning.

Long Yi was a little surprised, the man's battle qi was solid and thick, condensed but not dispersed, although there were a few thin wisps of battle qi, it felt as heavy as a mountain. This guy does have some tricks.

The bull is no longer Amon in the past, and the sudden and powerful offensive of the Mosi men did not make him flustered. The Green Jade Judgment appeared in his hand, waving circles of dark green light. Hearing a few metal clanging reeds, the Moxi man retreated immediately, and a piece of broken sleeve fell to the ground. And Man Niu's shoulder leather armor was cut open, revealing a white mark on the muscle, if it weren't for Man Niu's golden bell cover, it would be a small success.

I'm afraid it's about to become popular. It seems that the bull suffered more, but the Moxi man attacked suddenly and took the upper hand first. It should be evenly divided.

For the sudden attack of the Moxi man, Long Yi was finally annoyed. To survive well in this world, one must be prepared to face unexpected situations. If you are attacked by someone on the battlefield, can you call him despicable? The law of the jungle preys on the strong, and strength determines everything.

The expression of the Moxi man was really dignified at this moment. He didn't expect that the orc, Man Niu, would have such a powerful attack power, and his fighting spirit could not hurt him. The circles of green light he waved It gave him a sense of suffocation and oppression, which made him startled.

Long Yi looked at the long sword in the hands of the Moxi man with great interest. It's not the traditional giant sword of warriors in Canglan Continent, but more like the sword used by ancient knights in Long Yi's world, and the material is translucent like glass, exuding icy cold air, and has a slight trace of it. Water magic wave came.

Man Niu was extremely unconvinced, he held the green jade judgment tightly with both hands, and buzzed: "Dongzi, come again, Master Niu will beat you until you find your teeth all over the place."

The Moxi man shook the long sword in his hand, the blade trembled and made a howling sound like a dragon's chant, and a chilling air rushed towards him, he shook his head and said: "Although you are powerful, I may not be able to defeat you, but you They will definitely not be able to beat me, what I am looking for is Master Ximen."

As soon as this remark came out, the onlookers immediately talked about it, and there were also knowledgeable people among them. Who didn't know that Ximen's second young master was an idiot, at least two years ago, but hearing the words of this Moxi tribe's top expert, it seems that Ximenyu His skill is still above him.

"It's okay to promise you, it's just that it's so boring if you don't have a lottery, so why not make a bet." Long Yi chuckled, with a fox-like gleam in his eyes.

"What's the bet?" the Moxi man asked.

"If you lose, stay by my side and be a follower." Long Yi said slowly, stroking his stubble on his chin.

The Moxi man was startled, and after a while he said to Long: "If you can defeat me within ten moves, then Li Qing's life will be entrusted to you."

"Deal." Long Yi laughed.

Long Yi crossed his hands to make a few handprints, pushed outward, and saw a white light gushing out, the onlookers were immediately forced to retreat again and again, a transparent barrier suddenly formed, no one could take a step forward.

Li Su's eyes flashed, and the long sword in his hand began to dance, and snowflakes began to float in the barrier, while the sky outside the barrier was still clear.

The snow fell harder and harder, the wind whizzed and rolled, and the wind and snow blew so hard that people couldn't open their eyes.

Long Yi just stood there quietly, but he was extremely surprised. This is another way of combining magic and fighting spirit. This Moxi man named Li Qing is really a genius.

Suddenly, Li Qing let out a low cry, and he moved, a few strands of dark blue grudge hidden behind the snowstorm swept towards Long Yi, and a few ice arrows blocked all of Long Yi's retreat paths.

Long Yi didn't move, he actually closed his eyes at this critical moment, when the dark blue Dou Qi was about to touch his body with the aura of death, he gently raised his hand, only heard a sound of wave, the dark blue Dou Qi In the blink of an eye, it turned into ice flowers, while Li Qing flew upside down.

The snowflakes stopped, everything returned to calm, the barrier was covered with a thick layer of white snow, Li Qing lay in the snow on one side with an expression of disbelief, while Long Yi put his hands on his back and stepped on the snow layer At the end of the day, he sank a little, and he had a faint smile on his face, showing a superior demeanor.

All the onlookers were at a loss, no one could see clearly what happened, their eyes were full of white snow, and they saw Li Su pounced on it, and then flew back inexplicably, with a face like seeing a ghost expression.

Li Su came back to his senses, stood up straight, walked slowly to Long Yi's side, then knelt down with a bang, still looking lost, one move, one move and he was defeated. It made the arrogant him unacceptable.

"Dissatisfied?" Long Yi said lightly.

"Li Qing just wants to know what move you are using." Li Qing looked at Long Yi and asked in a trembling voice.

"Ice fighting energy pierces the palm of the heart." Long Yi said each word lightly, and just as he finished speaking, the clothes on Li Qing's chest suddenly turned into ice crystals and fell down, and there was a stamp on his firm chest. With a silver handprint.

"Ice Fighting Qi, Cold Bing Fighting Qi, but you don't use a sword." Li Qing murmured.

"Who stipulates that fighting qi must use a sword." Long Yi said with a smile.

Li Qing's pupils widened, and suddenly his whole body fell down. He said in a firm tone: "From now on, Li Qing's life is yours, young master. If anyone wants to hurt you, he must first step on my Li Qing's body." Corpse."

"Very good, get up." Long Yi said with a smile, in fact, if Li Qing hadn't been too confident, he thought that he would not be able to disperse his great sword master level fighting spirit head-on, and he was only thinking about which direction Long Yi would retreat, otherwise It is impossible for Long Yi to defeat him with one move.

Long Yizhe went to the enchantment, looked at the awe-inspiring onlookers, he smiled meaningfully, he had some calculations to subdue Li Qing in such a high-profile way under the large crowd. First of all, it is to overthrow the image of the idiot in the hearts of ordinary people in Tenglong. After all, the Canglan Continent respects the strong. Furthermore, he wants to give the major forces a prestige, and let some forces that secretly oppose the Ximen family weigh in. Long Yi believed that after this battle, the prestige of his Second Young Master Ximen would be publicized by troublemakers in an instant, and it would become more and more exaggerated. This was just the first step.

Long Yi led Xiao Yi, Man Niu, and Li Qing away, but he never expected to be so lucky when he came back, winning back a master of the Moxi clan. At this time, Long's understanding of the Canglan Continent is far better than when he first came to this world. He clearly knows that the Moxi tribe is an important force in the Ao Empire. . Long Yi didn't have any far-reaching plans at this time, he only knew that this Moxi man must have a certain prestige among the Moxi tribe, and maybe he would be of unexpected use in the future.

When Long Yi and his group disappeared before everyone's eyes, dozens of figures immediately flew up to observe Long Yi's fight, and then scattered away. At this time, some children had built snowmen in the thick snow layer in front of the Wangjiang Tower, and the Wangjiang Tower was immediately full, and everyone was talking about the dazzling competition scene just now and the protagonist Ximen Ershao.

As Long Yi was walking, suddenly there was a throbbing in his heart, he glanced back at Xiao Yi, and knew that she used the telepathy of the blood contract.

"Man Niu, you take Li Qing back first." Long Yi stopped and said to Man Niu.

Man Niu responded, and led Li Su towards Ximen Mansion first.

"Master." Xiao Yi suddenly called out with some hesitation.

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