Womanizing Mage

Chapter 22 Gale Art

Long Yi carefully put away Sibi's magic letter, sat on the edge of the bed and began to meditate, he had not been in this world for a few days, but he had experienced a lot of things, he urgently needed to sort out everything and re-determine his own direction.

When the eastern sky turned pale, when the first ray of sunlight shone on Long Yi's body, he stood up with a sigh of relief, his spine was as straight as a mountain, and his eyes were full of firmness. He has a deep understanding of the law of the jungle in the world. Since this is the law of nature, he will be the strongest one. He will stand on the top of the pyramid of the world and look down on all living beings. By then, he will not be able to say what the distance is. Calculate.

Long Yi faced the rising sun, his whole body was soaked in a blinding light, he laughed loudly, his heart filled with pride. Putting away the big bed, Long Yi began to walk towards Guangming City, maybe he could see Sibi again there.

After two or three hours of carrying out the Great Teleportation of the Universe, Long Yi couldn't hold on anymore, his internal energy was still too weak after all. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and remembered what Sibi said. She said that if there is any kind of magic that can be used to fly, it must be wind magic.

Thinking of the cyan wind magic element in his consciousness, Long Yi became excited, Feng is the king of Du, if he learns wind magic, at least the chances of saving his life in any danger will be much greater.

With a thought, Long Yi's mental power spread outwards, summoning the magic elements of the wind system, preparing to create a flying technique. Cyan magic elements surged towards him, Long Yi's body soared into the air and rushed forward.

Before Long Yi had time to get excited, his body stagnated and he fell down. Fortunately, Long Yi was prepared to fail early on, and his body flipped a few times in the air and landed lightly on the ground.

"Fuck, the magic power is not enough again. It seems that I have to cultivate magic power hard in the future. It's really depressing." Long Yi kicked a big tree to vent his dissatisfaction.

But the mana can't be practiced for a while, and the flying technique consumes so much mana, so what should we do? Long Yi walked and thought for a long time, then he suddenly slapped his thigh, since he couldn't fly, why didn't he want to How to make your body lighter? The Earth Bear's Gravity Technique is a unique attribute of the Earth Element, but the Wind Element is a brisk and elegant characteristic. Why don't you create a Gale Art?

Having figured this out, Long Yi began to use his mind to summon the wind magic element again, a blue light flashed all over his body, and his body suddenly felt light, which actually made him succeed.

Long Yi slightly used his internal energy to run the Universe Teleportation, the speed was twice as fast as before, but the consumption of internal energy was only half of what it was before. I saw Long Yi rising and falling several times, his figure leaping forward like a ghost, only a small black spot remained in the blink of an eye.

About twenty minutes later, the effect of the Gale Art on Long Yi's body disappeared, and his speed slowed down again. But fortunately, the wind spell does not consume too much mana, so after it disappears, you can cast another one on yourself.

It's been a day's journey,

Finally found a small town before dark, Long Yi inquired about it, it only takes three days to walk from here to Guangming City, but according to the speed of Long Yi's Gale Wind Technique plus Great Teleportation, it will only take half a day at most.

Long Yi found a hotel to stay, and he couldn't leave the door behind closed doors when he was full. Under the illumination of the soft magic lamp, Long Yi flipped through the bookshelf in the space ring. His main target was naturally those magic books. Long Yi found out the elementary and intermediate magic books of each department. There are dark magic books in the corner of the bookshelf, including elementary, intermediate and advanced.

Putting more than a dozen thick magic books in front of him, Long Yi couldn't wait to flip through them. All his magic knowledge came from the book "Introduction to Magic" he just read. The theory of magic is extremely poor, and he can mess around. To learn Gale Art, it has to be said that his luck and understanding of magic are high.

Time is like grains of sand in the palm, passing through the fingers bit by bit, Long Yi has been completely immersed in the sea of ​​books, and the speed of his flipping is getting faster and faster, the frequency of eyeballs moving up and down is enough to make people dazzled.

"Ah, I'm exhausted." Long Yi stretched himself after reading the last book of dark middle-level magic, his bones cracked. He opened the window, but it was still dark outside, and there was no sound on the streets of the small town.

Long Yi was stunned for a moment, he turned his head to look at the books piled up like a hill on the table, he read all these books in less than one night? Long Yi couldn't believe it, even though his memory had been specially trained in his previous life, it was absolutely impossible for him to finish reading such a book in such a short period of time, as if he had completely memorized it, could it be that he was really a genius? Long Yi thought stinkingly.

Long Yi dashed to the side of the pile of books, picked up a book of middle-level fire magic, and found that the things in his mind were exactly the same as those in the book, without any deviation.

Could it be that it has actually been several days, but I am too addicted to know. Long Yi thought so in his heart.

Soon, Long Yi stopped thinking about these useless things. Although he memorized the things in the book, he only memorized them and hadn't had time to fully digest them.

Only now does Long Yi realize that magic is not simply divided into elementary, intermediate, and high levels, but rather divided into eleven categories for each type of magic according to its power and mana consumption grade. Among them, level one to three belong to elementary magic, level four to six belong to intermediate magic, level seven to nine belong to advanced magic, level ten belongs to holy level magic, and level eleven belongs to the so-called forbidden spell. The magical power of this magic can overwhelm mountains and seas, and it has the power to destroy the world.

For example, the fireball spell of the fire system and the water ball spell of the water system are all first-level spells. Ordinary magic apprentices can only cast these first-level spells. The standard for a junior magician is to be proficient in second-level magic and barely able to cast third-level magic. The promotion standard for an intermediate magician is proficiency in level 1 to level 3 magic, and can barely cast level 4 magic release. A senior magician is proficient in level 1 to level 6 magic, and can barely cast level 7 magic.

And starting from the seventh level of magic is a watershed, who can cast eighth level magic is a great magician, can cast nine level magic is a wizard, can cast tenth holy level magic is a magister, and can cast eleventh level forbidden spell It is the great magister, and the last two represent the pinnacle of the magic field.

ps: I have something to do at night, this chapter has been uploaded in advance. Brothers, don’t forget to help Heaven to compete on the list tonight. The data will be cleared at around 12:15, so please help us to vote hard. Anyone who comes big or small is welcome, and Heaven will update tomorrow in order to repay you. Chapter 3, please~~~

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