Womanizing Mage

Chapter 23 Inexplicable Molestation

The eleventh-level forbidden spell, Long Yi imagined a mage floating in mid-air with a magic staff in his hand, chanting a forbidden spell leisurely, suddenly the mountains collapsed, the sky and the earth changed color, and a hundred miles around was razed to the ground. How cool is the word.

Long Yi decided that from now on, the Great Magister, no, the legendary God of Law is his target. Seeing that the sky was still pitch black, Long Yi seized the time to meditate cross-legged, crazily absorbing various magical elements in the air. As soon as Long Yi found out, among these series of magic elements, the lightning system absorbed the fastest, and the speed was several times that of the other systems.

I don't know how long it took, Long Yi woke up from his meditation. At this time, the sky was already bright, and there was a lot of noise outside the window. Long Yi looked outside, and found it was noon.

When Long Yi came down, the dining hall of the hotel was almost full, so Long Yi found a place to sit down, ordered two small dishes at random, and of course learned from the waiter that he really only stayed in the room for one night, For this reason, the guy even looked at him like he was insane.

Long Yi didn't care about the look in the guy's eyes, he was feeling happy in his heart, after all, God was kind to him, a lightning bolt sent him back to the other world when he was dying, although he took a lot of scapegoat for the woman who possessed him , but at least alive, this is more important than anything else. Now knowing that he has a photographic memory, Long Yi is of course happy.

Sipping the fragrant and sweet fruit wine, and eating two mouthfuls of the delicious food that he had never tasted in his previous life, Long Yi felt that this kind of life couldn't be better. Of course, if Sibi was by her side, it would be even more perfect. In his previous life, Long Yi was the leader of the dragon group, and he lived a stable life almost all year round. This kind of leisurely and free life has always been Long Yi's dream in his previous life.

Long Yi looked at the diners around curiously. Since he came to this world, he was imprisoned before he could see clearly. After that, he looked at the bustling streets of Tenglong City like a horse, and then spent a few days living in the wild. Only now did he have the time to take a good look at how different the world really is.

Most of the guests dining here are hotel guests, most of them are merchants, and there are also people wearing mage robes and warrior armor of various systems. As for races such as orcs and elves, I have not seen them. But this is not surprising, elves are peaceful by nature and like to be close to nature. Most elves hide in elf forests, but there are also a small number of elves in human society who come out to experience adventures, but they are generally more common in big cities. It is naturally difficult to see such a small town. As for the race of orcs, they are even more rejected by human society, and their friction with humans has been going on for a long time. In the past, the orcs were all over the entire Canglan continent, but they were only driven to the harsh and remote Hengduan Mountains by humans later. .

After paying with the Zijing card, Long Yi left the hotel. Suddenly, Long Yi's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed in his heart: "What a beautiful horse." He saw a tall and handsome fiery red unicorn parked in front of a restaurant diagonally opposite the hotel. The shiny fur, without a trace of variegation, its limbs are strong and powerful, full of the beauty of power, especially the single silver horn on the forehead, which makes it look extraordinary.

The unicorn was not tied,

Instead, he stood there proudly with his head up, his eyes full of wildness, and he snorted from time to time to threaten those who wanted to get close.

From memory, I know that this unicorn is a kind of wind-type magical beast, it runs like flying through the clouds, and has always been an excellent transportation tool for nobles and rich lords, but it is usually black and white, and I have never heard of it There is a unicorn with a red body.

Anyone can tell that this horse is extraordinary. What kind of person is the owner who owns it? At first the dragon became curious about the owner of the red unicorn.

At this moment, there was a commotion among the onlookers, and Long Ding looked towards the door of the restaurant, and was immediately stunned. I saw Ang Kuo, a tall girl in a fiery red tight-fitting leather armor, walking out with a fiery red giant sword in her hand. She has golden hair, and her appearance is very beautiful, although she is not as beautiful as Long Linger and Ximen Wuhen. She is alluring, but she is fused with a heroic spirit to form her unique charm. She is like a sun, no matter where she goes, she is the focus of people.

Long Yixun looked the girl up and down, and his eyes finally settled in the middle of her firm jade peak outlined by the tight leather armor, where he felt a strong wave of fire-attribute magic. Long Yi knew that many swordsmen and mages would have gems and other things that could amplify fighting spirit magic, some were made into ornaments, and some were inlaid on weapons and clothes. The problem is that this girl is obviously a fighter professional, and her level is not low, but why is she equipped with items that increase magic?

The young girl's expression was as arrogant as her unicorn horse, and there really was a horse for any owner. The young girl was obviously used to other people's staring eyes, without any expression of embarrassment or annoyance. Just when the girl was about to fly onto the horse, she suddenly felt something strange in her chest, as if someone was stroking it with her hand.

The girl trembled all over, her sharp eyes scanned the crowd and then stopped on Long Yi who was staring at her towering jade peak in a daze. Intuition told her that the strange feeling on her body was caused by this wretched man. Poor Long Yi, the dazed look in this girl's eyes turned into obscenity. The girl snorted, a light blue light flashed on her body, her eyes full of murderous aura fixedly stared at Long Yi, her fighting spirit unexpectedly reached the level of a sword master.

Long Yi woke up with a start, looked at the girl's eyes full of anger, and didn't know how he had offended her, so he smiled kindly at her. Who would have thought that this smile would turn into lust in the girl's eyes, the girl really wanted to go up and teach Long Yi a lesson, but the strange feeling on the chest just now couldn't prove that he did it, so she glared at Long Yi with cannibalistic eyes In the blink of an eye, he got on his horse, turned into a red cloud and disappeared from people's sight in the blink of an eye.

Long Yi touched his nose, he still looks puzzled now? I don't know how to be annoying when I'm nice. But he forgot that he was a psychic in his previous life, who could attack with substantial psychic energy, but his current psychic power is much stronger than before. Just now he focused on the magic wave on the girl's chest, subconsciously She probed with her mental power, and the girl felt as if her breasts were being caressed.

ps: Brothers online, please help me vote, any size is fine, thank you! ! !

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