Womanizing Mage

Chapter 25 Relieving the Crisis

Long Yi frowned, seeing the girl's fighting spirit getting weaker and weaker, he couldn't bear it, but facing such a large group of demonic wolves, what could he do? Long Yi sighed softly in his heart and was about to turn around and leave, he didn't want to see such a beauty disappear in front of him.

At this moment, the four little wolves beside the Silver Wolf King were imitating their attacking posture and playing with each other, two of them unknowingly ran towards the direction where Long Yi was hiding. The Silver Wolf King stood still and yelled at the two little wolves, probably telling them to go back, but the two naughty little guys looked back and started fighting again.

Long Yi, who was about to leave, stopped turning around after seeing the two little demon wolves getting closer and closer to him, and a bold idea flashed in his mind. If these two little guys were caught and threatened the Silver Wolf King, wouldn't this little beauty of the Phoenix family be saved?

Long Yi calculated the distance, he was 70% sure that he could catch the two little devil wolves. Seeing that the girl was going to be unable to hold on anymore, Long Yi didn't hesitate any more, and added two Gale Techniques to himself one after another, transporting the Universe to the peak, and his body flew out like a ghost, leaving afterimages in the air .

At this time, the Silver Wolf King had already sensed the danger, roared furiously and sent out several silver wind blades to strike Long Yi who was trying to attack his child. Long Yi was prepared early on, a level 5 earth-type defensive magic earth wall technique was cast instantly, and a thick earth wall rose from the ground to block the wind blade. But Long Yi obviously underestimated the strength of the wind blade of the Silver Wolf King. The level 5 earth wall technique was penetrated as easily as thin paper, and the silver wind blade attacked Long Yi unabated.

In desperation, Long Yi had no choice but to give up the two little devil wolves for the time being, his body twisted twice like an illusion, and shot over dangerously. But during this interval, the two little demon wolves were already running towards their mother, the Silver Wolf King. The Silver Wolf King also sent out a powerful wind blade towards Long Yi again, trying to stop him.

Seeing that the two little demon wolves were about to escape, Long Yi used the mental attack he was best at in his previous life in a hurry, and his substantial mental power instantly restrained the running little demon wolf in place. Feeling the wind blade flying towards him, Long Yi knew that he couldn't delay any longer, bit his steel teeth and flew forward to grab the little devil wolf in his hand, and then a lazy donkey rolled to avoid the powerful wind blade.

There was a sound of "pushing", the sound of the wind blade cutting through the muscles, and blood flowed profusely from Long Yi's back. With a muffled snort, Long Yi grabbed a little demon wolf's neck with one hand, stood up and faced the large pack of black demon wolves, and Jun's face showed a hint of excited grin.

Desperate feeling, very cool. Long Yi grabbed the two little demon wolves and shook them, the poor little thing kicked its legs in the air, and let out a whining sound from its throat.

After this change, the pack of wolves attacking the girl stopped, and they all surrounded her with fierce eyes. The young girl was already at the end of her life, and passed out after the wolves dispersed. Before she passed out, she vaguely saw a tall and straight figure.

Seeing the pack of demon wolves slowly encircling them, Long Yi slowly clenched the big hand that was holding the little demon wolf's throat. The little devil wolf struggled cooperatively and whined in pain.


"The silver wolf king screamed, and the two thousand demon wolves surrounding him immediately backed away, leaving Long Yi far away. The silver wolf king Subaru strode over, staring at Long Yi's hands with loving and worried eyes. of the two children.

Woohoo, Silver Wolf King looked at Long Yi beggingly, wagging his tail.

"You want me to let them go?" Long Yi smiled while holding the two little devil wolves, his smile was a bit evil, the wound on his back that was still dripping with blood was thanks to this silver wolf king.

The Silver Wolf King nodded as if he understood, then turned his head and growled twice behind him. Immediately, two demon wolves turned around and burrowed into the dense forest.

Long Yi was stunned for a while, could it be that the Silver Wolf King was still planning to send reinforcements?

"Go away, I'll let them go when I'm in a good mood." Long Yi shouted to the Silver Wolf King, but this time the Silver Wolf King looked at him in confusion, not knowing what he was talking about.

Long Yi smiled self-deprecatingly, he thought that the Silver Wolf King could understand everything when he really became a master. Long Yi carried the two little demon wolves, and walked towards the unconscious girl on the ground step by step.

The girl's face was a little flushed, and her breath was short of breath, presumably due to exhaustion and fever caused by excessive blood loss. The girl's leather armor was torn in many places, exposing the white as snow skin inside, especially the leather armor on the chest was more cracked, and most of her round and tender breasts were exposed to the air, and there was a long strip of breast on the left breast. The long wound was bleeding, which made Long Yi's heart ache, and he cursed these demon wolves for not knowing how to pity and cherish jade.

The scarred unicorn next to the girl is neighing softly with its head on the girl's waist, presumably calling for the owner to wake up. Just as Long Yi was looking at the girl, the two demon wolves who were called away by the Silver Wolf King for some reason came back with something in their mouths. Under the command of the Silver Wolf King, they carefully placed the contents of their mouths not far from Long Yi.

Long Yi was stunned, could it be that the Silver Wolf King regarded himself as a kidnapper, and even knew to use ransom in exchange. Long Yi stared at the "ransom" on the ground, the astonishment in his eyes became more and more intense. It was a pitch-black staff and a bundle, and it was unknown which dead man the Silver Wolf King took it from. Long Yi was surprised because of the aura of dark magic emanating from the jet-black staff. In the Canglan Continent, dark magic represents evil existence. Once people practice it, they will attack it in groups. Dark magic can only practice secretly in the dark. Long Yi was very aware of the consequences of being known to practice dark magic, so he only dared to experiment with dark magic in this desolate forest.

Many thoughts flashed through Long Yi's mind, the immediate priority was to take this little girl out of the forest first, he swept the magic wand and bundle into the interspatial ring, saw that the unicorn seemed to be in good spirits, and threw the girl on the horse. On his back, he flew on himself.

This unicorn horse is also quite spiritual, usually it is very proud and would never let anyone but a young girl ride on its back, but at this time it seemed to know that it was an extraordinary time, so it obeyed Long Yi very obediently. The command.

The silver wolf king followed Long Yi from a distance alone, it didn't dare to follow too closely, for fear that Long Yi would be nervous and tear up the ticket.

The unicorn ran wildly with the two for more than an hour, and finally came out of the forest. The Silver Wolf King looked at Long Yi nervously and expectantly at the edge of the forest, hoping that he would release his child.

Long Yi was a little moved, pity the hearts of parents in the world, even monsters are like this, let alone people? Long Yi couldn't help but feel a little sad when he thought of the caring of his mother's parents when they parted. He was a little jealous of the former Ximen Yu.

Long Yi patted the heads of the two little demon wolves, and then let them go.

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