Womanizing Mage

Chapter 26 Fragrant Treatment

The Silver Wolf King took a deep look at Long Yi, then turned his head and led his child towards the depths of the forest.

As the sun sets, the afterglow warms the world with the remaining heat. The wind blows, the leaves rustle, and the shadows of a man and a horse cast two long shadows in the setting sun.

Long Yi first threw himself a light healing technique to stop the wound on his back from bleeding, and by the way threw two for the unconscious chick and her unicorn, but he only knew the basic light healing technique , the effect is not ideal. Long Yi led the unicorn to find a small stream nearby, then carried the girl off the horse and lay flat on the grass. Seeing the girl's frowning eyebrows and the somewhat cold lines on her beautiful face in a coma, Long Yi smiled and patted her face and said to himself: "Even in a coma, you are so arrogant, every girl is still Be gentle."

Long saw that there were several wounds on the girl's body that were still oozing blood, and her face was getting more and more flushed. It seemed that she had a high fever, and if it was too late, she might become an idiot. Long Yi stood up, the pain from the wound on his back made him grit his teeth. He looked around, suddenly his eyes lit up, he strode to the stream, pulled up a small purple grass, chewed it in his mouth, and then smiled happily, he is half an herbal medicine expert , he is sure that this purple grass has the effect of stopping bleeding and promoting muscle growth.

After mashing a large handful of purple grass into a paste, Long Yi first applied it on his back indiscriminately to stop the bleeding. When it was the girl's turn to apply the medicine, Long Yi had a difficult time. There were two deep wounds on the girl's body, one was on the left breast and the other was on the root of the thigh. These two places are the most sensitive places for girls. What if the girl wakes up and wants to die?

Long Yi hesitated for a while, then stretched out his hand and began to untie the girl's tight leather armor. It's important to save lives, I will be a guest doctor for a while, the doctor is a parent's heart. Long Yi said to himself in his heart.

But soon Long Yi discovered that doctors' parents were full of bullshit. He didn't believe that those doctors didn't have dirty thoughts in their minds when they checked the bodies of beautiful girls and young women, at least he had... Long Yi stared blankly Looking at the two firm breasts that collapsed without restraint, I don't know how much saliva I swallowed. It may be because of fighting spirit, the young girl's breasts are extraordinarily straight and compact, the elasticity is absolutely strong even without touching, and the pink breasts tremble slightly in the wind, even if a saint sees it, it will immediately become animals.

Long Yi is not a saint, but apart from his shortness of breath and the little Long Yi below him being a little stiffer, he is basically still awake. It's not that he became a saint, but the wound on the girl's left breast reminds him all the time. Long Yi took a deep breath, stabilized his swaying mind, grabbed the crushed herbs and applied it to the wound on his left breast. The big hand touched the smooth and elastic skin on the girl's breast, and Long's hand trembled, screaming in his heart.

Long Yi pressed his hand on the girl's left breast, and slowly spread the herbal medicine evenly. The soft and refreshing touch made Long Yi seem to be addicted to touching it, and he woke up suddenly with the soft hiss of the unicorn. Long Yi stared at the girl's nipples, looked at the slightly trembling nipples, flicked his fingers twice lightly, looking at the cherries that stood upright because of the stimulation, Long Yi * He chuckled softly, "What a cute little thing."

Laughing at himself as a pervert, Long Yi grabbed the rags from the wound on the girl's thigh with both hands and tore it open with a bang, revealing a large piece of white and delicate skin other than the wound, a bloody The smell mixed with a trace of unique fragrance floated into Long Yi's nose.

"As the saying goes, smelly men, fragrant women, this is true, the scent of this woman can't even cover the smell of blood." Long Yi murmured.

Separated the girl's legs to apply the medicine, Long Yi was suddenly stunned, it turned out that he might have torn the pants a little too forcefully just now, even the girl's obscene pants were torn apart, a few black and shiny curly hairs were mischievously Came out from the edge. Seeing this beautiful scenery, Long Yi's nose became hot and almost spurted a nosebleed.

"See no evil, see no evil." Long half-closed his eyes and murmured as he wiped the herbs on the wound. Long Yi himself didn't know if it was intentional or not, but his hand was a little bit off, most of his palm was pressed against the center of that soft and mysterious thigh, a trace of heat penetrated through his palm to his heart, and the slight electric current touched Long Yi for a while. trembling. As if instinctively, Long Yi pressed down with his middle finger, but the pressure unexpectedly sank, it turned out that it was directly pressed into the mysterious gap.

**,**, Long Yi groaned in his heart, he was a little reluctant to take out his big hand. With the strength of fighting tigers and lions, Long Yi spit out a mouthful of turbid air and overwhelmed the thoughts in his mind.

"This girl has too much firepower, so it's better to fight." Long Yi quickly applied the herbal medicine to the wound on the girl's thigh, then tore off some rags and bound it up. After everything was done, Long Yi let out a long sigh. In one breath, he hurriedly took out a long gown from the interspatial ring to cover the girl's delicate body that was full of joy.

As for the high fever, Long Yi had no good solution, he could only use his internal strength to protect the girl's vitality, and then use the ice technique to make some ice cubes, wrap them in clothes and apply them on the girl's forehead.

The sun had completely sunk into the horizon, and the night wind was blowing gently, as if gently caressing by a loving mother's hand. Yu Feng moved her eyelashes, and slowly opened her eyes. What she saw was the bright starry sky. The vast feeling made one feel as if she was in the universe, and her heart seemed to be much wider.

"Am I not dead yet?" Yu Feng thought as she felt the tingling pain on her body, and immediately remembered the tall and straight figure who appeared in the pack of demon wolves before she fell into a coma. He must have saved herself.

Yu Feng raised her head with difficulty, and saw a figure lying lazily on the boulder by the stream, with her legs hanging upside down, her hands resting on the back of her head, and she seemed to be biting a piece of grass in her mouth. It's a bit hazy because it's too dark.

"Such a beautiful moonlit night really makes me poetic." The figure suddenly whispered vaguely.

Yu Feng was taken aback. Could it be that he is a bard? Then how did he save himself from the wolves?

At this time, the figure cleared his throat, and suddenly said: Hai, you are all water horses, you have four legs. "

Yu Feng was taken aback when he heard this, and gave a chuckle like a silver bell, which echoed softly in the night sky.

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