Womanizing Mage

Chapter 24: The Phoenix Family

Walking out of the small town, Long Yi cast a Gale Wind spell on himself, using the Great Teleportation of the Universe to sweep forward. While rushing on the road, he was digesting the books on various departments of magic that he had read last night.

After about two hours, a forest appeared in front of Long Yi. If you go directly through this forest, you can reach Guangming City in about an hour. If you take a detour, it will take three hours. Although it is faster to go directly through the forest, most people will take a detour because there are many monsters in this forest and it is too dangerous.

Long Yi hesitated for a second before deciding to go straight through the forest. When he thought about it, could he not beat or run with his speed? Running wildly all the way in the forest, he didn't come across any high-level monsters, but encountered a few F-level and E-level monsters, and Long Yi used them as training targets without any hassle.

The first thing I touched was an E-level earth-type wild boar with fangs. This kind of monster has strong defense. It mainly relies on a pair of sharp fangs to attack. If it hits with all its strength, it can break a big tree hugged by two people. Level 1 Level 2 magic is almost like scratching an itch for it.

When Long Yi arrived, he didn't say anything else, he first used a dark level 3 magic corrosion technique to corrode the wild boar's thick pigskin, and then used a level 4 fire magic flaming arrow to pierce it through the heart, and then reluctantly used A level 5 magic ice spell was used to freeze it into an icicle and stand there.

Next, he encountered several F-level fire rabbits, and the experienced Long Yi easily captured them with a few water polo techniques.

"Magic is really a good thing, it's very convenient to use to catch wild game." Long Yi smiled lightly.

Just when he was thinking about roasting a fire rabbit to fill his stomach, Long Yi suddenly smelled a faint smell of blood coming from the wind, he frowned, and his figure searched in the direction of the smell of blood.

Not long after, Long Yi saw more than a dozen disemboweled demon wolf corpses scattered around, and there were traces of being burned all around. The magic wolf is also a kind of wind-type beast, not only very fast, but also can cast wind blades. Demonic wolves live in packs of monsters. There are dozens of small ones, and thousands of large ones. Therefore, although the demonic wolves are only d-level low-ranking monsters, due to their large number and good coordination of offense and defense, most people see them with a certain amount of power. Run as far as you can, and if you are besieged by a pack of demon wolves, you will be blessed.

At this moment, Long Yi heard the sound of fighting and the howling of demonic wolves not far away, and his figure flashed to that side. Along the way, Long Yi found dozens of corpses of demon wolves. It seemed that this was a large pack of demon wolves, possibly hundreds or even thousands of demon wolves.

Long Yi carefully suppressed his breath, and poked his head out behind a small mound.

"Mom, is today a big gathering of demonic wolves?" Long Yi couldn't help but be speechless when he saw the black pack of demonic wolves, and roughly estimated that there were at least more than 2,000 wolves.

When Long Yi saw the people besieged in the center, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment,

It was her, the beautiful female swordsman who was hostile to him in that small town. At this time, she was already in a state of distress, her fiery red leather armor had been damaged in many places, and her body was covered with dark red blood. I don't know if it was her own or the demon wolf's. There were already demon wolves falling around her. . Her red unicorn stood faithfully behind her, also covered in scars.

When Long Yi poked his head out, the wolves had already stopped attacking, and were staring at this man. While the girl was panting and holding the huge sword, light blue fighting energy flashed on the sword, the difference was that the appearance of the light blue fighting energy seemed to be covered with a layer of hot flames.

Long Yi glanced at the pack of wolves, and noticed that there was a mighty silver-white fur-colored demon wolf in the center of the pack, it was much taller and bigger than ordinary demon wolves, presumably this was the wolf king. Long Yi also noticed that there were four small silver demon wolves under the wolf king, presumably they were its children.

"Wow." The Demon Wolf King raised his head and let out a long howl, which caused the leaves to fall down one after another. Hearing the roar of the wolf king, other demon wolves started to attack, and saw countless wind blades flying towards the female swordsman like rain with a sharp sound of piercing through the air. At the same time as the wind blade was released, dozens of demon wolves chased after the wind blade and rushed towards the female swordsman.

"You're so fucking smart, to have a magic attack and a physical attack at the same time, this little girl is in big trouble." Long Yi thought to himself, in fact, he was inconceivable that this girl could support more than two thousand magic wolves for so long, even if Even a great swordsman can't afford to walk around. Think about it, if more than two thousand wind blades are in full swing, it would be strange not to cut them into a pile of rotten meat?

Long Yi also really wanted to go down to save people, but it had to be saved. Long Yi asked himself that he didn't have such a great ability, if he had half the skill in his previous life, he dared to take the risk to try, now he went down to die or die, Long Yi's sense of justice is not enough to save a stranger regardless of the danger of his life To the point that he's not that great.

Just when Long Yi thought that the female swordsman was doomed, a burst of red light suddenly appeared from her body. The red light formed a shield to protect her and the unicorn. When countless wind blades touched this layer of red light, just disappear into nothingness.

Yu Feng half-closed her beautiful eyes, and her whole body was already drenched in sweat. It was not the first time she had traveled through this forest, and she had encountered a pack of demon wolves before, but she had never encountered a pack of wolves on such a large scale. It has begun to fail, and the phoenix enchantment sealed by the phoenix jade in the family can't last long.

Looking at the ferocious pack of demon wolves, Yu Feng felt a little desperate. She knew she couldn't last long, and she and her unicorn would soon be torn to pieces by these pack of demon wolves, leaving no bones left.

Drink, Yu Fengqiang cheered up and let out a coquettish drink. The giant sword swallowed light blue battle energy, and the outer layer of flames suddenly became hot under the urging of battle energy, forming a phoenix-shaped red flame that instantly separated more than a dozen demon wolves. The demon wolf from behind pounced even more frantically.

In this way, dozens of demon wolves were beheaded, and Yu Feng also had several wounds on his body.

"Phoenix fighting spirit? People from the Phoenix family in Guangming City!" Long Yi said in surprise. This Phoenix family is a family that is independent from the royal court of the Kuanglong Empire. Equally famous, and contrary to the mad dragon fighting qi which is suitable for men to practice, the Phoenix fighting qi can only be cultivated by women to exert its greatest power.

ps: The ranking has dropped by several places, brothers who have votes, please vote for the second one.

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